Chapter 1046: Obsession

Helen Weiwei gave her a deep look and turned to look at the man and smiled lightly: "Let's take care of the people, Lan Ya let us come, we can't go back empty-handed, since Mr. Shen simply doesn't Like her, why bother to see her in one fell swoop, she does not appear, Mr. Shen should be more happy, right?"

The man's hand holding the towel tightened, and the voice followed and sank: "She is smart this time. I found someone who can talk, so I really thought she was letting go. Now it seems that she just wants Take the retreat."

"Returning to advance?" Lan Ya chuckled out. I don't know if I was laughing at each other or laughing at myself. I probably laughed at myself a little more. I have known each other for so many years. I obviously want to be good to him. How is he? In the eyes of her, she became a vampire, as if she had made all the decisions she made to make it difficult for him. Every step was counted, but in fact, she never thought about making him unhappy.

Everyone says that what matters is not what is done.

But who did this thing?

If you change to that person, come to him.

He will not have this reaction anymore.

After all, that person is perfect in his mind from beginning to end, unlike her, in his mind, perhaps she is a rude and unreasonable lady, only use money to swear.

It was time to let go, and she used the conditions to exchange the time he left with her. It was very disgusting, not to mention the emergence of others.

When they set up the contract, she promised that as long as there is a person who can make his heart appear, she will let him free when the contract expires.

Now the two people have begun to appear in front of the media together. As the best doctor, how to match it.

And she seems to be a stumbling block between them, no wonder he will hate her so much.

Lan Ya reached out and held down the broken hair in front of her forehead, as if she made up her mind and said a word to Helen Weiwei.

This man can't hear it at all.

Any person and thing in the sacred world and the people and things in the yin are separated.

If there is no medium to spread, the people in the yang world can't hear the sound of the soul.

As a phoenix, Helian Weiwei is naturally different. She looked at Lanya and gently nodded her head. Twilight took it back and said to the man: "Mr. Shen, all of your reactions are within her expectations." Lan Ya said, if you are still worried that she will continue to stalk, you can look at the cabinet of your study, where you signed the contract, both of which are there, and are the original, you can burn it It can also be destroyed. As for the other, she has already explained the blue family, saying that you are a peaceful breakup, and you don’t have to worry that the relationship between the two will be affected by your breakup, even her brother. I will not let you be responsible for her again, because she is going abroad with her friends, the former thing, maybe she is too stupid to always see through. This time she thought clearly, she also let After I saw you, I said sorry to you on her behalf. She said that although she still can't smile and bless you, but not three years, when she returns, she will be relieved. She said hope. You forgive her, obviously you are one year old. I don’t know how to let you, it’s hard for her to be strong. It’s just that the two are after the world’s friendship. Don’t be evil. When she said that she started, now that you don’t believe, she really wants to let you go, she said hope. You and Xiao Ziqiu are old and white."

"You are lying to me." The man listened to Helen Vivi's words and smiled suddenly: "These words cannot be what she said."

Helen Weiwei looked at the man's eyes without any slight sneak: "If you don't believe it, Mr. Shen can go and see if there is any contract in your study cabinet. The relationship between the two should be because of this. A paper contract is in, right, she said that you were worried about any messy photos on her mobile phone, especially the photos of the two of you, because she liked to take photos with you at that time, even at the end. I like to delete those photos, and the phone is also put into the wooden cabinet. Now she has nothing that can threaten you. You can safely talk about a love. As for her, please come to me at the beginning. Something, if you really don't want to give it, she won't come here again."

I thought I would see that irritating face.

I did not expect that everything was beyond my expectations.

“Is it a new routine?”

The man sneered and took a sip of water, as if this was the only way to suppress the sense of loss in the depths of his heart.

But the inexplicable uneasiness urged him to walk into the study, and he couldn't take care of the hand that had just been injured in the emergency operation. He took out the things in the wooden cabinet.

Everything that Helen Weiwei mentioned is there.

The man's pupil was fierce and wide, his fingers were slowly tightened, and even the pain was even tight. He did not loosen.

Then, he started to make a call, still the same as the previous days, the other party is still shutting down.

The man couldn’t help it anymore, and slammed the phone in his hand.

Only half of the screen of the mobile phone is bright, and it is still showing that it is dialing, and the object to be dialed is Blue Asia.

At this time, Lan Ya as a soul already knows his own situation.

She stood at the door of Room 101 and looked at Helen Weiwei with a wry smile: "No wonder I picked up the phone. The other person only said a word after feeding. It turned out that no one else had a problem, but they simply listened. Not my voice, the person with the problem is me, I am already dead, right?"

Helen Weiwei did not answer the question of Lan Ya, but ridiculed and asked: "You appeared in this apartment from the open eyes, and never left after?"

"Yeah." Lan Ya nodded.

Helen Weiwei looked around and said: "You never thought about leaving?"

"I thought about it, but I can go out of the door at most, and I can't go anywhere." Lanya took a step forward in a tentative way to make it clear, but it didn't work, like something was going to be She is stuck here.

Helen Weiwei reached out and touched it, and the stream of eyes flashed over: "It is obsession."

"Excuse?" Lan Ya does not understand.

Helen Weiwei looked straight at her: "Yes, obsessive. If it is convenient, can Miss Blue tell me what is going on between you and Mr. Shen?"

"We were still lovers three days ago." When Lan Ya said this sentence, the arc of the corner of his mouth was a bit embarrassed: "It’s just that others are willing to fall in love, and he is talking about it with conditions..."

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