Chapter 723: As long as you say i believe

When Luo Qingyan came back, he was helped by Chen Miaosi.

At that time, Bao'er had just woke up, and Yun Chang was instructing to deliberately call the mother-in-law to feed Bao'er. Opening the curtain as soon as possible, as soon as he walked to the entrance of the main hall, he saw Chen Miaosi helping Luo Qingyan just stepped into the gate of Weiyang Palace.

As soon as his face changed, he quickly returned to the dormitory, bit his lip, and then said to Yun Chang softly: "Madam, your Majesty is back."

Yun Sang nodded, stood up holding Bao'er, and heard a bit of rudeness, saying, "Your Majesty seems to be drunk and was helped back by Doctor Chen."

Yun Chang looked slightly surprised, looking a little surprised in the eyes of Qing Shou: "Who was helped to come back?"

"Doctor Chen." Shallowly, his voice was a little lower.

Yun Chang felt a little strange, even if Luo Qingyan was drunk, the person who sent him back should be Liu Wenan? How could it be Chen Miaosi? Thinking like this, Yun Sang walked out of the inner hall, just to see Chen Miaosi helping Luo Qingyan to walk up the steps in front of the main hall. Xu was a bit heavy because of Luo Qingyan, and Chen Miaosi looked a little hard. Both Artemisia annua and Su Mu stood at the entrance of the main hall. When they saw this, they hurried forward to take a hand to take Luo Qingyan, but were rejected by Chen Miaosi.

"It's okay, I'll do it." Chen Miaosi gasped, speaking with some difficulty.

Yun Chang watched quietly, her eyes fell on Chen Miaosi's body, but for the first time, she looked seriously at this seemingly innocent girl. Chen Miaosi's appearance can only be regarded as a medium appearance, but it has a temperament that makes people feel peaceful.

Chen Miaosi didn't seem to find Yun Chang standing at the entrance of the main hall, struggling to lift Luo Qingyan to the first step, Luo Qingyan suddenly stepped on his feet and leaned back. Chen Miaosi was also taken back and slumped, and was about to fall.

Yun Chang winked at Artemisia annua, and Artemisia rushed forward to help Luo Qingyan, but Chen Miaosi fell to the ground well.

Yun Sang looked at Chen Miaosi's eyes, but she quickly lifted her eyes to find Luo Qingyan, relieved that Luo Qingyan was fine. When Yun Chang saw this scene, he narrowed his eyes slightly and opened his mouth slowly: "How do you wait? Your Majesty's body, if it hurts, who can afford this responsibility?"

The palace people in the courtyard are all trembling and dare not speak.

Chen Miaosi now seems to have found Yun Sang. Regardless of the pain in her body, she stood up and hurriedly said, "Don't blame them, it's the girls who are careless ..."

Yun Sang hooked his lips and laughed: "How can you blame Doctor Chen for not being careful? When this palace came back early, I didn't know that Her Majesty was drunk like this. Liu Wen'an was really lazy and let you send His Majesty. come back."

However, Chen Miaosi didn't seem to notice the dissatisfaction in Yun Chang's words, and quickly said: "The civilian girl also accidentally found Her Majesty drunk in the Royal Garden, and did not see Her Majesty's people before she helped her Majesty back. Her Majesty seemed to drink For a lot of wine, let's rush your Majesty back to the dormitory, and the daughter will give him a pulse to prescribe a hangover recipe. "

Yun Chang really didn't understand. Chen Miaosi was ignorant or deep-hearted.

"It will not bother Dr. Chen, but this palace will also have some medical skills. Although it may not be so proficient, the prescription for hangover medicine can still be prescribed. Dr. Chen helped his Majesty to return to the palace so hard, and he will A few days ago, the lamb's jade dumplings from the Treasure Pavilion were presented to Doctor Chen. Doctor Chen had a quiet temperament, but was just right. "Yun Chang said with a smile, and turned into the dormitory.

Qinghao and Su Mu helped Luo Qingyan and followed into the inner hall. Yun Sang did not speak with a cold face, and Qin Yi quickly said, "Let your Majesty lie on the couch."

Artemisia annua and Sumu responded, and then helped Luo Qingyan to the couch and took off his shoes.

"Why does the mother-in-law care so much, when she is a palace maid, isn't it just the mother-in-law rewarding her sister-in-law?" When Su Mu and Qinghao came out of the dormitory, Qin Yicai quietly persuaded.

Yun Chang snorted coldly, and patted Baoer's back gently, her voice was a little dazed: "I want to think of her as a maid, but from her reaction and eyes, I But I saw Amu. Chen Miaosi ... "

Yun Chang paused and shook her head slightly, her voice gradually lowered: "Her mind is much simpler."

Yun Chang nodded, waving the chaotic thoughts in her head, but her mind was a bit chaotic. Her current behavior is clearly like a jealous woman. She really didn't want to be like that. She only knew how to fight for favor, only to guard against Luo being lightly snatched by other women, and only knew the suspicious woman.

She had made such a woman in her previous life, trapped herself in the mire of jealousy, and gradually lost her self, and ended up in such a way.

