Chapter 2049: Reporter asked

Chapter 2049 Reporter Asking About His Life

In Zhan Yang's will, all the equity assets were left to Ruan Mengmeng.

Prior to this, Zhan Yang, who had always been cautious, was particularly optimistic about Ruan Mengmeng for her excellent work performance and the calmness after the unexpected death of Li Junyu and Chen Qingzhi.

This time, the press conference not only created the position for Ruan Mengmeng in advance, but also gave her the executive president who has part of the decision-making power of the company.

Zhan Yang even gave 20% of the shares to Ruan Mengmeng in advance.

Don't underestimate this move. You must know that Duan Xiuhui has been marrying Zhan Yang for many years, and she has rescued Zhan Yang from country S by all means and means. He accompanied him to establish a commercial kingdom such as the Beacon Group, but only holds 10% of the shares.

Zhan Mo, Zhan Yang's most promising heir, also owns only 5% of the shares.

51% of the entire Beacon Group is in the hands of Zhan Yang. Before he is about to die, he is not prepared to give his shares to anyone.

Zhan Yang is a man who is used to controlling absolute authority and absolute control.

However, Ruan Mengmeng's appearance changed his original intention.

When Zhan Yang announced on the spot that she would transfer 20% of the shares to Ruan Mengmeng, Zhan Jiaer, sitting next to her, clutched the skirt on her lap tightly, so that she was not jealous and angry. , Stop Dad.

The mother has been taken away and is likely to have been placed on file by the police.

My elder brother doesn't care who the shares are, and in his eyes I'm afraid that Ruan Mengmeng can get the shares of the Beacon Group.

No one at the top of the company here dared to disobey his father, and all the dissenting old men were eliminated by him in advance.

However, Duan Xiuhui's ending is in front of her eyes.

Even if Zhan Jiaer had already hated her eyes, she did not dare to show any dissatisfaction in front of Zhan Yang.

In the past, she thought her father loved herself, so she was arrogant and thought that she would tolerate no matter how she behaved.

But now that I know Zhan Yang is not a good father in the traditional sense, I have seen how my mother was left behind.

Zhan Jiaer became more careful and patient.

"Meng Meng, congratulations ... From today on, you are the next successor of the Beacon Group. Dad puts his efforts into your hands, and you must carry it forward."

After signing the last handover document, Zhan Yang handed in the equity transfer letter and the letter of appointment of the group president to Ruan Mengmeng.

In the witness of media from all walks of life, the senior management of the group, the corporate legal group and notaries, Ruan Mengmeng calmly took the certificate from Zhan Yang.

The transfer ceremony was successfully completed, and finally came to the most popular questioning section of the media.

Media from all over the world have long been attracted by the identity represented by the words 'Ruan Mengmeng'.

Someone asked Zhan Yang's "Ruan Mengmeng" why his surname is Ruan, and some questioned how "Ruan Mengmeng" as an actor could be qualified as the president of the group.

Someone directly asked the truth and asked Ruan Mengmeng's life experience.

The first few questions were answered by Ruan Mengmeng.

It ’s the last question. Before Zhan Yang answers, Ruan Mengmeng turned on the microphone on the interview platform: "My life is complicated, but it is not complicated. I am indeed not my father's marriage, but neither Abominable illegitimate daughter, my biological mother and I are but tragic victims. "

(End of this chapter)

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