Vol 6 Chapter 815: The boss is not good! There is a dragon that is scared to pass!

More than just Su Tian, Sera also sent a protest message: "Boss! You said! Did you put a fake notice??"

"Boss!" Jiang Xiaoyue also questioned with anger, although it is said that the Huaguoshan scenery is really beautiful, but...

"This new TV series is for us to go to this Huaguoshan tour to see monkeys!?"

The boss replied in amazement: "Hey? How do you know!?"

"Look at a ghost monkey!" Jiang Xiaoyue said angrily. "This princess doesn't want to see a monkey! Get a good preview!"

The previous notices have publicized that the people there are so good, how come to the show, it will not give publicity! ?

"The unscrupulous boss does not give propaganda, it must be that the new drama is not good!" In the Yucheng store, a group of knights headed by Avon and Helen also protested.

"There are so many new heroes anyway." Kailan Bell shouted. "If you don't look good, you won't see it. Let's look at other new heroes first."

At this moment, I only heard a loud cry outside the door of the city: "The League of Legends! The great Guls is back!"

There is no slight reaction in the store.

There were still a few elves on the scene, but now the elves are watching the new heroes. How can I get some other excitement?

At the entrance of the store, a black scale was worn. Although the appearance was quite young, the face was covered with black dragon scales. At first glance, it was not a human guy. His face was stunned and he looked around.

Then I saw the boss of the cappuccino over there, and looked at the expression "You are afraid that you haven’t been beaten enough" and looked at it.

"..." The neck narrowed.

"Ben Long is coming to participate in the League of Legends competition. It can't be compared with these small humans..." This seems to be a big swing, but in reality it slams into the depths of the store, as if looking for someone.

"This side here!" I saw a magician's old man holding a bottle of Coke in his hand, and bowed his hand to the side.

Gools had some doubts and walked over until he saw the Swine next to him. This was confirmed.

After the membership card is opened.

"Sit." Swein said indifferently, "Choose a few suitable heroes and practice your hands first."

He pointed to the new update channel and said: "This is a new hero, you see if there is any suitable."

I saw his own screen, and he was watching a wandering warrior with a flute.

"Face in the face!" A sword, smashing the wind!

"Well..." Magic Dragon Guls looked at it a little, then looked at his screen again, "Look at the new hero...?"

"Let the great Gull look first..."

"Be careful." Swein smiled. "The heroes here are very strong, don't be scared."

"Hahahaha!" The magic dragon Gulston made a burst of laughter. "The great Guls has never seen it."

It thought about it, the human being in the store that is stronger than him, just let him not dare to make it. It is naturally not related to scare.

Its tone is getting higher and higher: "Don't look down on me! Even the **** of the dragon family, the great Guls was also squirting under his feet..."

"Amount..." seems to say something that should not be said, and quickly shut up.

"The powerful heroes you say, at most... can be compared to the gods."

After that, he saw a "casting dragon king" who also became a dragon.

"Oh...not bad." Swein looked at the video on his screen and didn't care. "It's a very good choice to have a hero with a higher racial fit."

"That is of course!" Guls opened his mouth as he looked.

At this time, the scene in front of us has begun to change.

The sky above the snow-capped mountains should have been dark and silent.

But the galaxy of the sky, but the original dark sky, shines the city dark purple.

The thick clouds refracted the light of the stars, thin like neon, deep in the back, and a faint white on the edge.

Red, white, purple, black, various colors, such as the sky where the neon meets, is dotted with countless stars, it is as beautiful as dreams.

An old and low-sounding voice, not sorrowful, and sorrowful, seems to envelope the entire universe.

"No matter whether it is time or space, or the nebula, people are all looking forward to it."

Among the fantastic stars, it seems that time is free, space is reversed, and it is condensed into a dragon-like claw in the sky.

The huge dragon claw that almost obscured the half of the sky, the nebula in the hand gathered.

At this moment, Gulls seems to have forgotten the breath. It even has such an illusion that even the gods, under the dragon claws, can only smash the ants.

With its huge dragon head, it is even impossible to imagine that the owner of this dragon claw ~www..com~ will be the existence of a stalwart!

Countless incandescent flames converge in the seemingly imaginary dragon claws, like black holes that attract all light, and Guls seems to see that the flames are gathered into one among the dragon claws. The dull core, then, the dark core exploded, and it came out with a brilliant golden star!

At this time, the emptiness of the dragon head was revealed in the void, and then I did not know how many tens of thousands of feet, such as the mountains, the body of a snake.

"Some people are concentrating on worshipping, and some people are hiding in the squatter house..."

"And what they are best at is pleading... compassion..."

Gul's pair of golden scorpions seemed to be protruding, and the whole face looked like a dehydrated fish.

"How wonderful it is."

As the giant claws gradually exerted their strength, the stars in the Dragon King’s palms exploded. The whole is pinched!

In the sky, it turns into a splendid fireworks.

"Is there a new hero to find a match?" Swein next to the search for a new hero, suddenly saw a huge hero: Void fear of Cosga.

"If you don't find it, this is also for you."

There was silence next to it, and there was no response.

"??" Swein frowned and patted Gulls next to him. "Don't look at it, see if this hero is suitable for me."

There is still no response.

"Guls!?" Swein seemed to feel something wrong and pushed hard.


Then the store saw a group of melons who noticed the situation and shouted: "Ah! The boss is not good! There is a dragon fainting!"

"What!? There is a dragon scared to faint!?"

"Where is it?? I look!"

In the Internet cafe, a large group of people eating melons all gathered up.

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