Глава 558: Небеса и мир, бесконечные и бесконечные (финал)

Все люди, которые бросили вызов небу, посмотрели на Чу Ло в унисон.

Этот макет спрятан слишком глубоко!

И средства настолько могущественны, что за гранью воображения.

Как и ожидалось от лидера Бросающих Небеса!

Хао, очевидно, уже почувствовал давление и угрозу.

Чу Луо, это действительно потрясающе!

Все на пике, бросающем вызов небесам, восхищались ими в своем сердце.

Мир Тяньян, который может быть окутан волей неба, постоянно расти и возвышаться, не подвергаясь влиянию неба.

Вы можете видеть, что это здорово.

Он даже тайно контролировал мир Тяньян и стал правителем Тяньяна.

Собрал тех, кто бросил вызов небу, и сформировал союз против неба, чтобы победить небо.

Если бы не авария в начале, боюсь, все бы полетело против неба!

Сюань Цю, Повелитель Хаоса.

Это также большое состояние, известность и могущество.

Известна как первая странная женщина!

Его сила не может быть слабой Чу Ло, но с точки зрения средств он намного хуже.

План компоновки Небесного Защитника был составлен Чу Ло.

У тех, кто бросает вызов небу, в этот момент значительно возрастает уверенность, их боевой дух высок, и они так восхищаются Чу Ло!

Сюань Цю холодно посмотрел на Чу Ло.

Некоторые даже стискивают зубы.

Этот хитрый и бессовестный человек твердит, что муж и жена — одно целое, без утаивания и тайны.

Секретный план такой большой!

Это ее разозлило.

План Чу Ло настолько глубок, почему его сын исчез?

Может ли быть так, что он пожертвовал своим сыном ради этой договоренности?


Чу Ло был ошеломлен.

Какие небеса?

Почему Сюаньмэнь снова связан со мной?

Разве это не поддержал Хао?

Новые трансцендентные правила хаоса, которые вот-вот станут трансцендентными правилами нового мира, не были созданы Хао?

Поскольку это не Хао, чей это расклад?

У кого есть эта способность?

Скрытые третьи лица?

Откуда взялась третья сторона?

Чу Ло понял, что все полностью вышло из-под контроля, и произошли неизвестные изменения.

Он глубоко вздохнул, игнорируя ледяной взгляд Сюань Цю и взволнованные лица других.

Он торжественно посмотрел на Хао, который шел шаг за шагом, и его инерция становилась все более и более мощной.

«Хао, разве ты не создал Сюаньмэнь? Разве ты не создал Дао Небес?»

«Чу Ло, ты все еще хитришь? Это полезно?»

На теле Хао была трансцендентная аура.

Стойкая и непредсказуемая фигура, кажется, не может шпионить за его конкретным местоположением.

Ужасающая сила начала выметаться наружу и качнулась к небу.

Чу Ло торжественно сказал: «Хао, клянусь сердцем Дао, Дао Неба и Сюаньмэнь не имеют ничего общего со мной, не с моим расположением!»

В раскладке действительно присутствует третье лицо!

В этот момент Чу Ло стал осторожным.

Они бросают вызов небу, чтобы бросить вызов небу, Хао.

Но я не хочу, правда, в конце концов, получать прибыль от других!

Фигура Хао остановилась.

Другие Защитники Небес были ошеломлены.

Сюань Цю нахмурился.

«Хао, Тяньдао и Сюаньмэнь, вы действительно не планируете?»

— спросил Чу Ло низким голосом.

Глаза Хао были холодными, а его величественный голос стал мрачным.

«И Хао, как я могу играть в эти маленькие трюки?!»

Группа бросивших вызов небу людей выглядела мрачной и неуверенной, и битва, которая вот-вот разразится, не могла начаться в этот момент.

Вспоминая прошлое поведение Хао, он действительно не стал бы делать так много изгибов и поворотов.

Он рай!

Хао посмотрел на Сюань Цю.

Владыка Хаоса.

Небо происходит из хаоса.

Ученики Сюаньмэнь также пришли из Хаоса.

«Сюаньцю, достойный быть Повелителем Хаоса, действительно хороший трюк!»

Кроме Сюань Цю, ни у кого больше нет возможности делать макет.

Хотя у Сюаньцю всегда создавалось впечатление, что это не стиль интриг.

