Chapter 1: Daughter behind the shadows

What's more terrifying than watching bad movies? Watch your own bad movie.

Ning Ning sat expressionlessly in the movie theater, laughing beside her, the audience next to her elbowed her with an elbow: "When were you blind?"

"I'm not blind." Ning Ning helped the sunglasses on Fu's face. She didn't wear sunglasses because she was blind. She was afraid that people would recognize her as the heroine in the film.

"Oh, I'm blind." The next audience took off their glasses and wiped them slowly. "As soon as the film was five minutes old, my eyesight began to drop, and I've been blind for almost a hundred minutes now."

"Oh, huh ..." Ning Ning was awkwardly speechless, thinking how the **** film hadn't finished yet.

In fact, the movie is now up to date, the cinema is mostly empty, most of the viewers who value time or love their eyes have mostly left the scene in advance. The remaining people are in various poses, who use their mobile phones, chat, and sleep. The man was sitting next to Ning Ning. He was physically impaired, apparently blind for more than a hundred minutes, and still staring at the screen persistently: "How do you think this film can score on imbd?"

Ning Ning really couldn't hit the perfect mark with conscience, so he said, "Three points."

"Two and a half points." The audience next door chuckled, "Two points for the plot and 0.5 points for the starring."

"What?" Ning Ning was not calm at this moment, she turned to look at the other side, "how can you blame the actor for a bad movie? Such a mentally retarded plot and such silly lines, and I can't save it after changing the movie!"

"What do you think an actor is? It is to turn decay into magic. It is to make a two-point movie into a three-pointer." The audience next door still looked at the screen, and his face could not be seen in the darkness, only his side face could be seen clearly. The outline of the lens, and the reflection of the lens, "There are not so many good films and so many good roles. Most actors start from bad movies, because the movie is bad, can the actors not care?"

After the film was finished, with the slow flow of the ending song, the lights in the cinema lighted up, lighting his side.

Great director, Chen Guanchao.

He turned around and smiled at Ning Ning, but Ning Ning's heart sank to the bottom, because she had already guessed the purpose of watching the film, and what he would say next.

"Your mother is a great actor." Chen Guanchao stood up and walked in front of her, leaving a regretful voice, "Unfortunately, you are not."

He was gone, and other audiences were also gone. In the empty movie theater, only Ning Ning was still sitting there, motionless, like a statue.

The cell phone ringing suddenly, she lowered her head and took out the cell phone. It was a message from the agent, which said: "You don't need to go to the audition next month. Director Chen just talked with the phone above, and he definitely won't use you."

Ning Ning pulled his hand down weakly. On the big screen opposite, the names on the cast table moved up one by one, just like the big waves, the old names were washed away by the new names, so many names, several were It is remembered that several are forgotten, several are admired, and several are cast aside.

"I am a big beauty" opened lower, expecting less than three million box office! "

"The second-generation magic spell! The daughter of Ning Yuren after the legendary film of the past is difficult to be a big weapon!"

"Break news! Ning Ning revealed privately: As long as you give money, you can shoot everything!"

Overnight, the negative news was overwhelming. In a voice of accusation, Ning Ning came to the hospital, and just opened the door of the ward, and saw her mother lying on the bed with a mobile phone next to the pillow. Blockbuster "I'm a Big Beauty".

"Ah, mother." Ningning moaned, went to the bed and knelt, put her forehead on the back of her mother's hand, and said gently, "I'm sorry, don't look."

Sorry, she shouldn't pick up this bad movie.

But if she didn't answer, she didn't have enough money to see her mother.

Originally, she still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that she would be able to turn the tide with her own strength, just like her mother. Even in a bad movie, she could shine like the moon and catch the eye, but it turned out she wanted more Then, the legend is called legend because of its irreproducibility. She only inherited her mother's face and did not inherit her talent.

"I'm sorry." Ning Ning couldn't help choking, "I'm sorry mom, I'm not talented ..."

"Who says you are not talented?" Ning Yuren laughed. "You are exactly like me, look."

Ning Ning looked up with red eyes, followed her skinny fingers, and saw her nostrils in the phone screen enlarged, staring angrily, like a bear blind running down the mountain, snarling at the male lead: "I look like this Beauty! Why don't you look at me! Look at me! Look at me! "

Ning Ning closed her eyes and shivered, "Mom, can we close this video first? I feel like vomiting."

