Chapter 1800: Brother Vampire, I want to hug (46)

And these things are unknown to anyone else.

In front of others, Yun Qing was motivated and enthusiastic. They didn't know that her roots had actually rotted and her body was not clean.

She has been jealous and envious of the girls, she wants to make them all envy her.

As long as they pretend to be generous and tolerant, and help them, they will be like fools, in order to fight for who is her best friend, slander each other, and give her many things.

That feeling, Yun Qing really likes it very much.

The more rotten, the more she wanted that glory.

However, Yun Qing quickly passed a fragment in his mind.

It was a terrific boy who sneered in front of so many people and exposed her vanity and mask.

In fact, her glory is gone, isn't she?

The hand hit the button of the door.

Somehow, Yun Qing twisted open the door.

The powerful air rushed into the car like a whirlwind. She just had that kind of mind, but she was still timid and still afraid to jump in the face of such a fast driving.

But the wind rolled in, and her body was like a leaf, and she was taken out and fell out of the car.

Sharp braking sound.

The pain in Yun Qing's heart quickly lost consciousness.


Xia Qiu went to school well.

The seats in the first row of the classroom were long empty.

I heard that Yun Qing had a car accident and had a problem with her leg. Now she has been lying in the hospital. I do n’t know when it will come out.

I also heard that Luo Chang is really an excellent class teacher.

It's just weird, but none of Yun Qing's family showed up.

The head of the class began to raise donations from the students, saying that they had contributed to Yun Qing, and they were very poor.

Those who can go to school in Nanxi High School are either rich or expensive. How can I donate less?

So when it comes to donating, but no one wants to take the lead in the first place, they are afraid that they will donate, and then they will be bullied by their own bad relationship and ridicule the poor.

What can the squad leader do? The squad leader is helpless.

In the end, it is simply to write down how much everyone has donated, and do n’t write down the amount, give a card number, and let everyone transfer money by themselves.

Of course, this is done by the teacher, so that others do not think he is trying to gain personal gain.

That afternoon, Zhu Yayu came to Xia Qiu mysteriously.

Those black and delicate eyelashes blinked, and Snow White's fair complexion didn't even have any pores at close range.

Xia Qiu appreciated for a while, and listened to Zhu Yayu Bara for a long time without focusing on the point, could not help but frowned.

Although pretty people seem pleasing to the eye, but ...

The beautiful young girl is spitting when she talks about gossip.

Zhu Yayu is not a fool, of course, she will look at her face.

The tone dropped again, she asked quietly.

"Early summer, how much are you going to donate with Yun Qing?"

Xia Qiu raised his eyebrows and looked at it with a smile, "What kind of relationship? Zhu Yayu, aren't you and Yun Qing hand in hand good friends? The relationship is so good, how much do you plan to donate?"

Zhu Yayu immediately shook his face with a shit-like expression.

"Why, she and I are ordinary friends. Who would dare to be friends with her? She is afraid of being cheated as a friend."

Xia Qiu whispered.

In the current high school stage of school, which girl is associated with "White Lotus" and "Green Tea Women's Watch", then this girl is ruined.

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