Chapter 1003: On the road to drama?

Chapter 1003: On The Road To Drama?

"What is fainting and what is fainting?"

Chen Qingzhi couldn't understand what Mu Jingxing was doing.

And Mu Jingxing, after asking that sentence suddenly, his mind became clearer and clearer--

He clearly remembered the reason why Ruan Mengmeng ’s ‘fainting’ was getting better, and he clearly remembered the ‘secret’ that Ruan Mengmeng had told him.

Therefore, the person who caused all this is Yuejun Yu!

Because of him, Mengmeng ...

"Jingxing, Aunt Qing is asking you something, what are you doing there?" Deng Ruohua saw Mu Jingxing for a long time and moved him gently.

Who knew Mu Jingxing rushed directly to the door as soon as he returned to God.

"Jingxing, Jingxing, what are you doing and where are you going!"

Mu Jingxing was running headless and fast.

The moment he rushed out, the blue veins on his forehead were all violent, and both hands clenched their fists.

"Mu Jingxing, you come back, don't go ..."

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly came over, Mu Jingxing what was going to do.

She was suddenly stunned by Mu Jingxing just a moment ago.

At this time when she remembered that she was going to chase, it was too late.

Not to mention, and Chen Qingzhi grabbed her hand—

"Ruan Mengmeng, don't go, you can tell me clearly. What Jingxing said just now, what halo calculations has to do with your college entrance examination!

"I ..." the girl hesitated, not wanting to tell Chen Qingzhi.

Ruan Mengmeng is most afraid of Chen Qingzhi's tears.

As soon as her mother cried, she relented.

The girl was stubborn, but only in the presence of Chen Qingzhi and Deng Ruohua.

Regarding how Qin Fang tossed her when she was a child, she also had a feeling of insecurity and conditioned reflexive resistance to the numbers.

Eventually suffered from the truth of the rare "fainting" symptoms and spoke up.

However, Ruan Mengmeng didn't mention the kiss of the man that could relieve the haze.

That man ... that ... She even felt distressed when she said those three words.

Never want to mention it again.


"Abominable, Qin Fang's woman is just a demon. She didn't even let the children go. She was clearly abusive. It was against the law! Qingzhi, it's me, I blame me for being wrong ... It was because I didn't think of Mengmeng for you. That made her ... "

After hearing Ruan Mengmeng's words, Deng Ruohua hated his teeth.

"No, don't blame you. Blame the Ruan family for betrayal. Blame Ruan Zhaotian's desire for love. With Qin Fang, he even forgot to promise me ... He and Ruan Zhongqi Mingming promised me, will Take good care of Meng Meng ... but how long did I go at that time, he actually let Qin Fang that woman bully my daughter like this! "

Talking about this, Chen Qingzhi couldn't help but got up and went to the Ruan family to work hard with Qin Fang and settle accounts with Ruan Zhaotian.

"Mom, don't go ... the exams are all over, and my illness has been suffering for so many years. What's the point of saying these now?"

Seeing Chen Qingzhi's disapproval, Ruan Mengmeng quickly shifted the topic.

"Now it's important, and it's not going to be held accountable. We ... we might as well see, where can I go if I don't go to wisdom? My overall score is not very low, and there are many other schools to choose from. "

"What else to choose ... It's not intellectual, it's useless to go to school!" Chen Qing said, resentfully.

Deng Ruohua, who heard the conversation between the mother and daughter, asked tentatively: "Meng Meng, do you ... like acting? Your score may be problematic for you to attend the School of Intellectual Studies, but if you want to enter the School of Drama of Intellectual Studies, it should be just right. "

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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