Однако кто может гарантировать, что она не спрятана глубоко?

Внезапно остальные Небесные Защитники посмотрели на Сюань Цю.

Они не могли в это поверить, Сюань Цю действительно обладал такой способностью?

Уголки рта Чу Ло дернулись. С его пониманием Сюаньцю у него точно не было такого метода раскладки.

Иначе я бы не был обманут сам собой в первую очередь... Кхм, я пошевелил сердцем и стал мужем и женой.

Сюань Цю нахмурился и сказал: «Путь неба и Сюаньмэнь не имеют ко мне никакого отношения!»

Тяньдао и Сюаньмэнь не являются ни средством Хао, ни Чу Ло и Сюаньцю. Может ли быть третье лицо?

На этот раз группа людей, бросающих вызов небу, заподозрила неладное.

«Хао, а как насчет моего сына?»

— холодно спросил Сюань Цю.

Хао был ошеломлен, немного невероятно.

«Когда ты стал даосским компаньоном с кем-то? Однажды я воплотился в хаосе, но ты был черствым и бессердечным. Ты не только отверг преследование моего воплощения, но и убил меня во плоти!»

Что случилось?

Группа людей, бросающих вызов небу, в шоке посмотрела на Сюань Цю.

Чу Ло был удивлен.

Потом он подумал о ком-то.

Вначале он был очень красивым, талантливым и обаятельным и восхищался парнем Сюаньцю.

Потом внезапно исчез.

Был ли он на самом деле убит Сюань Цю?

Сюань Цю нахмурился, судя по реакции Хао, он не знал, что у них с Чу Ло есть сын.

Поскольку Хао не забирал людей, почему они исчезли?

— Этот парень — твой аватар?

Думая об этом человеке тогда, Сюань Цю тоже был немного удивлен.

«Неудивительно, я думаю, что он представляет угрозу и имеет плохие намерения, поэтому я только что убил Цин Цзин!»

Группа невероятных людей, которые знали о некоторых деяниях Сюань Цю, скривили рты.

Ходят слухи, что в Тяньяне и Хаосе есть бесчисленное множество Тяньцзяо, которые восхищаются Сюаньцю и имеют бесчисленное количество женихов.

В результате все они были убиты Сюань Цю один за другим.

Причина в том, что он, как мухи, слишком надоедлив!

С тех пор никто не смел преследовать Сюань Цю, не смел преследовать ее.

Многие люди, которые бросили вызов небу, смотрели на Чу Ло.

Все равно этот классный!

— Ты действительно меня не поймал?

Лицо Сюань Цю было холодным, а брови нахмурены.

«Я, я никогда не ловил людей в Хаосе, но я был шахматной фигурой, которую уничтожили!»

Хао посмотрел на Чу Луо и усмехнулся: «Ты хитрый человек, чтобы стать даосским компаньоном Сюань Цю, Сюань Цю тоже слеп».

Тогда он сказал: «В начале у меня было воплощение, и я хотел стать с тобой даосским компаньоном. Ты хитрый человек. После того, как ты его использовал, ты даже отказался от моего воплощения!»

Группа бросивших вызов небу людей почувствовала, что их мозгов недостаточно.

Существует такая сложная эмоциональная путаница между Сюаньцю, Хао и Чу Ло?

Кроме того, Хао мужчина или женщина?

Или это может быть мужчина или женщина?

Могут ли быть правдой некоторые слухи о том, что Чу Ло доминировал в молодости?

В первые годы, полагаясь на сильных женщин, питаясь мягким рисом, чтобы получить ресурсы для выращивания?

Сюань Цю уставился на Чу Ло, его лицо было холодным, и он стиснул зубы.

Чу Ло дернул уголками рта и выругался: «Так этот **** — твое воплощение, неудивительно, что я почувствовал что-то неладное и нашел шанс убить его!»

«Я убил его аватар, я не опирался на его аватар, правда!»

Чу Ло невинно посмотрел на Сюань Цю.

в небольшой долине.

Люди Чулуо уже оцепенели.

Мой собственный отец такой человек!

«После того, как сплетни закончатся, я хочу увидеть, каковы методы Небес и Сюаньмэнь!»

Хао холодно фыркнул.

Появилась дюжина фигур.

Все они являются электростанциями, которые доминируют в королевстве.

