Chapter 995: Flying

Chapter 995: Flying

No wonder the boss was so surprised.

Although the whole society is now promoting equality between men and women.

But in the e-sports world, female players do have a slightly lower overall level of play than male players.

Not to mention in the player circle, almost every club is a male player.

Although some clubs have specially formed women's teams, the actual effect is not good. The effect of vases and advertisements is far greater than the actual combat ability.

Therefore, the boss saw that Ruan Mengmeng's crispness just now was obviously a veteran's sniper action, and he was so surprised.

Occasional luck may make a headshot.

But just now, when the young girl sniped in one go, she acted like water, but she was so skilled.

Not to mention, even at that moment, even the Internet cafe owner with many years of gaming experience did not see the head hidden in the upper right corner of the screen.

The young girl, however, was able to make a decisive decision, suddenly stopped while running, and took away the other side with a shot.

right now--

When she killed an opponent, she also exposed her position.

Her enemies are more than just the one who just died.

Immediately, several bullets fired at her hidden corner.

‘Well, this little girl, it ’s almost cold now…’

The boss combined his rich gaming experience and made a very positive judgment.

However, the next second, the villain in the picture suddenly ran towards the low building on the left front.

Supporting the wall with his left hand, he climbed the next wall with a two-step jump and went up to the roof.

A simple action, use the first overturned wall as a shelter to avoid stray bullets behind you, and use the next wall as a two-step jump to support the upper roof.

The owner of the Internet cafe was secretly surprised. Just now, he almost shouted 'Caution', afraid that the young girl would just get up from the first wall to the roof of the second floor.

But the girl's next move made him find that his worry was unnecessary.

In such a critical situation, such a decisive and calm prediction can be made.

While the boss was thinking so, the game characters controlled by Ruan Mengmeng had already climbed to the roof.

She lay down, aiming her gun.


Because of the terrain, her eyes were blocked by the crown of a large tree in front.

With the cover of the canopy, although the opponent can't hit her, she can't hit the other.

‘It ’s good to be able to avoid the chase that was just now. What counterattack do you want? It ’s better to lie on the roof and wait for the other side to relax. ’

The boss watched Ruan Mengmeng be wiped off a small amount of his blood by the stray bullet just now, facing his face and analyzing secretly.

Unfortunately, the girl's approach will never be guessed by the bearded boss.

When I saw the villain controlled by Ruan Mengmeng reloaded the magazine, he suddenly ran to the left of the roof.

As she ran, down the empty dirt slope, gunfire shot up.

‘Fat, running in such a high and obvious place, that ’s not telling the other party that I ’m here. ’

The boss was excited, holding both palms of instant noodles, could not help.

If he wasn't facing his face, he could not wait to go up, grab Ruan Mengmeng's keyboard and mouse, and help her operate.

‘What does this little girl want to do? They all ran to the edge of the roof. Why not stop? It ’s not that you were panicked by God, forgot to stop? ’

The boss is nervous, we must remind Ruan Mengmeng.

Seeing the villain in the computer screen, not only kept on his feet, but also speeded up.

I saw the little man, and suddenly jumped out from the left side of the roof.

When she jumped out of the roof, she would stay in the air for more than half a second, less than a second or so.

And that's less than a second.

The owner of the Internet cafe saw that the villain was controlled by Ruan Mengmeng and opened the sniper rifle's aiming lens in the air.

Open the mirror!

Flying Sniper! !! !!

[Before 22:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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