Chapter 326: Causality before and after is finally connected

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"What kind of parents are they like?" Shui Ruolan frowned, his face paled slightly, but asked in the old lady's tone.

"That year, the rebels were in chaos, and the border was anxious. Several cities even fell into the hands of the rebels. There were refugees everywhere, there were refugees. There were some army movements. The burning father was transferred at that time. Because of the urgency of the fighting, I temporarily lived in our house after coming here ... "

Mrs. Qin recalled, her eyes fell somewhere in the air, her eyes were slightly bitter!

At that time, everyone was in danger, and no one knew whether the rebels would take down the city. The previous cities were finally broken. The city was full of families and some soldiers who fled.

Qin Wanru's father was transferred to Qin Huaiyong at that time. Because there was no place to live, he temporarily lived in Qin's house, and Mrs. Qin also met the elegant and beautiful woman at that time.

That was Qin Wanru's mother. She was still pregnant at the time. It wasn't obvious. She was holding the young Qin Wanru's hand tightly everywhere when she was scared. It is said that the elders in the family have not been named.

Because in the border, I haven't contacted my family for a long time, so the child's name has been pulled down, and he will be asked to name his elder when he returns to Beijing the next day.

At that time, Mrs. Qin liked to tease Qin Wanru. She followed the young and elegant lady named Zhuozhuo. Although the lady had not said her background, she knew she was extraordinary by looking at her elegant manners and dignified appearance.

After living in Qinfu for a few days, it was said that a person came from Beijing to pick them up. Qin Wanru's biological father asked the wife to take her daughter first, and said that he would then return to Beijing. It is concluded that their husband and wife relationship is excellent.

Unexpectedly, when they were out of town, a wave of chaotic troops rushed in, and the mother and daughter were scattered. When Qin Wanru's father went mad, he went to find someone, but he only found Qin Wanru, the elegant and noble His wife had no news.

The rebels attacked the city, and the city was panic-stricken. A weak woman with several rings did not know where she was rushed. Madam Qin comforted Qin Wanru's biological father at the time, saying that there were still several rings that would be okay, saying Maybe now that she has returned to Beijing, this has reassured her father, but she still does not give up searching.

It didn't take long for Qin Wanru's biological father to have an accident. A spy opened the east gate and the rebels rushed in. Both Qin Huaiyong and Qin Wanru's biological father rushed out to defend the enemy and entrusted Qin Wanru to Mrs. Qin.

Afraid that the rebels would also occupy this city, Mrs. Qin and Qin Wanru both carried a package and secretly went out of the city. There is a separate house in Qinfu outside the city. Go there and hide for a while. Qin Wanru It was then that Mrs. Qin followed.

And this is to say goodbye to her biological father. The two armies battled out. There were arrows flying in the city. After Qin Wanru's biological father blocked an arrow for Qin Huaiyong, he went to death himself, but he was the only one before he died. The daughter entrusted Qin Huaiyong, and Qin Huaiyong also promised to treat her as her own daughter and raise her well.

Later, Qin Huaiyong blocked the rebels, pushed the rebels out of the city, and defended the city. For this reason, the emperor rewarded him as General Ning Yuan, and transferred to Jiangzhou to become the highest sergeant chief there. She also brought her daughter to Jiangzhou.

After that, Qin Mansion had two daughters. Di learned that Qin Wanru's father saved Qin Huaiyong's death. He also repeatedly promised that Qin Wanru would have his own daughter. Only Qin Yuru would have it, and Qin Wanru would also have it. Even if Qin Yuru doesn't have it, she will let Qin Wan have it.

Those sincere feelings let Mrs. Tai's heart relax, thinking that Di Shi is also a famous lady, and she was born a daughter. She should be kind to Qin Wanru, so she remembered Qin Wanru in Di Shi ’s name , Became another daughter born to Di Shi.

Qin Fu's origin is not in Jiangzhou. Since the people of Qin Fu said that they had two daughters, naturally everyone thought that Di had two daughters. In fact, Qin Wan was not a daughter of Qin Fu.

At that time, Qin Wanru had a Fenghua glazed candle in her package. Di had seen it. Originally, Di wanted to keep it in her hands. The old lady thought about it and put it away for her. She kept it for herself and later wanted to Secretly found Qin Wanru's life based on this Fenghua Liuli.

Helpless to find and find, Fenghua glazed beetles are rare, but they are not without them. There are also such phoenix glazed beets in the large family in Jiangzhou area. This Fenghua Liuzhan was sent to the meditation hall and offered to the Buddha. From then on, he dedicated Qin Wan as his granddaughter.

After so many years, no one has come to find Qin Wanru. There must be no relatives. The wife should have died in the war. At the same time, why let the child know his own life and do n’t know if he can Happily living is also a kind of happiness.