Выражение лица Чу Ло было чрезвычайно торжественным.

Хао на самом деле вырастил так много марионеток Царства Доминиона.

В той битве Верховное Царство пало много, и Верховный Господь тоже пал несколько.

Хао фактически потреблял собранный источник и выращивал новую партию марионеток Царства Доминиона.

Группа людей, бросающих вызов небу, выглядела торжественно.

«Будьте готовы объединить силы с Тяньдао и Сюаньмэнь, Хао — враг!»

Чу Ло сказал низким голосом.


Они здесь, чтобы бросить вызов небу.

Обратная резка Хао это небо.

Более дюжины мастеров царства господства устремились прямо к небесам.

Появился мощный импульс.

В этот момент с неба сошел свет меча.

Непревзойденная сила и непревзойденная наступательная мощь напрямую заблокировали двух главных марионеток.

Алебарда пересекла небо и тоже остановила мастера.

Цинь в этот момент также обладает силой верховного господства.

Он черт Дао Неба, и если Дао сегодня является трансцендентным правилом, он также обладает силой верховного господства.

Древний Бог Фэнъин также выстрелил, чтобы остановить мастера.

Черная как смоль птица-чудовище пронеслась по небу, и тьма окутала ее.

Десятикрылый Мин Пэн тоже появился и остановил мастера.

Появляется гигантская черепаха.

Мерцая глубоким светом, защита не имеет себе равных, и она сопротивляется мастеру от вторжения в небеса.

«Сюаньву? Нет, не Сюаньву!»

Чу Ло нахмурился.

Со временем появился нефритовый дракон, игривый, и тоже остановил мастера.

В этот момент Хао, небеса, тоже стал серьезным.

"Этого не достаточно!"

Он вышел, рослая фигура, несущая силу ужаса, подняла руку и схватила ее прямо к небу.


Появляется странное дерево, распускаются цветы и сияет свет.

Пожирающий цветок!


Гигантский Цзиньпэн взлетел на своих крыльях, и его мощь сотрясла небо, объединившись с Пожирающим цветком.


Хао выглядел удивленным.

Среди тех, кто бросает вызов небу, воскликнул и древний мастер.

Затем он сказал: «Встряхивая Цзиньпэна, ходят слухи, что живые существа той же эпохи, что и Хао, или даже раньше, когда-то были побеждены Хао, сбежали в небытие и исчезли!»

Появление сотрясающего небеса Цзиньпэна заставило группу людей, бросающих вызов небу, подумать, что эта третья сторона была древним существом, которое было убито или изгнано Хао в первую очередь!

«Побежденные генералы осмеливаются бросить вызов небу?!»

Hao snorted coldly, surrounded by yin and yang in his palms, and the vision of the birth and death of the Great Dao appeared.

There are all things in the world, visions of heaven and earth, and the outline of the world, all presented in the palm of your hand at this moment.

Both Chu Luo and Xuan Qiu were shocked.

The two looked at each other and saw the dignified look in each other's eyes.

Hao, it seems that the moment before the birth of the new world, he has already taken that step!

Right now.

A roar sounded.

In the four directions of heaven, four gigantic figures emerged.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, wrapped in rolling divine might, came to suppress Hao.

Four spirit beasts!

At this moment, no one doubted that the Tao of Heaven and Xuanmen were created by these ancient beings.

"Based on this, you also want to go against the sky?"

Hao sneered and continued to grasp with his palm.

At the same time, the new world that is being born is also emerging with terrifying power, as if there is a transcendent new world power that is gathering towards Hao!

Why is he so confident?

Controlling Tianyang for such a long time, in the name of the sky, he has harvested countless strong men, annihilated and created one era after another.

This world of heaven and earth, and even Chaos, has his imprint.

The four spirits and beasts, including Jinpeng, were unable to resist, and had already retreated.

In the end, it is just the supreme domination.


Chu Luo snorted lowly.

The figure rose into the sky, and in an instant, it was like a bright sun volleying into the sky.

The stature became boundless.

Xuan Qiu's figure also disappeared in place, and in an instant, a full moon that was no weaker than Chu Luo's bright sun appeared, brilliance shone, and the cold light was cold.

At this moment, Chu Luo and Xuanqiu joined forces, the sun and the moon blended together, and the yin and yang became one.


