Vol 6 Chapter 816: Benlong is a demon dragon from the ancient times, and now lacks 1 magic crystal to buy a hero…

"Wow! Look at the dragon!" A group of elves talked in the crowd.

"Isn't it so good? It was changed in the store that day." Luo Lin looked at the dragon road strangely.

"Who knows that it is so timid!" Sera said. "I don't know where it came from... I definitely pretend to be scary, but it's not terrible!"

Next to the elder Rose, nodded: "I have seen such a dragon before. Generally, the age of Black Dragon is about eight to nine steps. It may not be an adult. It is definitely not a powerful dragon."

The elders of Rose are obviously more knowledgeable and speak more convincingly: "At the beginning of the Holy Order, there can be no more."

The dragon's ear lying on the ground moved, and when I woke up, I heard someone talking about it:


"Not at all...?"

"Maybe there is no adult!?"

"Do you know how terrible the great Gulls are!!" A black dragon climbed up from the ground and snarled.

The fire star in the mouth is splashing.

"If it wasn't for the great Dragon King, it was a stronger existence than the gods. How could the great Gulls be convinced by its power? If you see the great existence, grab the sun, You will only be even more unbearable!"

"What is the grasp of the sun?!" Sera whispered. "We played before, and there was an ancient **** who shot nine suns!"

"That's it! We have also used his back shot to shoot the Japanese bow!" next to Luo Lin also screamed, "Hey! What's so scary!?"

"You...you!" The dragon dragon Guls was surrounded by a group of people, a pair of tongues fighting the Confucian appearance, pointing to the group of elves angered, "You these elves, yesterday was scared by the great Gulls I fainted, how can I evaluate it today!"

"How can we be scared to faint!" An elf was red and red. "This elf was stunned yesterday, you are scared, we just saw it!"

"You guys!"

"You are a daring dragon!"

"Oh-!" The Dragon Dragon Gulls was about to blow up.

"You can only use the bow of the god! What is good to brag!" Ronald Gulls roared. "This dragon will be able to personally manipulate the projection of this great Dragon King! Learn it's battle." skill!"

Then glanced at the screen: Casting Star Dragon King Hero Package 99 Ling Jing.

"Ben Long buy this hero package now!" Dragon Dragon Guls growled.

"We also buy!" A group of elves sing.

"You... how can you buy it!?" Demon Guels looked at the group of elves, his face was incredible.

"Boss, this new dragon and the elves are quarreling! Go and see!" At this time, I saw the boss separate the crowd and walked up.

Just to hear that the two sides are arguing loudly about buying a gift bag: "You have to fight if you buy a gift bag!?"

Directly with a big hand: "This gift package is available for sale for a long time, anyone can buy it!"

Then he pointed to the bottom of the screen: "This price 2 hero skin package, limited to one month for sale, want to buy as soon as possible."

"There are 2 hero skin packages!?"

“This looks more upscale than a regular gift bag!”

"Ten Long bought this 2 magic crystal casting star dragon king skin hero package!" Guss shouted.

This always shows that the great Gols is nobler than these **** elves.

"I have seen a few new heroes, and new skins. I have to buy them later. I will buy this Dragon King's Skin Hero Package, which seems to cost too much..."

"I am also..." next to Luo Lin also had a pain.

Obviously it is more rational consumption.

"Haha! I can't think of it!" Looking at the painful faces of a group of elves, Gulls showed a satisfied look.

As a great demon dragon, naturally, these weak elves can't be seen!

"Hey! What is the package of 2, we will buy a few hero skin packages, we have bought the skin of this source plan!"

"Ben Long also buys!"

"This big element makes Lax..."

"Ben Long also bought!" How can the great Gols look down on these elves! ?

"This magical girl..."



"His Swift, have you reminded him... Can you learn the power of the hero, can you use it a bit, is it based on whether his talent is suitable?" When he saw this scene, next to Hema Low woo.

Swein: "..."

Hematon took another look at the elves next to them. For these elves... they don’t understand this, they just play as the secret of ordinary training combat skills~www..com~ Naturally don’t care which hero to buy .

A hero who fits with himself will be more comfortable and sharper.

In fact, in addition to these sacred peaks, everyone is like this, buy a variety of heroes one after another, and then try to play which one is more smooth, or more fun, and then play the main.

Therefore, no matter how you understand the points mentioned in these holy steps, it will not cause much impact.

Of course, they are not considering this at the moment, but...

"Right, Gulls just got out of the seal, where is the money?" Hematon suddenly whispered, "His Lord Swein, are you still...?"

"I just entered the WTO and didn't bring much..." Swein said indifferently.

Hematon contemplates: "The old man has traveled the mainland for many years, and the money is a foreign body... It’s enough to make it..."

I saw two people suddenly got off the plane and got up: "... Yes, Lord Gouls, our ten-hour ceiling has been used up every day, just... take the first step."

"Oh, good!" Gurs, who looked at the heroes, his eyes dazzled, and enjoyed the eyes of a group of people watching the big eyes, waved his hand indiscriminately.

ten minutes later……

I touched the purse.

Look back and look at hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him.

The whole face is hard.

In the noisy store, it was quiet in an instant.

After a long while, I didn’t find Swift and Hematon from the left and right. After a long time, this is very incomparable, but still carries the majesty of a dragon: “This dragon is from the ancient times. The magic dragon, now lacking a magic crystal to buy the League of Legends package, where the funding of Benlong 20 magic crystal and above, after Ben Long found the treasures hidden in ancient times, each person directly got a treasure..."



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