Chapter 1051: I beg you! (One)

After being stunned by Xia Xia, Gu Lingsha was very uncomfortable. The people in the material department had been calling to urge the materials.

On the evening of the same day, Gu Lingsha finally managed to sort out the accumulated documents. Qin’s secretary knocked on the door and walked in –

"The ancient manager, the manager of the Ministry of Materials, Li, called and urged. The batch of materials can only support the day after tomorrow. If the materials are not in place, I am afraid that construction will be suspended. The government on the other side may have to Come over and inspect, Qi always deliberately explained, we must take the best state..."

Secretary Qin’s tone was a bit flustered.

From the summer night after eating the squatting back, Gu Lingsha’s temper is very bad. I have inquired about it. No one has taken the law out of such a large amount of materials, and this time Southwest The side is catching up with the rainy season, and the transportation of materials has become a problem. Otherwise, she will not directly contact Huaheng for this batch of materials, but she does not want to sleep in the summer night!

Gu Lingsha was very troublesome and slammed the documents in his hand to the table.

"After three or five reminders, you let them give me a little peace of mind, the material thing I will solve soon."

"Ancient manager, but..."

"Not too fast! What?"

Gu Lingsha's tone is somewhat gloomy.

This time, Qin Secretary retired with some fear.

Gu Lingsha's somewhat frustrated ten fingers buckled into his hair. After thinking for a long time, he finally couldn't help but pick up the mobile phone and dial a number to go out -

That's right, the phone is dialed to Reviver.

When looking at the caller ID on the phone screen, Qi Lei just returned from the B city and is returning to the holy water villa area.

"Qi Shao, is the phone of the ancient manager!"

I thought that Qi Lei was too focused on the scenery outside the window, and Yang Sheng couldn’t help but remind him.

Qi Lei turned his head and glanced at it. He picked up the phone in one hand and hung up directly, shutting down the machine.

"I will use dinner here this evening. I still need to work overtime to sort out the information. I have a morning meeting tomorrow morning, and I don't want to be caught by those people."

Qi Lei did not talk about the phone, but said a few words.

Yang Sheng nodded and silently collected the documents shelved on the side, and put them in the briefcase. On the other hand, "Qi Shao, the family of the Haitian villa before Mr. Wang’s house was good, and the craftsmanship was also very good. And I used to be with Mr. Wang for many years. Otherwise, let him come here to take care of you. If you are busy, you will also forget to eat and sleep. Be careful not to ruin your body."

Yang Sheng said with concern, while looking at Qi Lei.

Wen Yan, Qi Lei was silent, and finally agreed to nod. "On this road, you have not recommended me to him less, and the housekeeper is good. If so, let him come over, by the way, bring a Two servants, the home is too deserted, and many places need to be taken care of."

Qi Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had been reluctant to let others invade his private territory. However, over time, his mood has broadened, especially since his career has slowly started and is developing well. His whole person is no longer as confused as before.

When I heard Qi Lei’s words, Yang Sheng was naturally a little surprised. He couldn’t help but look at Qi Lei, and the eyes seemed to see monsters.

Qi Lei returned to him with a cold eye. "What is your look? Is there something wrong?"

Yang Sheng listened, suddenly smiled, and some happy, "Nothing! Nothing! Just think that your recent state is very good, as if the whole person can understand a lot, if Wang always sees, she will be very happy!"

"She can't see it!"

Qi Lei suddenly sighed and sighed silently and looked out the window. "When the work is stable, I will go see her. Tell her about my efforts during this time, and she should be very happy."

When Qi Lei’s words came out, Yang Sheng immediately said a bunch of miscellaneous.

"Hold the bricks? Hold it for you? Otherwise, I will tell you the media right away? Let the family immediately invite you to join the door-to-door son-in-law?"

Yang Sheng’s words have not been finished yet, and Qi Lei has cast a gloomy look.

Yang Sheng only accepted the words on the spot and did not dare to speak again.

The car quickly drove into the holy water villa area, when the sky was dark outside, and the rows of street lights were lit up on the cement avenue leading to the villa.

Passing through the curved path, the car stopped at the door of a villa.

"Qi Shao, you see, isn't that the ancient manager?"

The car just stopped, not waiting for Qi Lei to get off the bus, and the surprised voice of Yang Sheng passed over.

Qi Lei looked up subconsciously and looked forward.

I saw the street lamp in front of the front door, Gu Lingsha was standing silently carrying the handbag, seeing the lights passed over here, she also looked up and looked over here.

"What is she doing again?"

Qi Lei frowned, said a low sentence.

"It is estimated that there is something urgent."

Yang Sheng remembered that Qi Lei had just hanged up the phone and responded.

"Her news is quite smart, know that I am coming back today!"

After Qi Lei dropped such a sentence, he pushed the car and got off the bus. Yang Sheng followed suit.


When Gu Lingsha saw Qi Lei, he hurriedly greeted him.

"You're back!"

"Ancient manager!"

Yang Sheng also politely greeted her.

"So late, what are you doing here?"

Qi Lei glanced at Gu Lingsha with a sigh of relief, said coldly and faintly, and took out the key in his pocket.

"I am looking for you in a hurry!"

Gu Lingsha's face was a little tight, and she couldn't care much. She looked at him with anxious eyes and silently looked at him.

"A business or a private matter?"

Looking at the anxious Gu Lingsha, Qi Lei took the action, and asked coldly and warmly. "If you have a private matter, there is nothing to say to you. I will wait until I go to work tomorrow, I am very tired."

"No, Qi Lei, I am going to tell you today, I can't wait for the project. Please, let's open the door and talk about it. I don't think you will let me stand here and talk to you?"

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