Chapter 1056: Give you a chance (a)

Qi Lei’s figure quickly disappeared outside the door.

Xi Xia night also held the desk and looked at the empty door for a long time, then slowly sat in the office chair, took a breath, turned the chair and looked to the outside of some gloomy sky, the elegant face seems Some are stunned.

"How can I talk so fast?"

Lan Zilang’s voice quickly passed from behind.

Xi Xia night soon returned to his body, "Uncle Blue."

"I think this Qi Lei is quite good, especially recently. The whole person gave me a feeling of calmness. The old president appreciated him very much. He said that if he is more honed, it will definitely be one of the industry. Put a good hand!"

Lan Zilang praised without hesitation.

"I hope he will not live up to our hopes."

Xi Xia night smiled lightly.

"How is the old president's body? I haven't contacted him for a few days. Is it fun to be in France at this time?"

Lan Zilang handed the drawings in his hand to Xi Xia night and asked with concern.

"It's very good. I don't worry when I walk. I have sent a lot of photos back in the past few days. I look at the smile on his face. I always feel that he is younger. There are still more than half a month, let them have fun." Let's go."

Xi Xia night smiled and took the drawings. "Right, Uncle Blue, the materials in the warehouse will be given in batches as mentioned before."


Lan Zilang said, "Miss Summer Night, since I have done this step, why not just ignore it? This can also make Gu Lingsha face more trouble, and even let them have no idea to tie this up. marriage."

Xi Xia night smiled and slowly leaned back to the back of the chair -

"Where is it so simple? The people behind the Nanjiang No. 2 project are the government people. The business is not fighting with the officials. When they finally ask the government to intervene, things will be too big, and the impact will be very bad. Ok, this time we can only slightly punish it. Once we have completed Qi Lei, and secondly, it is also to let Gu Lingsha worry, killing her prestige, so that she can make her long memory."


Qi Lei returned to Qi Kai as soon as possible, and it was nearing the time of work.

Qi Qiming’s comfortable and luxurious office, Qi Qiming is talking about several engineering and Gu Lingsha’s engineering matters, suddenly –

‘Hey! ’

A knock on the door sounded, followed by a bang, the door was opened, and the tall and straight figure of Qi Lei came into view. He still had a document in his hand and was striding into the meteor.

"Qie Lei!"

Gu Lingsha's face was staring at the figure of Qi Lei, and the beautiful little face soon became a happy color.

Qi Lei threw the documents in his hand to the table in front of Qi Qiming. The silent voice was cool. "The requirements and conditions of Fuhua are on the top. You can do it. If you agree, I can convince others." Let them ship as soon as possible, otherwise I can't help."

It was said that Gu Lingsha could not wait to grab the documents on the table and looked up. However, soon, her face was gloomy--

"Twenty percent above the original price! Summer night! It's too much, why don't she go robbery? Want to rob the fire?"

The voice of Gu Lingsha’s cold voice came, and the hands holding the document were trembled!

This is the clearing of the pit waiting for her to jump!

This hateful woman!

After being so coldly drinked by Gu Lingsha, Qi Qiming exchanged a look with several shareholder managers and quickly reached out and took the documents. At first glance, several people changed their faces!

"Well, you have a summer night! Counting the calculations, I want to count on Laozi’s head! This is definitely a combination with Huaheng’s old fox to deceive us!”

"Yes, Qi Zong, this Huaheng is simply not putting us in Qikai! We sincerely do business with him, but he always treats us as monkeys!"

"Damn! I heard that the friendship between Shen Yue and Hua Heng is quite good. It is difficult to ensure that they are not united to dig up for us to jump!"

A few people looked at it, and there were some indignations.

Qi Qiming looked cold and cold, and the gloomy eyes kept staring at the conditions on the document, his face was dark and dull.

"This is not a swindle. I am not talking about you. When should I not investigate the information of the partners and start the business with them? I have already checked the information. I am going to get the materials at the fastest speed. It’s really not easy. Look, now, the sky outside is already a bit dark. This time the typhoon comes, the southwest side is even worse. What to do, you will measure it yourself, I have done my best. ”

Qi Lei took a breath and said a little bit low.

Gu Lingsha’s eyes suddenly flickered, and it seemed that some explorations looked at Qi Lei. However, Qi Lei just looked down and cold. "You should discuss it yourself, if you agree, tell me." I said, I told the people of Fuhua that they can give them the answer at noon tomorrow."

Qi Lei left a few words and turned to leave the office.

"Qi Vice President!"

At this time, Gu Lingsha suddenly stopped calling him.

Qi Lei also quickly took the footsteps, did not look back, asked in a low voice, "Is there something else? Ancient manager?"

"Are you sure that you are striving for it? On the summer night, she is clearly the lion's mouth! Don't you see the conditions on the document? You can still come back with such conditions to let us discuss? Qi Vice President, you do things. Is that the ability to do this?"

Тон Гу Линша звучал немного холодно и немного неприятно.

Вэнь Янь, Ци Лэй не выдержал, он ухмыльнулся и посмотрел на Гу Линшу: «Древний менеджер, ты знаешь, с кем ты сейчас разговариваешь? Я вице-президент Ци Кая! Твой босс! Ты понимаешь, почему ты * *** me in such a tone? Who do you think you are? What are you relying on? Past feelings are still the future daughter-in-law of the family? You said to me yesterday. Forgot it? If you want to будь крутым, подожди, пока ты поженишься и вернешься ко мне!»

Ци Лэй очень зол, этот Гу Линша — сумасшедший, который аппетитен после аппетита летней ночи!

After being exposed by Qi Lei, Gu Lingsha’s whole person was shocked so much, his face was ugly, and he was blocked from saying a word.

«Почему это произойдет вот так, ты сам это знаешь! Не всегда обвиняй в этом других, ты вообще неправ! Гу Линша, если ты продолжишь в том же духе, это действительно не спасет. !"

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