Chapter 2: Two transactions

A lot of people came to the funeral, including big stars and big directors. The little stars and reporters who chased them soon turned the funeral into a social evening.

"That's weird, isn't it?" A familiar voice sounded behind Ning Ning. "She didn't have so many friends during her lifetime, but many more friends after her death."

Ningning didn't need to look back to know who was coming.

Chen Guanchao came behind her, bent down, and placed the white chrysanthemum on her coffin.

"You turned her into an exhibit." He straightened up and turned to smile at her.

Ning Ning's lips moved, but she couldn't say anything to refute. Because he is right, the people who really come to a friend's wedding will not carry so many reporters and selfie sticks with them.

"Right." Chen Guanchao said, "I heard a rumor recently."

"What?" Ningning asked.

"I heard you're auctioning off your mother's relics." He stared at her, "including her trophy and underwear."

Ningning's eyes widened inconceivably: "How could I do such a thing?"

"You better not do this." Chen Guanchao was silent for a moment, and seemed to be weighing something. Finally, he said, "You can come to the audition next week. Although the candidate for the female lead has already been determined, the candidate for the female partner has not yet been determined. "

If he said to Ning Ning before the funeral, Ning Ning would be ecstatic and grateful to Dade, but now when he heard these words from his mouth, she felt humiliated and sad, because it was too kind.

"This is not alms." Chen Guanchao seemed to see through her mind, and a contempt floated to the corners of his lips. "This is a deal. You retain your mother's dignity, I will give you a chance, and nothing more."

Ning Ning stared at what she was about to say. The phone rang and looked down at the phone number. She frowned, said sorry to Chen Guanchao, and hurried to the lounge.

"What are you talking about?" Ning Ning was furious in the lounge. "As soon as mom left, you will auction her relics?"

In a luxury store in Hong Kong, an old lady wearing a mink coat is trying on a diamond ring. The clerk next to her helped her hold her mobile phone. While admiring the bright light on her finger, she casually said, "I haven't had enough living expenses recently. . "

Ningning took a few deep breaths: "How much do you want?"

"Give me a million first," said the grandma.

"... I only gave you 100,000 last month, and this month you will open one million?" Ningning said.

"When your mother was young, no matter how much I asked her, she said nothing to me." The old lady said coldly. "She is all right, she just gave birth to you such a conscience, and asked you for some living expenses. You have to bargain with me, do you want to annoy your grandma? "

There are still people like this in the world!

Who doesn't know inside and outside the circle, Ning Yuren is good at everything, the only bad thing is that there is a vampire-like mother Cui Hongmei. After the generation of Ning Yuren, they have no money to cure the disease in their old age. What about the money? All in Cui Hongmei's mink, diamond ring, and villa.

"I don't have money!" Ningning wouldn't have the kind of temper that her mother had. "I still have money to buy a graveyard for my mother!"

"That's OK." Cui Hongmei said indifferently. "Let's meet at the auction."

After that, she pressed the phone and sneered towards the phone: "Hum, fight with me."

The phone rang again, and the clerk looked at Cui Hongmei, but Cui Hongmei waved her hand: "Don't care about her and let her continue to play. What other styles do you have, please bring them for me to try."

On the other side, Ning Ning made a dozen phone calls in a row and finally scolded inexorably: "Old thief!"

Taking into account that Cui Hongmei could make it happen, Ning Ning had to quickly contact the funeral home so that they could end the funeral as soon as possible, at the same time booked a flight ticket on Ctrip, ready to pass directly to block people.

Have a funeral, and that's it.

The guests left one after another, and most of them complained. In a Bentley, a tall, handsome man suddenly said, "Dad, are you too much?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Guanchao sat next to him, and the driver closed the door on his side.

The handsome man, Chen Shuanghe, the son of Chen Guanchao, said lightly: "You didn't plan to let her play your show at all. You asked her to audition because you wanted her to see the gap between her and me, and others. Every field cut crushed her. "

"Do you think this is too much?" Chen Guanchao laughed. "It is too much to indulge her to stay in this industry. It is irresponsible to the audience and an insult to the actor industry."

"Really?" Chen Shuanghe glanced at him obliquely, breaking through him mercilessly, "I only saw one brain residue fan making trouble out of no reason."

Chen Guanchao froze for a moment, then refuted a little uncomfortably: "I am not a brain fan!"

"There are so many people who lack acting skills, but you only target her." Chen Shuanghe said lightly, "Isn't it because in your eyes, she is a stain on Ning Yuren?"

After that, he looked at him coldly. After receiving the news of Ning Yuren's death, the man cried for three days at home, just like his wife who died. No, when his real wife died, he didn't even shed a tear, and didn't even come to her funeral. He cried and called him, but he responded indifferently: "After I finish filming, I will go back." When he returned, his mother had long since become an ashes.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuanghe turned his head and looked out the car window. Not far away, Ning Ning hugged the ashes, and walked in a hurry and gloomy face. The solitary back image was the same as he was then. Chen Shuanghe looked at her with a very complicated mood. For a while, she felt abominable, and then felt compassion for her life.

At this time, the car started.

Ning Ning didn't take her eyes together at that moment. After the funeral, she was supposed to be busy with the cemetery, but Granny Cui broke her overall plan. She had to put her mother ’s ashes jar at home first. And then rushed to Hong Kong as fast as possible ...

