Chapter 298: Dragon Ball

"I did n’t lose it, but the stone tool was eaten by one of my companion pets, and now it has turned into a stone egg, which is in the process of evolution." Zhou Wen took out the stone egg that He heard and said: "I don't know this thing Can it be used instead of stone tools? "

"This ... I don't know ... give it a try ..." An Sheng wasn't sure. He thought about it and said, "Give me the stone eggs, and then go out in the Sinan car. This car will keep driving out of the ruins. What will be the danger. The injuries on Lu Yunxian and Lu Ning also need to go out for treatment. There is no therapeutic companion pet. "

"Before, Lu Ning also sent her out?" Zhou Wen said, passing the stone eggs to An Sheng.

"The bloodworms on her were not easy to handle, so she had to send her out first." Ansheng said after taking the stone eggs.

"What's going on with you and the wine master?" Zhou Wen didn't believe An Sheng would carelessly bring a group of people with ulterior motives around and knew nothing.

"It can be used for each other. The master of wine has a plan. I also need someone to attract the attention of the Evergreen Tree in the Changsheng Hall." Ansheng carefully collected the stone eggs.

"Did Lan Lan and the old principal be found? Are they all fine?" Zhou Wen asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"It should be right in the temple, but the stone temple could not be opened because of the lack of stone tools. Now you have this stone egg. If there is no accident, you should be able to open the temple to rescue them. You go back first, something is wrong I'll talk about it when I go back. "An Sheng said, he jumped from the strange car, and walked towards the cave where the strange car came, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Wensong took a sigh of relief and leaned into the body of Sinanche, only feeling the pain in his whole body.

"I had known that I could go to the temple directly to find Sheng with a Sinan car, so I didn't have to worry so much. I almost died." Zhou Wen looked at Lu Yunxian and Lu Ning and saw that their condition was very bad, and he didn't know Can you insist on going back to the camp.

When the Sinan car returned, the route it followed was the same as when it came. After passing through the desert and the ocean, the Sinan car drove out of the underground passage of the ruins.

Zhou Wen brought Lu Yunxian and Lu Ning back to the camp. Zhao Xin treated them for injuries. They finally saved their lives. The bloodworm that crawled into them was not fatal, but because of the serious injury of Dr. Dark, there was no way for the time being. To help them get rid of bloodworms can only make them unconscious.

Чжоу Вэнь также был очень ранен, но сила плюща была ограничена. Чжоу Вэнь позволил Чжао Синсиан позаботиться о Лу Юнсине и Лу Нин, и он медленно восстановился, используя небольшую способность к восстановлению Праджны Сутры.

Лежа на кровати и чистя копию, Чжоу Вэнь снова коснулся дыры от летучей мыши. Хоть скорость взрыва у летучих мышей и не высокая, но их много, некоторые вещи они взрывали, но они не имели хорошего качества.

«Когда я смогу взорвать маленького тигра и поднести его к норе летучей мыши, урожай определенно будет намного лучше». Чжоу Вэнь не выгнал маленького тигра, и его сердце очень расстроено.

Снова придя в подземное море, Чжоу Вэнь внимательно посмотрел на сапфировое небо, но не нашел ничего внутри.

«Почему в игре нет машины Синана?» Не было возможности ходить по воздуху, Чжоу Вэнь мог ходить только по поверхности моря, летая на небольшой высоте верхом на ядовитой белой тени, и не осмеливался летать слишком высоко.

Вскоре после полета я увидел струю морской воды: черный морской дракон, похожий на драгоценный камень, вырвался из моря, открыл пасть и поглотил белую тень Чжоу Вэня и Яда.

Его драконья пасть кажется черной дырой с ужасным всасыванием, позволяющим всасывать белую тень яда. Он не способен сопротивляться и даже не может вылететь из борьбы.

Но вскоре в разные стороны показались головы нескольких черных драконов, и они открыли пасти на белую тень яда.

Чжоу Вэнь чувствовал себя древним колодцем без волн. Он управлял злодеем Скарлет, чтобы он призрачным шагом спрыгнул со спины ядовитой белой тени и бросился прямо в море.

Белая тень яда была укушена несколькими головами драконов и не могла выжить.

Чжоу Вэнь видел их дважды раньше и обнаружил, что части их тел под водой кажутся связанными. Теперь, когда у них есть возможность, им нужно внимательно посмотреть.

Насколько я мог видеть, Чжоу Вэнь был удивлен, обнаружив, что это не девятиглавый дракон. Все части тел девяти черных драконов под поверхностью моря были скованы цепями.

Черные цепи проходили сквозь их хребты, а их тела были связаны с черной колесницей. Колесница, казалось, была сделана из металла, запечатана по всем четырем стенам, закрыта верхней крышкой и не могла видеть изнутри. Что это за ***.

Когда девять черных драконов движутся, они будут медленно тянуть огромную металлическую колесницу, поэтому скорость этих черных драконов сильно ограничена, иначе им придется бежать быстрее.

"Who is qualified to sit on a chariot pulled by nine black dragons?" Zhou Wen didn't know if there were any creatures in the chariot ~ ~ If so, it would be terrible .

However, it seems that the chariot has been abandoned for a long time. There are a lot of seagrass and other things on it, and some shellfish and corals have taken root on it, which makes the chariot look strange.

"Wait ... what's that?" Zhou Wen's eyes fell on the coral groves of the chariot, but he shone brightly.

Between the corals, where the waterweeds entangled, there was a black gem-like bead. Zhou Wen was very suspicious that the bead was the legendary dragon ball, or it might be a dragon's egg.

"If I can get that Dragon Ball, I don't know if I can use the power of Dragon Ball to raise my last attribute to 21 points?" Zhou Wen only thought so, and the game screen was already dark.

A black dragon devoured the Scarlet Villain, and Zhou Wen's game was over.

However, Zhou Wen was not frustrated, but was very excited. He seemed to have seen the epic hope.

Those black dragons are probably mythological creatures, and the dragon **** in the coral nests may be their offspring. A dragon egg to eat and eat should be able to replace the role of the **** blood.

The most important thing is that the nine black dragons are all locked by chains and connected to the black chariot. Because the chariots are too heavy, the ability of the nine black dragons to be affected is greatly affected. This gives Zhou Wen the opportunity to take advantage There is the possibility of capturing Dragon Ball, otherwise, Zhou Wen would not be able to survive in front of those mythical creatures.

"How can I get that Dragon Ball?" Zhou Wen kept thinking.

Although he felt promising, Zhou Wen tried a few more times, but each time he failed to get close to the chariot, he was swallowed up by those black dragons.

"It seems to think of a thorough plan, I wonder if kneeling is useless?" Zhou Wen thought to himself.

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