The ancient master roared angrily.

Anti-Sky Peak soars into the sky.

Not towards Hao, but towards that round, the new great sun that is about to be born.

Destroying Hao continues to be the root of the sky!

"Today, let you know what the sky is!"

Hao's majestic voice resounded through the New Territories.

"God, irreversible!"


The heaven and the earth seem to be reversing, the world becomes cloudy, and the turbid air of yin and yang permeates the space between heaven and earth.

The figure of the stalwart transformed into sixteen hands in an instant.

The power of creation of the birth of the new world is gathering, and the power of the original source gathered by the great sun is also released at this moment.

A hand slammed out and patted Ni Tianfeng.

Four hands bombarded Chu Luo and Xuanqiu.

The rest of the hands were all slammed towards Heaven.

Valley, in a small yard.

Chu Xuan was still sitting in the chair, watching the battle leisurely.

The split sky turned around, with an impatient look on his face.

Chunlan was also nervous.

Wang Luo and others have not yet entered the realm of supreme **** and cannot participate in the war.

Looking helpless in the yard, watching this battle.

"Sect Master, can't you do it?"

Splitting the sky is in a hurry.

He saw an acquaintance.

My eldest sister is on the Heaven Defying Peak.


Ni Tianfeng was blocked.

A group of supreme rulers and those who defied the sky in the supreme realm shouted in anger, tried their best, and used the power of defying the sky to slam against the big hand.

But it has never been able to move forward.

Look back.

Chu Luo and Xuan Qiu also fell into a hard battle.

An ancient master, step forward.

Shen Sheng said: "At this moment, the only way is to fight to the death. If we win, I will wait to start all over again. If we fail, then everything will stop!"

"Everyone, help me!"

All the Supreme Realms collapsed at this moment, and all the strength of the cultivation base poured into the ancient master.


The ancient ruler, his body cracked and his soul swayed.


With a roar, with the assistance of the rest of the masters, he rose into the sky and rushed out of the Heaven-Defying Peak.


Directly slamming the big hand away a little, Ni Tianfeng took the opportunity to rush out, and continued to run towards that round, the big sun that was about to be born.

"For the sake of defying the sky, it's really heroic!"

Chu Xuan sighed and sighed.

From this, it can also be seen how much hatred this group of heaven defies is!

He wasn't in a hurry.

The situation is under control, let Haowei wind up, get excited, and finally let him despair.

Those who defied the sky all left behind some origins.

You can start all over again, you can't die!


Heavenly Dao vibrated, rules appeared, and resisted Hao's bombardment.

Chu Luo and Xuanqiu suddenly merged in strength, shaking Hao's arm, and a powerful attack slammed into Hao's body.

However, the attack had no effect.

As if bombarded in the void!

Chu Luo and Xuan Qiu sank in their hearts.

Chu Xuan shook his head, the strength of his father and mother was finally a little worse.

Moreover, Hao has the Pearl of Nothingness in his body, and all attacks can't hurt him.

Ni Tianfeng was blocked again.

Hao, most of the attention is on the way of heaven.

Only the way of heaven can bring pressure to him.

I had underestimated Tiandao before, and it was too careless.

On the way of heaven, a cat came leisurely.

There is a transcendent aura that pervades it, as if it contains some kind of good fortune.

Hao was surprised at this moment.

"Spirit of Chaos?"

When Chu Xuan heard the words, he was also surprised. The celestial cat was actually the spirit of chaos?

"No, not the Spirit of Chaos!"

Hao felt a little out of control.

The spirit of chaos was swallowed by him.

The one in front of him is almost indistinguishable from the Spirit of Chaos.

However, definitely not Chaos Spirit.

The eyes of light bloomed, and Hao at this moment became more and more powerful, and the world vision in the palm of his hand rolled over and came to suppress the heavenly way.

Black Moon stepped forward, and a bead was spinning.

The Pearl of the Universe!

"Gather strength!"

At this moment, the Four Spiritual Divine Beasts, the Heaven-shaking Jinpeng, etc., all gathered their power on the Pearl of the Universe.

The starlight is dazzling, the time and space vision is presented, and the pearl of the universe has resisted Hao's attack!

"You have such a treasure?"

Hao realized at this moment that the situation was really out of control.

Must be taken seriously!


