Chapter 2078: Cold rainy night (1)

The two walked in tandem, she walked in front, and he was behind.

The alley was long, but it seemed to suddenly become shorter. The two people couldn’t wait to say a few words, and they came to the apartment downstairs.

Cold heart suddenly Xuan took the footsteps and turned to look at the blue repair behind him.

Lan Xiu also took a foothold and raised her gaze to see her.

Bathed in the dim light of the road, she looks very slim, flying clothes swaying in the night wind, for a moment, it looks a bit unreal.

Lan Xiu looked at it, and the inexplicable stagnation in his heart slowed down.

"I am here, thank you."

Coldheartedly said a word.

Lan Xiu nodded, and the gentle face was faintly hung with a little softness. "Go back and take a shower and rest early."

"Well, you too, there are so many things in the past two days, some are tired. Drive on the road and be careful."

The cold heart replied very eloquently, and when he said it, he turned and walked straight ahead.

However, when I walked out of the two steps, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I subconsciously turned my head and looked at it. I found that Lan Xiu still stood still and looked at her upstairs.

He is a gentleman, at least he feels so cold, and is still a person who pays attention to detail.

I don’t know if I’m cold, but in fact, this blue repair has no feelings for her. He should be the woman who likes to eat together tonight, watching him look at the eyes of the eastern stream. Can also be seen.

However, after getting along with him for several months, he also respected her. She always moved to her. Every time she sent her back, she would see that she would turn around when she went upstairs and turned on the lights. Every time I go out to eat, I will order her favorite food. Her taste is very unique. The dishes of the oysters are basically not eaten. She doesn't like to talk. He doesn't bother her too much. Most of them are so silent. Accompanied by.

"Do you want to go up and sit down? It's still early."

After thinking about it, the cold heart finally asked this question.

Blue repaired the meal, but it was silent for a long time, then nodded later, "also good."

Yes, I just followed.

The cold-hearted apartment is on the ninth floor and is directly accessible by lift.

"come in."

Coldly picked up the key, opened the lights in the room, and greeted the blue repair.

After spending a few months, Blue Repair is still here for the first time.

The whole apartment is not very big. Looking at it, there is a hundred-flat, the style of decoration is a somewhat graceful national style. It seems that some old mahogany furniture, the light style of ink and wash, does not have a charm.

It is quite similar to her temperament. It is not difficult to imagine that Lan Xiu, who likes her style, is a kind of indifferent person.

"Sit, tea or coffee?"

Cold heart shut the door, and put the key to the side of the entrance hall, and asked.

"You can have a glass of water."

In the photo frame, there are two women's photos, one of which is a black long trousers, and the other is a little older, a teenager looks like a light blue dress, a smile on the face. Very clear, the outline of the eyebrows is a bit like a cold heart.

"She is Xin Ling, my sister. This photo was taken on the eve of her 16th birthday. At that time, she just knew that she had blood cancer, and she was afraid that she would disappear, so let me take a few more photos with me."

Cold-hearted faint tone came, and when she did not wait for the blue repair reaction, she had already sent a cup of hot water to his front desk.

Blue repaired a bit, before I learned from Ali's mouth that she had a sister but had passed away.

"She looks a bit like you."

Lan Xiu raised her eyes and looked at her.

At the bottom of her eyes, she couldn’t help but faintly faint and nodded. "She is very understanding. When she was suffering from pain in the later stages, she did not cry. I know that she is afraid of me, but the more it is. The more I feel sad, she is still so young, and God should not be so cruel to deprive her of her life."

"The deceased is already awkward, you should not be too upset. She has no pain in that world and will have a good life."

Wen Yan, cold heart is on the face but pulled an indifferent smile, reached out and took the photo frame over, looked down and looked at the photo frame for a long time, "Which is the world, but for the sake of rest, Even if we are now guarding the tomb, we are just trying to do some things, doing something that we can do for the things that exist in our hearts."

"But you are still very young, there are still a lot of things to do, don't you?"

"Not necessarily, not necessarily. Some things always need someone to do, just like someone has to die every day."

Coldheartedly waved his hand and directly cut off the blue repair.

Blue repaired a bit, picked up the water in front of him, and took a sip.

"What are the plans for the next?"

Leng Mingyi is now in poor health, and Leng’s side is afraid...

"Look at the treatment plan on the other side of the hospital. If you can cure it, you can go all out and you can't cure it. Then you will be resigned."

Cold heart is also very open, in fact, she can only look at it, because the cold heart is not the same?

When she said this, she also lowered her eyes silently, covering the glimpse of the flash of my eyes. The blue repair was able to capture it very clearly. At this moment, it was somewhat distressing the pressure she needed to bear. She looked at it. It seems that indifferent indifference is just a strong and tenacious one. Blue Xiu can understand such discomfort.

When Lan Qi died, wasn't he the same?

He has become a loner, as she is now.

Are they all hard-nosed people?

"Don't be so pessimistic, there is no way to go, now the hospital is not still looking for the right ****?"

Lan Xiu wants to comfort her.

Coldhearted smiled. "I don't need to comfort me so much. I am fine. Maybe everything has a cause and effect. He will fall to this step today. In fact, you can rest assured that even if I take over the cold, I will Think of you as the most loyal partner."


When Lan Xiu was so low that she had read such words and raised her gaze to look at her, she found that her eyes had recovered as always.

However, he suddenly remembered that the agreement she said six months ago...

“If I think we should be more than just a partner relationship?”

Thinking about it, Lan Xiu's fingertips slightly gripped the cup in his hand and looked at her, faintly asked.

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