She was greeted by a contract.

The contract was placed on the coffee table in the middle. Ning Ning and Cui Hongmei sat face to face, the atmosphere was tense.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Ningning said coldly. "You are selling your granddaughter for cheap."

"No, I think the price is fair." Cui Hongmei was sitting on the European-style sofa with her legs crossed. Compared with last month, she had a huge diamond ring on her finger. "In addition to investing in shooting advertisements for you, Mr. Yang is willing to Give me half a million living expenses every month, which is good for you and me. "

Ning Ning leaned slightly and stared at her: "In your heart, I'm only worth half a million this month?"

"If you have the talent of your mother, of course I won't kill chickens and eggs." Cui Hongmei smoked a cigarette, and a white mist filled the corners of her mouth. "But do you have it? Just a face fresh and beautiful, how long can it be fresh?"

Ning Ning's fingers on her knees curled up, and someone has been denying her, but this is the first time she has been hurt so deeply, because this is her loved one, she has totally denied everything except her skin.

"I'm ... not as good as my mother now," Ning Ning pursed her lips, "but I've been trying ..."

"Forget it." Cui Hongmei interrupted her. "It took only two years for the Jade people to become popular all over the river. How about you? How many years have you been on TV?"

Ning Ning is both angry and ashamed. She wants to explain that the times are different, there are too many colleagues, and the audience looks more at the face than at the acting skills ... But these are all excuses, and it ’s not her own responsibility. If she has the beauty of her mother, At the same time, with her mother's acting skills, she would not be like this now.

At least Cui Hongmei would not give her such a humiliating contract.

This is almost lettering with a knife in her heart, engraving that you are useless, your acting skills are bad, and you pay so much but only to be overbearing president as a mistress.

"What if I say no?" Ningning asked coldly.

Cui Hongmei lay down on the sofa behind her, with red lips like blood, and a flue between her fingers: "I know you have no conscience, but it doesn't matter, I have contacted an auction, and I initially estimated that your mother's trophies, dance clothes, Together, Lin Lin can sell about seven or eight million yuan, barely enough for my wife to live through the rest of her life. "

...... Maybe someone will call her filial piety, but if paradise is engaged in activities now, a grandmother can exchange for a mom, and Ning Ning will burn the old woman immediately!

"I can't sign this contract." In Cui Hongmei and Tieqing's face, Ning Ning picked up the contract on the table and tore it into pieces. "You also scare me less, the heritage has your share, and mine. You can sell one for less than eight million. "

"You are trying to anger me, cough, cough!" Cui Hongmei immediately coughed, clutching her chest.

Ningning didn't believe she would die. Yesterday she was still dating a strong man, and by the way, sent the kissing picture to the circle of friends.

"I'll give you another option now." Ning Ning took a pen from his bag, put a notebook out, and threw it on the table. "List the relics, half of you, half of me, and half of yours, you mark one Reasonable price. When I make money later, I will buy it from you as well. "

Cui Hongmei immediately stopped coughing, grabbed the pen on the table, and quickly wrote on the notebook.

The list is complete, and Ningning took a look at it, an astronomical figure. In particular, personal items such as underwear, each marked a high price of one million.

Ning Ning knows that the most affordable way to get these relics is to let her hold an auction. After all, Ning Yuren is not a popular star. No matter how expensive these underwear and underpants are, they can't sell for millions. But she couldn't do that. Mom couldn't afford to lose this person.

She can only grit her teeth and say, "OK."

Cui Hongmei was satisfied, and urged toward Ningning's back: "You have to hurry up. I have an appointment with someone next month to go to Hawaii for tourism, but I don't have money in my hand."

I know! You said in the circle of friends that you are going to honeymoon with your strong man!

Ning Ning stepped in a footstep, and then hurried out.

She hurriedly got on the plane and hurriedly got off the plane. On the taxi, Ning Ning kept calling and sending messages to ask for work. Any job and role could be. She wanted to make money.

Can be affected by the upper street film, now everyone regards her as a box office poison, thank you all insensitive. The agent got a message and called her, warning: "If you want to continue in this business, don't say 'any job is OK, any role is OK', so stay quiet and quiet Then, talk after this time. "

Although the broker's words are harsh, but the good medicine is bitter and loyal, which is for Ning Ning's sake, and Ning Ning knows this. But at this moment, she needs more than just advice, she needs comfort, even a "you're okay". However, Li Boyue is a gold medal agent, he is very busy, and there are many artists under him, Ningning is one of them, but not the most important one.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Ning tried to find a friend in the mobile phone who could talk to each other, and tossed around, and found that there was only the phone of the work partner, and none of them could cry against the other's shoulder.

In order to become a qualified actor, she sacrificed almost everything.

No friends, no entertainment, no other hobbies, only training, training, and training day after day.

I paid so much, but there was no return at all.

After suppressing the tears bursting for several days, Ning Ning looked at herself reflected on the screen of his mobile phone and couldn't help choking: "Without any strengths, why are you born in this world ..."

She kept sobbing, covering her mouth, and out of the car window, it rained unconsciously, an old signboard flashed in the rain.


The car stopped on the side of the road. Ning Ning opened the door and walked down. Without an umbrella, she stood in the endless heavy rain and looked at the movie theater opposite.

Cinema of Life.

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