The huge palm slammed into Nitian Peak with anger at this moment.

"Fuck off the ants!"


A group of supreme rulers vomited blood one after another!

Youqin stood up, and the ethereal and ghostly breath permeated.

"It's time to fight this one last time!"

In the small yard, Split Sky couldn't sit still.


He rushed out of the valley in an instant and flew towards the Heaven Defying Peak.

"Sister, wait, don't do stupid things!"

Youqin was startled.

Saw a head flying.

Crack the sky!

At the moment when the split sky rushed into the anti-sky peak, the fleshly bodies gathered and recovered their true bodies.

He grabbed Youqin's hands and said, "Big sister, don't fight!"

Youqin looked at him in amazement, "Are you supreme?"

Then he said: "You go quickly, get out of here, this is not something you can mix."

"Big sister, stop rushing, that guy can't turn the sky, leave it to Xuanmen."

Cracked Tian looked helpless.

He didn't even know what was so bad about Chu Xuan and what was so beautiful.

Wouldn't it be over to shoot that guy to death?

"The sect master of Xuanmen is very powerful, wait for him to take action."

Yuqin stared at him.

Splitting the sky was stared at with a guilty conscience, his head lowered slightly, and said: "I am the deacon or elder of the Xuanmen. The master of the door is very powerful, and has surpassed the **** realm."

"Sister, don't fight anymore, the sect master will solve it."

A crowd of supreme rulers gathered around.

"Mysterious Sect Master, is it really so powerful?"

"Then why didn't he do it?"

Splitting the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "He, he is watching a play!"

Go to a play?

All the masters were stunned.

Hao, the momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the powerful force directly blasts Chu Luo and Xuan Qiu away.

At this moment, Chu Luo and Xuanqiu reluctantly landed on the Heaven Defying Peak.

"Any attack can't hurt Hao!"

Chu Luo looked bitter.

Xuan Qiu was also silent.

God, is it really irreversible?

"You said that the sect master of Xuanmen is watching a play?"

Youqin suddenly pinched so that the whole body hurts.

"Yes, it is!"

Splitting the sky looks innocent, and it's not me who is watching the play!

Chu Luo suddenly pinched Splitian's head, brought him over, and asked, "Who is the sect master of Xuanmen?"

Splitting swallowed a mouthful of saliva, facing Chu Luo, he felt terrifying pressure.

"Break it for me!"

Suddenly, Hao let out an angry roar.

Everyone looked up.

Hao, this is the first time I am so angry and lose my temper.

Heavenly Dao, under Hao's bombardment, not only did not collapse, but continued to spread, and it was almost completely transformed into the transcendental rules of the new world.

No wonder Hao was so angry and lost his temper!

Once the Dao of Heaven becomes the transcendental rule of the New Realm, he will not be able to continue to be the Heaven and continue to dominate the New Realm!


The defense of the Pearl of the Universe was blasted away at this moment.

Black Moon and the others flew out one after another.

Seeing the attack, it is about to fall on the way of heaven and destroy the way of heaven.

Hearing a chuckle.

"Don't be so angry!"

in the small yard.

Chu Xuan stretched out a hand.

With a smile, he said to Su Xian'er and the others, "Look at me holding the sky in one hand!"

He has already decided that after this incident, he will continue to live in another place.

It's time to show up for a walk.

Now invincible, there is no scruples.

In the eyes of Chu Luo and others, an unpredictable hand suddenly appeared and grabbed onto Hao's body.

The stalwart and unseen Hao kept shrinking, no matter how he roared, struggled, and angered, it was useless.

Holding Hao in the palm of his hand, he fell to the ground.

"The sect master has taken action!"

Split Sky was surprised.

Chu Luo let go of Split Sky subconsciously.

Everyone was stunned.

How powerful is this existence?

The split sky flew towards the yard.

Chu Luo and others suddenly came back to their senses and followed.

in the small yard.

A group of people gathered around, looking curiously and bewildered at the figure lying on the ground.

Is this God?

It was a furry, golden ape-like creature.

Unlike ordinary ape-like creatures, it has a pair of snow-white, small wings on its back.

The facial features are eight or nine points similar to those of the human race.

Like a baby face.

The slender arm is like the arm of an ape, but the palm is more like a human hand.

Black and white tail, more like cat tail.

