Chapter 1057: Give you a chance (2)

Qi Lei slightly lowered his body, and the low opening of the side of Gu Lingsha.

Gu Lingsha's face was very stiff, and he looked at Qi Lei. He just wanted to say something. Qi Lei had straightened his waist and went to the door. "You will tell me the results and tell me."

With such a sentence, the tall figure quickly disappeared at the door.

The faces of several people are somewhat ugly, and the condensed light in the eyes of Qi Qiming is also flickering.

"Qi, what should I do? This Fuhua is too shameless! I think it should be the idea of Shen Yue with those people! Even the last piece of Nanjiang that Huaheng sent us to sell, is not sure, also It’s the ghost they are engaged in. The relationship between Shen Yue and Hua Heng is very subtle. It’s hard to keep the things that they did not!”

"Yeah, Qi, we have to think about it for a long time!"

Several shareholders thought for a while and suggested.

“Notify a few managers and let them go to the meeting room right away!”

Qi Qiming said this in a low voice.

"Okay, let's go!"

This time, several talents quickly left Qi Qiming's office.

At this time, Gu Lingsha returned from the hustle and bustle. When she turned her head and looked at it, she found that Qi Qiming was also looking at her. Her eyes flashed quickly and silently lowered her eyes and lowered her voice. Uncle Qi..."

"What happened when Qi Lei said it?"

Qi Qiming asked in a low voice, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Gu Lingsha subconsciously trembled, and quickly said, "Uncle Qi, I think this may also be related to the unpleasantness of the summer night. I am sorry, she is against me, so this time I am afraid..."

"Okay, don't say these words. Even if they didn't, they would find a way to deal with me."

Qi Qiming is quite comforting. He said, "So you don't have to be too self-blaming. Just pass the difficulties in front of you. Your dad will not stand by and watch your wedding with Afeng. In the past few days, once this matter is resolved, you will rest for a while, take a wedding photo, and the bride's dress should be prepared almost, leaving a good state to be the best bride of Afeng."

Qi Qiming’s words fell, Gu Lingsha only slightly relieved, and nodded quickly. “Yes, Uncle Qi! Rest assured, I will definitely be good to Ah Feng. These years, people who have always accompanied me have always been He, so I..."

Gu Lingsha's eyes are full of sincerity, Qi Qiming looked, the whole person has also eased a lot.

"You can have this cognition naturally is the best, you can rest assured that if you guard Afeng, always support him with him, you will not suffer. I am too old, since your aunt Wang left After that, I often feel very tired and sleepy in my heart, I think I should also retreat and have a good rest. Such a big Qi Kai, in the end still need A Feng still in charge, Qi Lei, to make him a good assistant to A Feng. The last thing I want to see is that their brothers and two are once again on my way to your aunt Wang."

Qi Qiming said that there seems to be some complicated glory in the dark eyes. Gu Lingsha can hear a faint sense of sorrow from his tone. When he thinks about it, he advises, " Uncle Qi rest assured that I will let that happen with Ah Feng. You don't have to be too upset. The aunt Wang's affairs have passed. If she is standing on your side, she should understand."

"Well, don't say these things, get ready, have a meeting!"

Qi Qiming was somewhat interested in collecting the topic, picked up the paper on the table, took a breath, and turned away from the office.

Gu Lingsha also followed.


The latter thing, and sure enough, did not surprise the summer night, the next morning, Qi Lei has come again, the conditions naturally agree.

Xi Xia night let Lan Zilang open the warehouse and send the materials directly.

For this matter, Gu Lingsha’s heart is full of anger. If it is not worried that the government is not good, she does not have to condescend herself to seek Qi Lei, so that Xi Xia night is proud!

"A Feng, this thing does not have to think about it, it is done in the summer night. There is also the last time the design framed me, and the things of Lisen, it must be done by Mu Chen, we can't swallow it!"

In the backyard pavilion of the Qi family, Gu Lingsha said in a gloomy tone.

"The young master, I also feel that the time is not simple, it is obvious to me to practice the family!"

After a long period of rest, Lisson is now almost recovering, and it is often felt that there is a lot of pain in the wound.

Qi Feng looked down thoughtfully, silenced and replied, "Do not worry, I will give you out this tone, but not now."

He said, suddenly turned his head and looked at Gu Lingsha. "Sasha, I heard a few days ago that the ancient uncle had prepared a lot of things that the ancient aunt liked at the manor. Has the ancient aunt never given you a call?"

Qi Feng's brow wrinkled slightly.

Wen Yan, Gu Lingsha's face suddenly stiffened, and quickly shook his head. "Where did I tell her about this, I almost got it last time... but you can rest assured that as long as my dad comes forward, she will not object to it. Give us face, after all, the marriage news has been announced, she will not directly hit the faces of our two Qigu, as long as we sincerely apologize to her, explain the situation, my mother is not so unreasonable."

"When will she be back?"

Qi Feng asked.

Gu Lingsha took a breath, paused and replied. "I just called my grandmother yesterday. She said that my mother knew that the news was very angry, but it seems that there was something urgent to leave the house. It has not gone back for a few days. I guess I should have her news in these two days. After all, our marriage is not far away. She will definitely not recognize this matter so easily. I am worried about Wei Wei."

“Let’s spend more time with her, she’s been in a bad state recently.”

"Okay, I will! Or tomorrow, let's take her to the playground and turn around."

"Well, you go see her, I have something to talk to."

Gu Lingsha listened, and soon nodded, printing a kiss on Qifeng's lips, and then straightened up. "Then I will go back first."


The figure of Gu Lingsha quickly disappeared into the aisle in front, and the footsteps disappeared.

"Let's go back to the study."

Qi Feng looked at Gu Lingsha's figure and went away. It took a long time for such a sentence. "Yesterday they seem to have found some interesting news. I think you should be very interested!"

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