Chapter 2025: She gradually realized the pain (2)

Chapter 2025: Gradually Feeling Pain (2)

But now, compared to life-saving and scared, Duan Xiuhui cares more about his shares.

She looked up at Zhan Yang, trying to get protection from her husband.

Unfortunately, Zhan Yang only glanced at her and said to Ruan Mengmeng: "Okay, everyone will listen to you. Beacon Group's board of directors will officially remove the board member Duan Xiuhui from today."

"You ... Zhan Yang, you can't do this to me!" Duan Xiuhui did not expect that Zhan Yang could even agree to such a request. She was full of tears, and her distorted face, which had been angered and jealous, was wet with tears.

"I'm your wife, and I'm a well-honoured Mrs. Zhan. You can't do this to me ... Zhan Yang, you can't ..." She has followed Zhan Yang since she was so young. She has always been his man, and he cannot do it for himself The so-called 'great cause' abandoned her completely.

Zhan Yang was indifferent, saying without a trace of emotion: "Jiaer is ill, and you happen to be able to take good care of her at home. You don't need to ask about the group's affairs. You will not need to attend the board meeting in the future."

"Impossible! I have the shares of Beacon Group. I am the second largest shareholder except you. I ..."

Before Duan Xiuhui finished speaking, Zhan Yang coldly cut off: "Now, you are no longer. I will give 20% of the shares to Mengmeng, and she will be the second largest shareholder from now on. As for you ... because Mengmeng and I were collectively impeached. You are no longer eligible to appear on the board. "

"No ... Zhan Yang, you can't be so cruel, I'm your wife, I ..."

"If you remember that you are my wife, take care of your words and actions!" Zhan Yang's voice was as cold as ice.

At that moment, Duan Xiuhui heard his anger, not knowing whether he was accusing her of telling the truth to Zhan Mo or whether she was liquidating her and killed Ruan Mianmian.

But at that moment, Duan Xiuhui felt a kind of fear, a kind of fear that arose from deep inside.

"Mrs., offended." The two hands that appeared suddenly, the expressionless below, took away the still crying Duan Xiuhui.

Ruan Mengmeng stopped there, watching Duan Xiuhui coldly.

Her eyes were cold and ruthless, with few ups and downs.

"Meng Meng ..." Zhan Yang seemed to want to talk to her.

Ruan Mengmeng said coldly, "I'm tired, go back to my room to rest first and take a look at the triplets ... notify me when I want to have a meeting."

Zhan Yang: "... wait, Dad wants to talk to you."

Ruan Mengmeng stopped, and her beautiful eyebrows were lightly unhappy.

"What to talk about?" She had some inexplicable anxieties now and didn't want to be disturbed.

Zhan Yang didn't care about Ruan Mengmeng's slightly impatient attitude. He knew why his daughter behaved this way. He said patiently: "Dad wants to tell you that your request is done by your father, and that father's request What about my father's three grandchildren? In the future, they will inherit the Beacon Group. It is really difficult to recharge, call, and give away such names.

Mengmeng, whether for you, for dad, for company or for triplets, they should also have a more formal, pleasing name. "

Zhan Yang's words are right, but this is in Ruan Mengmeng's ears, but can't help but overlap with another voice.

She seemed to hear a low magnetic voice belonging to a young man, turning in her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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