If you look closely, except for the color, the shape is very similar to the tail of a civet cat.

Lying on the ground, he looked cute.

A group of people were dumbfounded.

Is this Hao?

The sky that has dominated countless years?

It's all unbelievable!

The unpredictable figure of the stalwart a moment ago, the real body is so cute?

When Chu Xuan first saw Hao's real body, he was stunned.

But when I thought about it, I understood what was going on.

This guy has devoured the Spirit of Chaos, devoured the Saint of Tianyang, and has gained many great fortunes, devouring too many first-born souls of heaven and earth.

Slowly it transformed into what it is today.

When Chu Luo and the others came to the outside of the valley, they were immediately apprehensive.

The Anti-Sky Peak shrank, Chuluo Tuo was in the palm of his hand.

A group of people approached cautiously, and when they came outside the small yard, they saw a group of people gathered around, looking at something curiously.

How about Hao?

Xuan Qiu suddenly trembled.

Look at the figure in the yard.

Chu Luo followed, and was also stunned.

"Xuan, Xuan'er?"

As soon as Xuanqiu moved, he came to Chu Xuan.

Seeing the woman in front of her with a cold temperament, but she was excited at the moment, with tears in her eyes, Chu Xuan sighed in his heart.

"it's me!"


Xuan Qiu didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, after being separated for countless years, how old was Chu Xuan when he left?

Thousands of words seem to be difficult to describe.

Chu Luo looked at Hao, who was lying on the ground, and suddenly laughed.

"Haha, Hao Ha Hao, you lost to me after all!"

"As expected of my Chu Luo's son, the sky can handle it!"

Chu Luo is so excited.

The corner of Chu Xuan's mouth twitched, and he wanted to slap him away with a slap. Thinking that he was his father in this life, he finally endured it.

He endured.

Xuan Qiu was not polite.

Chu Luo was slapped flying with a slap.


Chu Luo wanted to hide, but found that he couldn't move at all.

The moment he was shot, he stared at Chu Xuan without any temper.


The way of heaven has transformed into the transcendental rules of the new world, and the new world is officially born at this moment.

It is like a huge planet, expanding and expanding, more than a hundred times larger than Tianyang and Chaos.

Spiritual energy is also stronger.

Dao rhyme breeds, good fortune is revealed.

A new big sun appeared in mid-air.

Then it entered the dark night, the bright moon was in the sky, and the stars were densely covered.

A group of sky-defying people, looking up at the starry sky, burst into tears.

Finally entered a new era.

After that, all sentient beings comprehend the way of heaven and are not restricted by heaven.

A group of sky-defying people left the small valley.

They are going to revive the strong who fell against the sky.

Let their origin be reincarnated through reincarnation, and in the next life, in the name of master and apprentice, they will continue their relationship.

Xuanqiu sat in a chair, looked at Chu Xuan, and listened to him preaching about the realm of the heavens.

Soon, she will be able to break through the realm of the heavens.

Chu Luo stood beside Xuan Qiu and listened. When Chu Xuan finished his sermon, he exclaimed: "As expected of my son!"

Then he looked at Xuanqiu and said, "I didn't lie to you, the blood of you and me must be a monster, so it's easy to handle Hao!"

Xuan Qiu ignored him.

Instead, he looked at Hao, who had been lying on the ground, and said, "Xuan'er, what are you going to do with him?"

Chu Xuan shrugged and said, "Do what you want to do with it."

Xuan Qiu frowned for a while, and said, "Since he is in the name of the heavens, he is causing trouble to all beings, then punish him in the future, benefit this new world, and feel the suffering of the common people."


With a wave of Chu Xuan's hand, Hao disappeared and appeared on the heaven.

Hao opened his eyes, but there was no expression.

He planned endless years and harvested the masters of one era after another, just to open up new territories and open up new paths.

In the end, he was surpassed by a younger generation, and he could be manipulated at will.

Comparing the two, he is a piece of shit.

Even Hao felt that if it wasn't for his own harvest, Tianjiao would have already appeared and a new path had been opened up.

"Let's have a good feeling. For you, it may not be a disaster, it may be a blessing!"

In the future, all the sufferings of the people in the New Territory will be borne by him.

Maybe one day, he will see through the sufferings and reincarnation of the common people, and he will be liberated.

