Vol 6 Chapter 848: Practice

[Title: Black & System Internet cafes eight hundred and fortieth eight chapters of practice: against the current of the leaf]

The latest chapter of the system's black technology Internet cafe 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the online game of the anti-day ring, a eternal dragon king legend, the ancient king of the king, Wu Lian, the peak of the five elements of the Tian Xuanjie, the choice of the day, the night of the king, the king of the counter-scale, dominate the sacred market "how this week, the four episodes of "Journey to the West"?" Jiang Xiaoyue Complaining, while re-reading the first four episodes of Journey to the West.

You should know the past TV series such as "Fengyun" and "White Snake". You can broadcast four episodes every Monday and Tuesday, and you will be able to broadcast eight episodes a week.

And now this "Journey to the West", everyone sees that after the fourth episode is gone, to see the next episode, you must wait until ...

"next week!?"

"I want to protest to the boss!" Song Qingfeng said, "Since other TV series are broadcasting eight episodes, this will have to be broadcast at least four times a week! Two episodes a day!"

"Get it." Sitting in the smoke next to Nalan Mingxue, took a sip of milk tea and saw it strange. "When the boss will say, 'Look so much, can you digest it? This shop is not for you... ...'"

As I talked, I learned how the boss would look at the country.

Then I looked at Nalan Mingxue next to me.

I saw that she was already seriously watching the second trip to Journey to the West.

Now the competitions in the major leagues of "League of Legends" are nearing completion, because it is the reason of the points game, and it will naturally be a little easier later.

"There is still a period of time in the world." Nalan Mingxue said, "If you have time, take a break."

They have this time, look at the Journey to the West several times.

"There is a saying that 'the book is read a hundred times, and its meaning is self-presenting." Nalan Mingxue said, "Before the next episode aired, there are still three days, if you don't understand, use this time to see more. Every time, there will always be something to gain."


However, in this world, the transmission technology between the monks and their major regions can be said to have been quite developed.

At this time, Yu Tianzong and the Tiantianyuan, two monks who were in the same land on the two continents of Xianju and Xianxu, discussed in the group...

"You said... This transmission array, should we expand some more?" Lonely stop the cloud in the group. "After all, now the trans-continental transmission method, there is only a small private transmission between you and me. It’s a bit inconvenient to come and go."

"How can the lonely old president have a leisurely talk about these trivial things?"

"On the first few days, the Tang family, the family and other families all want to exchange ideas with the East China. They want to use the transmission method." Lonely stopped the cloud and shook his head. "The old man is really inconvenient to agree... ..."

"There are even some disciples in the hospital, what are you going to apply for... Traveling in the Western Continent!" Lonely stopped the cloud and made a faint expression. "The old man is really... can't do it!"

"This is indeed a very important thing." Taishang elder Zhuge Qingyun said, "If there is an emergency, you can even have a lot of assistance. The old man thinks that it is necessary."


The atmosphere in the store is still a harmony and quiet, some are watching TV, some are talking about penguins, and some are playing games intensively.

Carefully explore a wide range of game skills.

At this time, the owner of the party is located in the cultivation room of the system.

In the past practice room, there was only one cultivation mode. That is to choose a game, film and television role, and to practice with it. As the synchronization rate increases, the income will also increase.

At the same time, Fang Qi can continue to learn and improve the combat skills of this character and integrate into his own body.

But there is a bit of a flaw. When the selected character's combat power is too high... a face is seconds, how can I learn what combat skills, what improvement?

Now that the system has been upgraded to 50%, the training room has added a new way of cultivation: in a battle, synchronize a game or a TV drama, a character in the movie to participate and simulate.

In this way, the foundation of itself will not be too bad.

And to synchronize some of the more powerful characters, the improvement will be faster than before.

"Which one is better?" The picture in front of the boss is constantly changing. It is like a big troubled Tiangong, a battle of 100,000 soldiers, and any one of the gods, it is not enough to synchronize the progress of Fang Qi.


"Great trouble"...

In front of Fang Qi’s eyes, a monkey is holding a golden hoop, and the surrounding Yin soldiers and ghosts are blocking the road.

In the "big sky" campaign, only 2% synchronization rate with Sun Wukong, here, it has grown to 7%.

"Is it because... At this time, Sun Wukong did not go to heaven, nor did he steal the peach, so the strength has not been so loud that Tiangong was so high?" Fang Qi thought about it, and then continued to move the pendant in his hand. The foreground of the eye has changed again. This time, it has been transformed into a cloud of arms, overlooking the Huaguo Mountain, and there is no Sun Wukong in the body.

Под головой облака я увидел черноволосого короля демонов с большим ножом, над которым издевались обезьяны-обезьяны в Хуагошане, это было как раз тогда, когда он вернулся из Фанцзиншаня.

В это время скорость синхронизации увеличилась, и она выросла до 9%.

В это время Фан Цицай слегка кивнул.

Синхронизация: роль имеет недостаточную скорость синхронизации и не может быть синхронизирована.

Проводить ли боевую подготовку: да

После выбора король демонов и обезьяны-обезьяны на глазах постепенно исчезли. Над небом Хуагошаня только одна обезьяна летала в облаках, его глаза медленно смотрели.

Он совершенно не похож на окрас обезьян, наполненных смехом и ревом, с убийственными в глазах, запертыми!

Сразу после этого Фан Ци только почувствовал цветок в своих глазах, и перед его глазами появилась фигура обезьяньего лица!

Бокс~www..com~ молчит, но у Фан Ци есть инстинкт: «Посреди этого удара... обязательно умрешь!»

Когда было сказано, что уже слишком поздно, Фан Ци был почти на расстоянии тысячи миль, и одна сторона сбежала, чтобы спастись, хотя смерть в комнате для тренировок не была настоящей смертью, но...

Удар приближается!

Фан Ци почти безразличен к изображению, лениво перекатывается на месте, кулак почти трётся о левую руку.


Чёткий звук!

Хотя в тренировочной комнате обычно встречаются непревзойденные враги, Фан Ци не будет регулировать боль до 100%, но это также влияет на прогресс улучшения скорости синхронизации, поэтому, естественно, она не будет слишком низкой.

Капля холодного пота скатилась с квадратного лба.

В следующий момент раздался треск и свист!

Почти в то же время в глазах Фан Ци промелькнули светло-голубые данные.


Громкий шум, я увидел пару чешуек брони руки демона, мгновенно заблокировавшую удар.

На земле меня вынесло из огромной пропасти. Передо мной демон, одетый в красный плащ, стоял на одном колене и медленно смотрел вверх.

«Полностью синхронизировано!?» Фан Ци с изумлением посмотрел на свои руки. «Это тоже новая функция после обновления!?»

Однако, почувствовав, что его энергия и физическая сила резко упали, Фан Ци немедленно закрылся полностью синхронно, его меч сверкнул, и он полетел в Цинмин.

«Его необходимо спасти...» Чрезвычайно ценно знать время синхронизации ****-солдат, не пожирающих фрагменты богов. Фан Ци почти дюжина раз и сотни копий синхронизированы во времени.

Насколько быстро движется сухожильное облако? Погоня почти в мгновение ока!

В руках вспыхивает свет меча, мантия охотится, и Фан Ци снова движется, словно превратившись в другую фигуру.

Громкий шум, окруженный белыми облаками, почти весь шок в этом ударе! Сеть для чтения 2k романов

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