Глава 1077: Тайиньская Святая Секта может быть очень хорошей

Су Бай вышел из глубокого озера.

Сидим у озера, смотрим на Форум духовного мира.

В процессе придумывания, он думал о выборе.

Это не что иное, как Мудрец Тайинь!

Когда вы идете во дворец Тайи, люди там чувствительны и испытывают отвращение к дыханию Тайинь.

Поэтому у Тайинь Шэнцзун и Тайигун большие лучи и глубокая ненависть.

Он сейчас смотрит вверх.

Я хочу увидеть, какая глубокая ненависть существует между ними двумя.

Естественно, это не секрет. Я просто перерыл его два раза и увидел многое.

самое главное это:

Современный сюзерен Духовного Царства Секты Тайинь Святой имеет прямую ненависть к Дворцу Тайи.

Ее чуть не похитили во дворце Тайи.

В посте я подробно рассказал о мести Лин Синьюй и Тайгун до и после.

Ling Xinyu was missing, suddenly pregnant, lost all strength, coveted, Taiyi Palace took orders, and was rescued by the former Taiyin Sect Master.

These Su Bai are all clear.

"Is it so beautiful? It's really a disaster for a beauty to cause such a thing."

"Unfortunately, the post didn't record the appearance picture."

Su Bai was a little regretful.

Like this kind of boss, if you don't like to be posted about your appearance, then generally no one will post it.

Otherwise, they are seeking their own guilt and death.

In addition to this, there are also some reasons.

such as:

Taiyigong once assassinated the disciples of Taiyin Shengzong;

Suspected of stealing the treasure house of the Taiyin Holy Sect;

When spirit coin mineral veins appear, the competition for the Taiyin Sacred Sect fails;

The Holy Sect of the Taiyin also repeatedly killed the opponent's assassin, destroyed the residence of the Taiyi Palace, attacked the high-level members of the Taiyi Palace, and competed with him for the natural treasures, the gold veins of the spirit mine, the precious treasures...

The friction between the two families has existed a long time ago.

It was not caused by the existence of Ling Xinyu.

In addition, Taiyin Shengzong, the Li family, and the Qian family have some minor problems.

Of course, small problems are not enough to play.


Didn't Li Yangwei and Mai Yin just break in? !

Didn't you still fight? !

This is no small matter!

"Yes, Taiyin Saint Sect is a good choice!"

Su Bai was sure.

Get up, ready to go to Taiyin Shengzong.

The location of this big power will not be a big secret, it is easy to know.

Just follow the direction and cross this snowy forbidden land.


After getting out of the lake, I didn't take two steps and I ran into a monster.

A monster made up of snow.

It resembles a human shape, with a slender body and a little crystal clear.

If it weren't for the mouth and belly, it would be a little bit beautiful.

【Snow White 252】

Level: Five Tribulations·LV5

Grade: Supreme

Spirit·Life: 53.7 million

Spirit·Injury: 354,431


Details: A monster that grows in the snow and slowly forms due to special grievances.


Su Bai slashed with a knife!

The weight of the blade was too terrifying, and when the blade was released, a huge storm was born.

-172,809,910·Ling·Critical Strike

The so-called Snow White fell apart.

"Too weak, there is no need to waste time fighting these monsters."

Su Bai shook his head and left quickly.

If there is a monster in the way, just cut a few knives, the turbulent wind is enough to blast the monster out.

After half an hour.


Su Bai stopped speechlessly.

he's lost……

In this huge snowy area, the snow trees can be as high as ten thousand feet!

Although Su Bai could fly, he really couldn't fly so high.

There are also snowflakes flying, and misty fog is permeated.

There are also special forces of formation.

It's normal to lose direction.

The system map is displayed following Su Bai's cognition.

If he knows this well, the map also shows all the details.

If you don't know, the map is also muddled.

"This is really..."

Ten minutes later.

Su Bai felt that he seemed to have come to a very special position.

Snow-white bamboo grows here.

It's huge.

The bamboo body is as huge as a century-old tree.

The snow-white bamboo leaves that grow out are narrow and slender, with thin edges.

It looks like pieces of snow swords and snow knives are hung on it.

This made Su Bai feel that when the blade fell, he was afraid that he could kill someone!

After a few glances, Su Bai bowed his head.

On the school ground three meters in front of him, there was a snow monument.

There is only one symbol on it.

However, through systematic translation, the meaning can be known.

"Hmm... Behead the Bamboo Forest..."

"It looks like this is the place where the Taiyin Saint Sect punishes the disciples?"

Su Bai guessed.

After thinking about it, he walked in.

In such a place, there should be people who connect with the formation and observe the disciples in it, right?

That way, they might be able to see themselves.

After entering, Su Bai shivered slightly. .

The power of the lunar yin here is very cold and fierce!

When the wind blew, it almost drilled into the bones.

There is also a special force that suppresses the operation of Taiyin exercises.

Of course, Su Bai's Taiyin method is a complete version.

This suppressing force can suppress him, but it only suppresses a little bit, and the effect is not significant.

After shivering at first, Su Bai slowly calmed down.



Just stepping in, not even a step out, suddenly a strong wind.

A leaf on a bamboo blown off.

With a swish, he cut straight to Su Bai.

The snow-white bamboo leaves, when they fly down, are really like swords!

Flying down extremely fast, cold light!

"Huh?! Interesting!"

Su Bai was still thinking about it.

Then, he raised the long knife in his hand and blocked it casually.


Su Bai stood still amid the crisp tremors.

The snow-white bamboo leaves lost their strength, fell straight down, and finally slammed into the snow.

Su Bai squatted down and slid around the corner of the blade.

There is a very sharp and sharp feeling.

Although it was very hard, it couldn't cut his skin.

Quite interesting, even bamboo leaves can be used as swords!

Su Bai got up and continued walking.



As he walked, Su Bai frowned.

The snow under my feet is a little different.

He moved his feet, and before he went to open the snow, there was wind blowing, revealing what he had stepped on.


Su Bai's pupils shrank.


Тонкая кость руки!

Должны быть женские кости.

Я не знаю, как долго я был здесь, и когда Су Бай наступил на него, появились трещины.

Су Бай немного подумал, достал Лунный нож и легонько взмахнул им.


Гроза разразилась, и снежное поле перед ним было высотой в несколько метров.

один два три……

Грубо говоря, я увидел дюжину костей.

Они все очень стройные, они должны быть женскими остатками.

«Похоже, что это действительно место наказания секты тайиньских святых».

Су Бай ясно это знал.


Су Бай задумался на несколько секунд и тут же насторожился, глядя в сторону.

Он услышал движение вдалеке!

Однако это был не монстр, это был звук тихих шагов.

Кто-то идет!


В это время в центральной зоне огромная снежная запретная зона.

The huge Taiyin Shengzong residence is here.

Ling Xinyu went back to the sect with an unreasonable mind.

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