Chapter 774:

The morning dawn reveals that the sky is still a little dim, and there is a thin layer of cold fog between the heavens and the earth. It should have been a cold winter morning, but because of these ordinary The busy people, but revealing a vitality, a piece of fire.

Qin Hao drove slowly and slowly through the market streets still under preparation. When the street was bright, they also reached the edge of the market.

Xiaoqiu suddenly said: "You have been driving for a night, and you are tired. Why don't we stop and have some breakfast?"

Chengjiang turned his head and Qin Yu looked at each other and immediately stopped the car on the side of the road.

They talked and stopped working, and the other people in the car woke up. Xiaoqiu laughed and greeted Liu Fangfang, and helped the grandfather to get off the bus.

Steaming steamed buns, the snow is white and soft; the decoction buns are golden and the aroma is overflowing; the oil in the oil pan has rolled, and the chef of the fried fritters squeezes the two doughs and twists them into the oil pan. One lost, the soft face swelled in the blink of an eye, only a moment, it became a golden crisp fritters...

After sitting in the car for one night, several people felt that the body was exhausted and the limbs were stiff. They saw that they had entered S province and were about to reach their destination. Everyone was not in a hurry. They simply walked along the market slowly, and the snacks were the same. A lot, until the daylight is bright, the people who gathered in the market gradually got more, Xiaoqiu and Josie just left the market and went home.

The people returned directly to the home of the county, met Wang Limin and Song Xiulian, Xiaoqiu Xiaoxia Xiaodong, and naturally it was a joy.

Song Shengshu and Zhong Yuqin are a hundred times more spiritual. When they arrive home, Song Shengshu goes to the snack shop. Zhong Yuqin hurriedly arranged the room and placed Liu Fangfang.

Xiaoqiu packed up a room to let Qin and Chengjiang rest. Josie was yawning and was sent to his room by Xiao Qiu.

When they just entered the door, someone knocked at the door. When Xiaoqiu saw it, it was Qin Lan. He had a bowl of steaming water in his hand: "Your ankle is gone, wash and put the medicine."

Xiaoqiu slightly squinted, steaming, and it seemed that even her eyes were stained with moisture.

Josie screamed, pulling the shoes over and picking up the hot water. He smiled and thanked Qin Qin: "Thank you for your nephew. Thanks to your thoughts, if you are like me, Xiaoqiu’s feet should be delayed."

Sending away the Qin dynasty, Josie took a look at the work, and helped Xiaoqiu to sit down and wash his feet. Also took the blood of phlegm and blood stasis to Xiao Qiu's ankle.

This girl’s heart is really embarrassing, and her men’s hands are particularly hard. After a few moments, Xiaoqiu’s ankles are red, and Xiaoqiu’s eyes are sweating... but the effect is obvious. Xiaoqiu Clearly aware of the heat at the ankle, the pain is gradually reduced.

The two hoes went to the medicine and went to bed to make up, and then I woke up until half an afternoon.

Xiao Qiu pulled up the stupid Josie to get up, Josie yawned, not forgetting to ask: "How is your foot?"

Josie looked at the slender ankle, and the bruise seemed to fade, but the red ones seemed to be bleeding when it was touched. It was quite scary.

She was amazed, looked up at Xiaoqiu and asked; "How is your foot and wrist red?"

Xiaoqiu raised his eyebrows and said: "When you meet a strong Donkey Kong girl, you have to be thankful for not taking off a layer of skin. Just red is nothing."

"You mean... This redness is what I am giving you?" Josie did not believe it, and there were some grievances.

She was thinking about helping Xiaoqiu push the blood away, but she didn't expect her skin to be so delicate.

Xiaoqiu put his trousers on his legs, smiled and got up, and took Josie out. "What are you afraid of, dare not do it?... Haha, don't make fun of you, let's make up, eat something. Let's go to the snack shop to help. It is said that my brothers and sisters have gone to the shop to help, even my grandfather did not come back to dinner at noon."

As soon as I heard the snack shop, Josie immediately excited, even the previous shackles were forgotten.

She took Xiaoqiu’s arm and kept asking: “What do you want to go to the snack shop? Do you have a snack? I won’t, you teach me...”

Xiaoqiu smiled and listened to her noise. For a long time, she slowly opened her mouth: "Qiao Xiaoxi, you want more, let's go to help, at most, sort out the packaging, help pack the snacks, as for the production, without special training and exercise, How can I just start with it? It’s very good to make snacks. It’s not good, it’s not clean enough, you can’t touch it.”

Did not eat at noon, Zhong Yuqin packed up and packed up the house, did the lunch well, did not call people, she ate a little, and the ones that were thrown were depressed in the pot, and the old man finally could not hold on, and went into the house.

Xiaoqiu Qiaoxi came out and saw that Qin and Chengjiang had already slept. There was still a little boy who was slightly green in the house. The person who was tall and big was the younger brother of Xiaoqiu.

"Qiuer!" Chenghe saw Xiaoqiu in a blink of an eye, and immediately got up and strode up, while looking at Xiaoqiudao. "It seems to grow a little longer... Look at this, you have to be more than one meter seven."

Xiaoqiu smiled and shook his head: "I am very satisfied with the current height. I don't care if I grow up."

Speaking, several people entered the room and sat down. Chengjiang immediately got up and went to the kitchen. He had studied in the county town. He lived in the Song family for more than two years. He was familiar with Song’s habits. He went to the kitchen to see Song Song. Sure enough, the food is good, and it is warm in the country.

Josie also knew to follow up to help, Chengjiang looked at the still remaining a sleepy face, smiled and said: "Today, go to the snack shop for help, Minger I took the time to take you to our school to see ... the original one It is a bungalow. This year, it also built up the office building and the teaching building. The money for the building, and the donation from my older brother and the second uncle."

Josie nodded with a smile, his eyes flashed, and he squinted and said: "You don't want to know the tricks of Chenghe..." and said, he couldn't help but fly a blush, dyed her delicate white. Cheeks.

“How?” Cheng Jiang asked, and then the party said, “Is this an ugly wife afraid to see her in-laws?”

"Hey, who are you ugly?" Josie instantly blew his hair, and after screaming into the river, he was finally handcuffed into the arms, and gently pressed a kiss on her forehead, then softly Dao: "It’s ugly, it’s also a woman that Wang Chengjiang likes.... Don’t worry, I said you are ugly, but others don’t dare.”

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