Chapter 537: you belong to Me

If it were not for a rebirth, Song Ye would not have recognized that the handsome man in front of him had such a pair of viper hearts under his perfect appearance.

When she first entered the organization, Wu Yuzhen approached her as an old ghost, helping her pretending to be the first person on the killer list, and becoming the golden signboard of the other side.

In the long lonely years of Song Ye, she has been very grateful for the other party ’s help in training in the iron cage for the first time in the base, and regarded him as a true good friend. If it wasn't for a major change in the organization and the base was invaded, she might never see the true face of Wu Yuzhen's black robe and the incompleteness under this decent suit.

The real change in the relationship between them began after that incident.

For nearly ten years, Wu Yuzhen almost regarded her as a private property, while talking about loving her, and sending her out to perform various dangerous tasks.

As Song Ye became more and more powerful, Wu Yuchen looked at such a dazzling woman, and his inferiority complex became more and more distorted. He weaved the base into a cage over and over again, and watched Song Ye's footsteps with Song Ye to gain a sense of achievement.

"Look, Song Ye, as long as I order, their life and death will be instant."

At that time, Song Ye looked at him who was almost crazy, and for the first time showed contempt from the cold eyebrows.

Perhaps it was because of this glance that Wu Yudi lost his mind, so he would use the opportunity to perform the task on the bottom of the sea and deliberately let the 0 bombs detonate in advance.

Once again, Song Ye hated what he left behind.

It was he who took her into the base, let her live in a cannibal world, forged her step by step into a cold-blooded, ruthless machine, and finally sent her into hell.

"Who the **** are you ..." Wu Yu stared at her mutteringly, his expression seemed a little hesitant. He looked at the cold look of the girl in front of her with her back straight and dismissive of him, with a stinging twist in her heart, The next second, he took out a miniature remote control with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth. "Come on, otherwise I'll make you die worse than the downstairs."

The remote control in his hand is exactly the device that controls Song Ye's chip. The original thing in his six fingers was taken back the night he was injured.

"The figure I saw the other day was indeed you." Before the memory was restored, Song Ye was still afraid to determine the identity of the figure, but now he is 100% futile.

"Oh, I should admire you. I almost made you deceive you with a good show. I wouldn't believe you had betrayed me if I had only chased you and cut one arm that day." In addition to his psychological distortion, Wu Yuzhang is also a genius with a high IQ. He can support the other side of the flower in one hand, and his observation and insight are naturally unparalleled.

The flaws revealed by Song Ye were also the ones that never missed, and only hurt Zhao Chongbin's arm.

So after that, he will count, and ask Jun Rin to come over and train him for the experiment.

From the time the Han family met Song Ye, he knew that this was a perfect pawn. Regardless of appearance or force, and ability to withstand, he watched her grow step by step, becoming more and more fascinated and obsessed, but she was in a foreign country with other It is unforgivable for a man to kiss me and forget the task.

The other person's greedy eyes made Qin Zhan step forward to block his vision. He raised the muzzle in his hands and said coldly, "She is Song Ye, not the zero." Her little ghost is a living person. Not a killer machine.

The pronoun number zero could never be used on her.

For the maintenance of his elder brother, Song Ye only felt warm, but for some people, it was a great stimulus.

"You bullshit, she is number zero. She belongs to me. Look, her life and death are in my hands. She doesn't even want to leave me in this life." Wu Yuxi shook her device and smiled proudly.

"What you have in your hand is just a waste." Qin Zhan slowly and resolutely passed the muzzle up, and the cold metal stuck to the opponent's eyebrow.

Wu Yu's eyes fluttered for a moment, his eyes widened, and he seemed to understand, but he refused to believe this was the fact, "No, it's impossible, you can't decipher the chip."

"Don't forget what I did." Qin Zhan sneered, his voice reminding him lowly.

The merchant of new weapon development is another identity of Qin Zhan, and the weight of this identity is enough to control the right to speak and take the initiative at the international conference where big brothers from all countries gather.

It is not impossible to decipher his proud chip by Qin Zhan.

That said, his only remaining chips are gone.

«Хе-хе…» У Ю снова тихо улыбнулся, его голос волновался в пустой комнате, жуткий и ужасающий, его глаза все еще скользили по Цинь Чжаню, глядя на тело Сун Е: «Нет, чип, у меня все еще есть твой маленький волчонок, угадайте, где он сейчас?»

По его словам, рука У Юйчжэня, лежащая на его колене, медленно переместилась в другое положение, но он не дошел до кнопки на ящике, и из-за пандуса внезапно появилась фигура. Белокровная девушка с ножом в руке резко упала. Лезвие ударило прямо вниз, порезав всю руку под корень.

«Ах…» Вместе с потекшей кровью У Юй вскрикнул и лег на стол, другая рука его дергалась, но в него был вставлен скошенный пятипалый швейцарский армейский нож.

«Еще раз подвинься, я еще раз порежу». Сун Е, проигнорировав сцену разделения плоти и крови, спокойно сказал: «Ваши руки были специально модифицированы, скрывая ядовитые иглы. Именно так вы можете стать лидером команды убийц без каких-либо рук. Причина».

Он круглый год носил халат, с одной стороны, чтобы прикрыть неполноту своего тела, а с другой, чтобы скрыть свою неспособность применять силу и сознательно играть непредсказуемо.

«Хихикай… ты меня знаешь, Сон Е, я мертва, даже не думай о своем волчонке». До самой смерти он все еще борется, кажется, что победоносная партия принадлежит ему, «в своей жизни даже не пытайся убежать».

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