Chapter 1393: With my blood, earth breaking


Endless anger turned into a roar, ringing through the world.


Wave your hand.

Before Long Hang can speak, Long Ditian has said, "The power of taboo, no one can be defeated, and the soul has been destroyed by the power of taboo. Even if Long Ao is angry, don't even want to leave alive."

Hearing this, Long Hang was relieved.

Long Ao, the variables are too big.

Even so, Long Hang sighed a little.

Long Ao is just a small Shinto. At the beginning, it had not even reached the so-called congenital. It was such a small figure. Now that it is killed, it is necessary to use the last killer of the Long family and the dragon family, the power of taboo.

He wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Long Ao, even if dead, I believe it will be famous.

If such talents can be summarized in the Long family, things will no longer be possible.

"it has started."

The taboo has just destroyed Bai Ling, and now it is attacking Long Ao with all its strength.

Everyone was thrilled because the power of taboo was the first time I saw it, so powerful.

Long Ao did not give up, accompanied by endless roar, began a crazy counter-taboo force.

Long Ao is stupid?

Watching Long Ao ’s crazy move, everyone laughed.

The power to fight against taboos is like an egg hitting a stone.

Nine days in midair.

Long Ao clenched his fists and furiously counterattacked. However, how could Long Ao's strength be able to counteract the power of taboo? In just a few seconds, Long Ao was already scarred and bleeding, and looked extremely terrifying.

In order to be able to counter the power of taboo, Long Ao used his essence blood and blood.

Countless blood mists sprayed from Long Ao's body, like boiling water, with anger, with resentment, with pain, with despair, and even with a trace of jade and burn, and moths extinguished fire.

Long Ao's entire body was stained with blood.

Even so.

Long Ao is still standing in the air, constantly fighting back against taboos.

Everyone who just laughed more and more. In this case, everyone shut up and smiled, watching each of the nine days of the battle, Long Ao, rather than die, such a person, no matter who it is, even the enemy, I believe it will be moved.

Long Ditian, Long Hang and Jiuxiao Shenlong are also a bit dignified.

In this battle, whether Long Ao is alive or dead, I believe that Long Ao is worthy of respect.

If you change to someone else, under such a powerful taboo force, I am afraid that I have already chosen to give up, but Long Ao, rather than die, will continue to fight against the taboo force.

With a punch, Long Ao's body exploded again.

The power of taboo, opened his mouth with blood, and roared wildly at Long Ao.

"Heaven and earth are the guides, sword qi is the spirit, and my blood is used to move the heavens and the earth."

Just at this time.

It was at the moment that Long Ao was killed by taboo power.

A sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, rolling away, spreading every inch.

A huge white vortex suddenly appeared in front of Long Ao. A white woman stood in the center of the vortex, like a sharp sword, straight into Jiuxiao.

Isn't this the spirit that has just been destroyed by the power of taboo?

Isn't this Bai Ling?

Everyone, including Long Ao, was all dumbfounded, but the next moment, Long Ao already knew what Bai Ling wanted to do. It turned out that Bai Ling had not been swallowed by the taboo, but was always preparing to help himself avoid it. Attack of the taboo force, thus leaving the dragon smoothly.

The white light flickered, and the dazzling white light shrouded Long Ao.

The power of taboos was actually stymied.

what's going on?

Everyone looked at Nine Heavens Void, all stupidly stunned in the local area, because no one could think that the spirit that had just fallen could actually resist the power of taboo.

is this real?


The dazzling white light and the power of taboo collided fiercely, sending out a sound that rang through the heavens and the earth, shaking the entire sky of nine heavens. The unforgiving force of taboo was bounced back hard and hard.

White light is like a meteor shower, constantly falling on the dragon ground.

Rumble, Rumble ...

In just a few seconds, the entire Dragon clan seems to have been ransacked. If not all the Nirvana warriors joined forces to counter it, I believe that all the Dragon clan at this moment have all fallen.

Hesitation dazzling white light and the power of taboo help, in the middle of the air, a huge crack, a crack in space, was cut by the raw material.

Looking at the continuous black air flowing through the cracks in the space, everyone is like a wooden chicken. Even the Dragon Emperor Tian and Jiuxiao Shenlong can't help trembling and shaking, because everyone is very clear, the meaning of the cracks in the space What is it.

Before the cracks in space, no matter who they are, there is a dead end, but in this case, no one dares to move.

Doomsday is average.

Everyone in the Dragon family did not expect that things would reach this point.

Endless space cracks shroud the whole world. In just a few seconds, no one dared to move in the slightest, and the space cracks slowly merged. At this time, in the dazzling white light, the voice of Long Ao Yin was extremely cold. .

"With my blood, the blood of heaven and earth, do not destroy the Dragon clan, do not destroy the Dragon family, vow not to be human, the blood oath should not be, it will be hit by the Five Thunder."

With the disappearance of the white light and the power of taboo, the whole world began to recover as before.

What just happened?

Everyone is a little dumbfounded ~ ~ Until this moment, everyone has not responded yet, has Long Ao left?

is it possible?

But the blood vows issued by Long Ao just now everyone really listened, even if there were 10,000 people in each heart who did not want to admit it, but everyone knew very well that Long Ao did leave, under the power of taboo Leaving, leaving with the Dragon family and Dragon masters out.

At this point, no one is willing to believe that Long Ao's blood oath resounds through the world. Even now, it is still heard in the ears, and no one will doubt the blood oath. Because Long Ao ’s blood oath means, Longao must destroy the Dragon and Dragon clan, otherwise, it will suffer the disaster of Wulei.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze is blowing again.

Fanghuguishan stayed afterwards. Long Ao left this time smoothly, and no one knows how strong Long Ao will be in the future, because Long Ao has eaten this loss, and I believe that it will be hidden afterwards. Tianwu Continent wants to be in the vast crowd. Finding a person's trace among them is like finding a needle in the sea. Even the Dragons and Dragons cannot do it. No one would have thought that in this case, Long Ao could still leave smoothly, it was incredible and incredible.

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