Chapter 1006: Is this indifferent concern?

Chapter 1006 Is This Apathetic Concern?

"... That's the way, because of Qin Fang's witch, Meng Meng will suffer from this strange mental illness. For so many years, no one can cure her, even sister Shi Shi."

"Only you, only after you kissed her, her dizziness suddenly disappeared. Although we don't know the reason, this thing is so amazing ..."

"But Yuejun Yu, I really want to bring her this magical person, not you. If it weren't for you and changed someone else, Mengmeng would not be so painful. Since you kissed her at the beginning, you should not let it go Drive her. Do you know that without you, she lost not only love, but also her efforts, her pride, her studies ... "

Mu Jingxing didn't know where he had the courage.

Obviously Yuejun Yu's complexion has become heavier and harder and harder.

From the narrow and deep eyes, the cold air that radiated almost made Mu Jingxing's lips tremble, and his speech was knotted.

But after all, he still held his breath and spoke out all the complaints in his heart.

He's going to be upset for Mengmeng.

He wants to get justice for Mengmeng!


When he finished the indignant accusations, the man who originally thought he would show remorse and annoyance raised his eyelids coldly.

Li Junyu raised his eyes and said indifferently, "Did you finish?"

"Ha?" Mu Jingxing was dumbfounded, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

"You ... did you ask me to finish? You are still not human and have no conscience. Shouldn't you be upset and regret at this time, say you are wrong, say ..."

"Looks, you're finished." After Li Junyu spit out these words, the window rose slowly.

"Hey, hey, Yuejun Yu, wait, I haven't finished, I haven't finished ... Do you not worry about Mengmeng, don't you care where she lives now? Yuejun Yu ... "

Mu Jing patted the car window vigorously, but the dark glass windows completely isolated Li Junyu and the world outside the car.

Maybach restarted.

This time, Mu Jingxing never had a chance to catch up--

The guards rushed away because of the news.

The sound behind was completely inaudible in the car.

And witnessing the whole process, Ling Bei turned back timidly: "Master, that ..."

Li Jun's silent, sea-like eyes swept coldly at him.

Ling Bei knew her, closed her mouth.


One day later, the doorbell was ringing in the cabin on the river.

Ruan Mengmeng opened the door and saw a face that surprised her.


"Ms. Mengmeng, hello, it's been a long time. That ... is it convenient for me to come in?"

Wearing a formal dress, Ling Bei crossed his hands respectfully before him, nodding towards Ruan Mengmeng.

"I ..." The girl suddenly sank and changed her voice: "Inconvenient."

Ling Bei: "..."

Вдруг, мисс Мэнмэн, не приносите это!

Это Сяо Линбэй, Сяолин Бэй, который стоял рядом с ней.

Как может мисс Мэнмэн быть такой, даже если она ссорится с молодым мастером, она не может провести с ним черту. ?

Лин Бэй пытался сказать два хороших слова и умолять Руань Мэнмэн.

Нежный голос, полный радости, раздался позади Руань Мэнмэн.

«Да, разве это не Линбэй? Линбэй, Линбэй, иди сюда, входи скорее... почему ты вдруг пришел сюда, Яоян вернулся, он вдруг передумал и забрал меня обратно?»

«Проходите, скорей садитесь... Посидим, поговорим...»

[Завершите обновление, увидимся завтра в 8 вечера]

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