Chapter 1438: Lolo, do you say I’m too cruel

Chapter 1438 Luo Luo, You Say I Am Too Cruel

At dinner, Nian Xi thought that Jiang Yining was going to be undercover, and he had no appetite for dinner.

She can't accept this fact until now.

Jiang Yining had a good appetite, because he was hungry for several days and swept away all the vegetables.

"Don't patronize eating vegetables and eating meat," Nian Xi kept picking vegetables for him, his voice sad. "When you get there, maybe you can't even eat the food."

Jiang Yanning slammed his food down. "Xi Xi, I'm not going to jail."

"I'd rather you go to jail," Nian Xi smiled bitterly.

Come out in jail, wait, this may not be able to wait.

Jiang Yongning: "..."

"Do you know how to be undercover," Nian Xi suddenly asked, "Actually quite complicated ..."

"Don't teach him," interrupted Nian Junting. "His appearance is best to confuse the enemy. At first glance, he is a pure and harmless person."

Nian Xi didn't want to talk to him at all now, and he didn't even look at him, making Nian Junting blame himself.

After dinner, Jiang Yanning pushed Nian Xi to take a walk outside, maybe he will soon leave, he now cherishes the days that can accompany her.

Nian Junting was sitting outside the window, looking at the two people outside, sighing lowly, "Why do you always feel like you are pushing a simple person into the sea of fire, Luo Luo, do you say I'm too cruel If Jiang Yongning really has any shortcomings, Nian Xi may never forgive me for being a brother. "

Junting Ting took a deep look at her and held her hand.


The yard.

Nian Xi looked at the moon in the sky, feeling depressed.

"Su Ning, I have been a policeman for many years. When I was in a police academy, a colleague was transferred to an undercover gang. Later ... I have never returned."

When it came to the back, she felt a severe tingling in her heart.

Jiang Mining scratched his head. "But you haven't been afraid to be a policeman because of that."

Nian Xi was silent for a while, yes, although it was dangerous to be a police officer, she was also full of pride and justice.

"Your brother may be right, in fact, I'm not that fragile," Jiang Yanning suddenly clenched his trousers. "I was 12 years old and followed my father to work in Vietnam. As a result, their laboratory exploded. I was right at the time. After playing in the laboratory, after the explosion, I was fortunate not to die, but was buried below for ten days and ten nights before being rescued. "

Nian Xi was shocked, she never knew he had happened like this.

Jiang Yanning slowly squatted to her side, hugging his knees with both hands. "It's dark underneath everywhere. After a few days, I don't know at all. I can only move within a small range, just turn around and stand still not enough. It was very depressing. I was very scared. I kept crying and crying and wanted to be rescued by me, but no one knew that I was below, because several uncles and aunts who knew me at the laboratory were dead, and my dad was unconscious. My mother was stargazing on Mount Cook in New Zealand. There was no signal and I could not reach her. I was thirsty and hungry. I could only drink my own blood and my own urine ... "

Second more. . There are only two more today. Waiting to take the baby, Khan. I can only let everyone understand.

In addition, from tomorrow to the 8th, I will change the number of words for the time being, because I want to change the 9th. Recently, I have desperately saved the draft. If readers find it difficult to wait, I can do nothing about it. .

(End of this chapter)

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