Yun Shang scratched a bit of pain in his heart, holding his arm tightly with his hand, and said nothing for a while.

Luo Qing on the couch snorted, and Yun Shang raised his hand and said, "Come and cook a bowl of hangover soup, and you still have to stay old at night."

Qin responded to the sound, and then retired. He almost collided with the temptation of entering the door. The temptation promptly let go, and let Qin Yi go out before entering and coming to Yun Sang. , The **** holding the sheep fat jade in his hand said: "The Chen Miaosi didn't take it down, saying she was just raising her hand."

When Yun Chang heard the words, she laughed again, but now she is certain. From the beginning to the end, Chen Miaosi is just pretending. It turned out to be a person who could play more than anyone else. From the beginning, he pretended to be simple, and after they knew about Zheng Qiming, he started pretending to be innocent, and now pretending to understand. Oh, it's a pity that such a born opera wouldn't be a pillar of the opera team.

When you think about it for the first time you see Chen Miaosi, you notice that Chen Miaosi is a little unusual for Luo Qingyan. However, due to Chen Miaosi's initiative and approaching, Yun Chang believed in her and regarded her as the most trusted person. Now that she wants to come, she is afraid that she came to Luo Qingyan from the beginning.

Qin Yi boiled to understand the liquor, Yun Chang let Qin Yi feed Luo Qingyan drink. The recipe for the hangover soup was prepared by Yun Chang himself. The effect is very good. After drinking it for less than half an hour, Luo Qingyan was slightly awake.

Frowning and raising his eyes, he looked at Yun Chang and said, "Shang Er, what time is it now?"

Yun Sang looked back at Luo and said softly before answering softly: "It's time, your Majesty, if you're almost awake, get up and change your clothes. We have to go to Taihe Palace with the emperor and the queen to guard the age. "

Luo gently raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and nodded: "Okay, let me get a basin of cold water to come in, I'll wash my face with cold water sober and awake."

When Yun Chang responded, she raised her head and ordered the discretion. He asked Qinyi to hold Chengye to the nursing mother to feed her. After the order was finished, she lowered her head and did not speak.

Luo Qingyan felt strange, so he stared at Yun Chang for a while, then laughed softly: "What's wrong with Chang Er? But who provoked my wife?"

Yun Chang's mouth reluctantly ticked, and then he raised his eyes and fixedly looked at Luo Qingyan, silent for a long time, before he said: "Your Majesty knows that in the Taiji Temple, why did I use Jinpa to block Li Lanyi's mouth, Don't let her go on? "

Luo Qingyan listened to Yun Shang's mention of Li Lanyi and the previous incident in the Tai Chi Hall, the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared, and he lowered his head and held his sleeves, and then he answered, "Why?"

"Why?" Yun Chang laughed, but with a bit of soreness in her eyes, "Is your Majesty unaware that your Majesty's reaction was a little too high before on the main hall? Chen Ye has known His Majesty for so many years, but I have never seen Her Majesty panic like that. Her Majesty is always in the midst of a plan, but his face changed because Li Lanyi's sentence felt full of loopholes without careful consideration. "

Luo Qingyan's hand gave a slight meal, but he did not speak.

Yun Chang went on to say: "Chen Ye blocked Li Lanyi's mouth with a Jinpa because he knew that His Majesty was so anxious to order the execution of Li Lanyi, and Li Lanyi's words were related to Chen Ye, Chen Ye I know that Your Majesty will never harm His Majesty, but it is definitely for His Majesty. My Majesty's refusal to let her continue in Tai Chi Temple is because of His Majesty's faith. It is also hope that His Majesty can tell me, even if it is bad news, and It's not about letting me speak out of someone else's mouth without preparation. "

Yun Chang said, looking up at Luo Qingyan, "On the matter of Li Lanyi this afternoon, does your Majesty have anything to say to me?"

Yun Shang clearly saw Luo Qingyan's eyes hiding away, it seemed that the whole body was stiffened, and the corners of his mouth were no longer smiling. Only half a while, he swallowed hard, and pulled the corners of his mouth: "Shang I think too much, how can I hide something from you? "

In all the details, Yun Chang looked at the score, and her heart seemed to be pinned by something. Yun Chang lowered her head and smiled lightly, with a certain resolute taste in her smile: "Your Majesty said that there is nothing to hide from him." The courtier believed, even if Her Majesty was lying, Her Majesty, as long as you say, I will believe it. "

Luo Qingyan said that even the pretend smile was a little difficult to maintain. His face was stiff and half a moment before he bit his lip and said, "Sanger, I won't hurt you, I won't leave you, never."

Yun Sang nodded her head slightly and was silent for a long while before she said: "This matter, Chen Ye is more sure than anyone else. Your Majesty knows what I do. But Your Majesty, if Chen Ye is Say if, if some truth is destined to hurt Chen Ye, then Chen Ye hopes that the person who told Chen Ye the truth is His Majesty, because only His Majesty is by his side, Chen Ye will not be defeated by other things, As long as His Majesty is with His Majesty, nothing will defeat His Majesty, because His Majesty is the biggest pillar of His Majesty. "<

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