The old lady thought so, because she felt sorry for her parents' death, and because Qin Huaiyong lost her biological father, so she was especially good to Qin Wan, and even hurt her as a pearl in her palm, but did not expect that Di Shi would be so vicious, Not only did he not take Qin Wanru as his biological daughter, but he also secretly and viciously dealt with Qin Wanru.

After listening to the old lady's words, Shui Ruolan's heart was also very heavy. There seemed to be a lot of pressure on her heart. She didn't feel relieved, bit her lip, and depressed her heart's sorrow because of the old lady's words. Find your own voice: "Mother, do you see Yu Ru and her sister doing it in order to seek an identity?"

The old lady wiped her tears with a papa, and her expression calmed down: "Only in our house is it not like Yong'er was born, and his age is younger than Yuru, but now Yuru is out of the house The rumors of life, how could Ruyi be such a person with Di's heart, and Yuru is not a willing temper, and if he is really beaten by Di, it will inevitably cause trouble! "

The words in my heart have been lingering for so many years. After speaking, the old lady felt that her heart was not so heavy, and she also felt that Qin Yuru was in trouble today.

"Ruo Lan, is it true that your burning life is related to the Xingguo Government? This has let Di's know, so she thought before that she wanted to get Fenghua Liulen from me?"

The old lady asked in a low voice.

The cause and effect are so connected, even if the old lady has never thought about it before, at this time I can't help thinking about it. The relationship between Dizhong in Beijing is much clearer than her, and when Qin looks like his parents, how do you think? It ’s like the family members of the Beijing Central Family went out to practice in Beijing. As for why they have n’t communicated with Beijing Central for many years and did n’t even give their daughter a name, this is not something Mrs. Qin can guess.

"Mother, let me inquire about the Xingguo government?" Shui Ruolan thought for a while.

"Okay, that's all it can be!" The old lady nodded, thinking after thinking about it, "you can do it in private, don't let anyone know! Yonger don't say it for now!"

"Yes, mother, I know!" Shui Ruoqiang smiled, his voice choked, his head slowly lowered.

The old lady sighed and patted Shui Ruolan's thinned shoulders. Even if she was pregnant, Shui Ruolan didn't seem to have flesh, but it made people feel thinner and thinner.

"If you remember, you must tell me something, even if I may not be able to help you, at least I am with you, try not to let you be wronged!"

In a few words, Shui Ruolan's tears endured one by one, and she stretched out her hand to hold the old lady. Wanyan thousand words seemed to be near her mouth, but she choked for a few times and still didn't say a word.

Mrs. Qin sighed, pulled her hand back, and gently patted her to calm her, then frowned and groaned. Did Di Shi really find a burning relative? If so, she will never let Di and his mother succeed.

For so many years, Di Shi has not taken Zhuo Zhuo as her biological daughter. Now she wants to **** the blood relatives who belong to Zhuo Zhuo. The old lady can't hide her anger ...

The carriage in the back was also moving slowly. In the carriage, Qin Yuru turned proudly the blood jade bracelet in her hand, looked up at Qin Wanru who sneered at her, and sneered, "Did you feel special envy?"

"No envy!" Qin Wanru said faintly, "Qin Yuru, if you grab Qi Rongzhi's limelight today, aren't you afraid that Qi Rongzhi will hit you again?"

This remark made Qin Yuru think of a scene of humiliation, and his face immediately became blue. "Qi Rongzhi really thought it was in the eyes of Mrs. Xingguo? But it was collected at will!"

"What about you? Wouldn't you also think that you really got into the eyes of Mrs. Xingguo?" Qin Wanru looked at her with a slight scorn in her eyes, which made Qin Yu feel despised, I could not help but retort, "Of course Mrs. Xingguo will see me and love me, and I will go to Xingguo Mansion ..."

"Is there a difference from Qi Rongzhi?" Qin Wanru interrupted her eyes, her long eyelashes flickered twice, and Yin Hong's lips ticked.

"Of course it's different, Qi Rongzhi is not true ..." Qin Wanru was so slighted that Qin Yuru's face became red.

"Can't you be true?" Qin Wanru politely interrupted this remark.

"Why am I not true ..." Qin Yuru retorted quickly.

"Don't say it, you won't feel that you are still the granddaughter of Xingguo Government! You really think!" Qin Wanru interrupted her again this time, looking up at the window and talking to herself. Said, "This day is still big day, how can I dream!"

She was interrupted several times, and she did n’t say what she wanted to say. She was so ridiculous that she had daydreaming. Qin Yu's face was flushed, her hands pushed out fiercely, and she said, "Why can't I It's true! Qin Wanru, when I let you kneel on the ground and let me step on my face, see if you still ask me! "

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