Chapter 360: Of course the third brother loves you!

Zhou Ping really didn't want to cook. She was hungry for a day and didn't have much energy. She was still so hot.

"I... my feet are inconvenient..."

"Go cook!" Gu Yundong roared.

Zhou Ping was taken aback. Seeing Gu Yundong's scary face, she reluctantly went to the kitchen to cook.

Gu Yundong stared at the kitchen for a long time, and knew in his heart that this woman must be repaired recently, otherwise, she will cause trouble in the future.

He went to the room and talked to Gu Jinlin for a while.

In the evening, Mo Beihan sent Gu Qingyao and the two children back. The two children ate, washed, and slept.

Before going to bed, Gu Jinlin came to Gu Qingyao's room.

"Three brothers!"

Gu Jinlin sat down by the bed and touched Gu Qingyao's head, "I made you wronged today, don't take it to heart, the third brother will defend you."

Gu Qingyao smiled, "The third aunt doesn't like me, but it's not a big deal. At least she gets along with you pretty well, isn't she? It's been decades, and I can avoid her a little bit later. If it's because of this If your family quarreled, that would be bad."

"Third brother, I still have to go back to my hometown, and I will marry in the future. As for the third aunt, she has no blood relationship with me. Look at a rural girl like me, raised so tenderly, and many people are uncomfortable. , I have little contact with her, as long as you and San Bo still hurt me! Don't make too much noise!"

"But my mother is really too much this time. We are all a family, and we still have to get along in the future. My father is not ready to get used to her, and I don't think I can let my mother go on like this. So, from today, you If you don’t do anything at home, you can just teach Xiaoqixiaoba to write. You can wash your clothes and clean up your own house. Leave the rest of the matter."

"If you want to go out to play, go out to play. Brother knows you have money. If you like, you can go to a state-owned restaurant for dinner or a department store. You don't have to feel wronged. It doesn't matter if you don't come back during the day, but you must go home on time at night, you know?"

Gu Qingyao looked at Gu Jinlin and plunged into his arms, "Brother, you are so kind to me!"

Gu Jinlin smiled, "I am your brother, of course I treat you well. During this time, the family has been working hard for you. My brother and your uncles are both in the eyes. My mother can't figure it out. Don't care about it with her. I am with your third uncle, she dare not go too far."

"What are you doing, don't worry about her, this is your San Bo's home, stay at ease for a while, have fun and wait until the autumn harvest in your hometown is over before you go back."

"Actually, if you stay here until the end of the year, you can go back with us after the New Year, brother welcome."

"Puff..." Gu Qingyao suddenly smiled, "Thank you brother three!"

Gu Jinlin said a few more words to her, and then went back to sleep.

Gu Qingyao's uncomfortable feeling was also lost by Gu Jinlin.

To put it bluntly, she didn't have much interaction with Zhou Ping at all, it was just her third aunt, which actually had little effect on her.

Even if I was angry, I was relieved by the maintenance and affection of the third uncle and the third brother, and he didn't care too much.

Конечно же, начиная со следующего дня, Чжоу Пин занимался домашними делами.

Ее уже хорошо учили, и рана действительно была серьезной раньше, но она не болела кости, она просто болит, как только она прикоснется к ней. Через месяц втирания лекарство зажило.

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