"I did the same when I first performed a movie. I sprayed the hero's face with saliva." Ning Yuren watched it with interest, "Later the hero stopped and said that he wanted to use an umbrella ..."

"What then?" Ningning asked.

Ning Yuren shrugged. "Then I was replaced."

Ning Ning looked at her in surprise and couldn't believe that the legendary film has such a dark history. Before Ning Yuren was called "the legendary film", there was another title-a born actor. Numerous major directors have announced that Ning Yuren is the most talented actor they have ever seen, such as a concubine, a village aunt, a sly spy, an infatuated singer, and even a man.

No, it can't even be described as ingenious.

In contrast, what are Ningning's performances?

"Forget my mother, don't comfort me." Ning Ning said to Tang, "I have a few kilograms or two, the film is clear enough, and Director Chen also called me specially ..."

Having said that, she paused for a moment. She didn't want to continue, but Ke Ningyu gently urged: "What did he say?"

"... He advised me to withdraw from this industry." Ningning said sourly, "said that what I photographed both tortured the audience and tortured myself, except for providing a wave of emoticons to netizens, there is no other use."

"Oh." Ning Yuren smiled lightly. "He farted."

Ningning was dizzy for a while: "Mom, isn't that bad for your brain?"

Ning Yuren hehe: "It was him who cried and shouted that he would replace me."

Ningning: "..."

Unexpectedly, the director has such a dark history!

"The actor is lonely." Ning Yuren converged with a smile and looked at Ning Ning seriously. The image reflected in Ning Ning's eyes was no longer the most beautiful woman in the East, but a skeleton, because of the torture of disease, her The hair is gone and the meat is gone. Only a thin layer of skin is wrapped around the bones. "The audience is coming to you like a tide and leaving you like a tide. They can always accompany you, only Your acting skills. "

"But I didn't ..." Before Ning Ning finished speaking, Ning Yuren suddenly pulled her hand, and put her already prepared things in her.

A movie ticket.

Ning Ning looked down at the palm of her hand, this is a movie ticket decades ago, it is estimated that she is older than her. A thin piece of yellow paper, with a round stamp on the left, which contains the admission ticket, and a rectangular box on the right, with the life theater in the middle, and the first eight rows of forty below. Number five.

"At twelve in the evening, go to the cinema at the 35th Rouge Road to watch a movie." Ning Yuren said, "you go alone."

The next second she regretted it and snatched the movie ticket back again: "No, you still don't have to go."

"Mom ..." Ning Ning looked at her without knowing it. "What happened to you?"

Ning Yuren looked at her with a complex look. After a long time, he asked, "Ning Ning, do you really want to be an actor like me?"

Ningning: "Of course I think."

Ning Yuren: "How much do you think?"

"How would I describe it?" Ning Ning frowned.

"Except for boiled chicken **** in this life, I will never touch any other meat." Ning Yuren said leisurely.

Ning Ning, who loved the string when he was okay, heard the words, and couldn't help looking at him for a moment, and finally the strong man broke his wrist: "I can."

Ning Yuren: "Even if your wife is going to give birth, you must finish the play in your hand first."

Ningning: "I'm a woman."

"All right." Ning Yuren changed his word from good to good. "Even if your husband is going to have a baby, he must finish the play in his hand first."

"... I can't do this." Ning Ning replied in distress. "At this time, I must stay with their father and son."

Ning Yuren: "You are stupid, how can a man have children?"

Ningning: "..."

"Last question." Ning Yuren paused and looked at her, "Will you give up acting?"

Negative comments from the media, Chen Guanchao's phone call late at night, tweets on Weibo, rumors in the company ... Every scene flashed from Ningning's eyes, she couldn't help closing her eyes to escape for a while, Finally, I opened my eyes hard: "I will never give up."

Ning Yuren laughed. This smile was all over the country, and between them, the first beauty in the movie scene that once upset all beings and made countless people linger in dreams was back.

"Then you go." She re-granted the movie ticket to Ning Ning, and closed her eyes with a smile of nostalgia. "That place, once changed my destiny, it can change your life ..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

"Mommy mommy!"

At 9:30 pm on November 11, 2016, Ms. Ning Yuren, the legendary film actor, died of cancer at the age of 52.

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