Chu Xuan looked at this new world and said slowly, "From now on, this world will be called the Earth Star World."

At this moment, the remaining living beings in the Earth Star World have all learned the name of this world.

Earth Star World!

Thousands of years later.

Chu Xuan finished his sermon.

Looking at Ding Yue and other disciples, he said, "The road ahead is up to you, and the road to the heavens has been opened for you."

Chu Luo and Xuanqiu had already broken through the realm of the small heavens.

And it has accumulated a lot and has reached the middle stage of the Small Heaven Realm, but if you want to go further, it will take a long time.

Whether it can even break through the great heavens is an unknown.

At present, apart from Chu Xuan, the two are the strongest.

"Xuanmen will be handed over to you. This place is where Xuanmen's sect is located."

With a wave of Chu Xuan's hand, the Xuanmen Jing Pavilion was enlarged, and the secret books of the All Heavens were placed on the top floor.

The small valley also expanded ten thousand times.

The small yard remains the same.

"The rules of Xuanmen are that only peerless arrogances are accepted, and only those who are destined. Anyone who has a destiny to enter this valley is a person with destiny and a person with great luck."

"You can accept disciples, but the true inheritance must pass the test of this valley."

"Yes, Master!"

Ding Yue and other disciples bowed and saluted.

"Second old man, if you like it, go to Xuanmen and help manage it by the way."

Chu Xuan looked at Chu Luo and Xuan Qiu.

"Xuan'er, are you?"

Xuanqiu asked.

"There is no end to the road, and we will meet you eventually."

Chu Xuan smiled.

Xuan Qiu still wanted to say something.

Chu Luo pulled her hand and said, "Xuan'er has his own way, all we have to do is support, and there will be a day of goodbye eventually."

"Sir, you can't leave me."

Su Xian'er took Chu Xuan's arm and said.

Chu Xuan rubbed her head, this maid must be brought with her.

He was used to having a maid to serve him.

"Brother Thirteen, I will continue to teach all beings on Earth Star, and I won't leave when I see you next time."

Chu Yun said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Chu Xuan nodded and smiled.

"We are destined to meet again."

Chu Xuan waved his hand, embraced Su Xian'er, stepped out and disappeared in place.

Earth star millions of years.

It is another era of prosperous cultivation.

And Mortal, I don't know how many generations have been changed.


Hao experienced the suffering of the common people, and realized the feeling of hesitation and despair that shrouded the practitioners under his majesty when he was in the sky.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong."

Hao muttered to himself.

However, he could not escape.

A figure came.

The monk's robe is like snow, not stained with dust.

Handsome and kind.

"Amitabha, benefactor, have you ever realized it?"

Hao raised his head and said reverently, "Master, please teach me!"

"Goodness, goodness!"

The Demon Buddha sat down and recited the Buddhist scriptures.

Far away, Wang Luo and Xiang Xuan gathered together.

"That fellow Demon Buddha, do you want to transform Hao?"

"It should be, I'm too lazy to pay attention to him."

Earth star thousands of years later.

Xuanmen already has a third generation of disciples.

And the strength is the strongest in the earth star world, enough to take on the great responsibility of Xuanmen's successor.

Beyond the Earth and the stars, in the realm of nothingness.

A group of people gather.

Chu Luo and Xuanqiu led the original group of sky-defying people.

Ding Yue and Hei Yue headed by the people of Xuanmen.

"Let's go and explore the void."

"Xuanmen has left behind a lot of hands, and there will be no problems. Besides, the real foundation of Xuanmen is the way of heaven."

"Why worry about the successor of Xuanmen? We are the real Xuanmen!"

"Haha, yes, we are Xuanmen, and the current Xuanmen cannot be completely authentic!"

A group of people, walking together, exploring the void.

On the Anti-Tian Peak, an ape-shaped creature, with its hands folded, recited the Buddhist scriptures.

Once in the sky, he realized the suffering of the common people, let go of his obsessions, and became a Buddha.

Somewhere in the distant void.

There are countless planes and worlds, and there are countless races here. Every once in a while, a race will perish.

But there are also new races being born.

There are many cultivation systems here, ranging from pure physical martial arts to mysterious immortal methods and so on.

In terms of prosperity and prosperity, it is far from being comparable to the Earth and Star worlds.

The foundations of so many huge planes and worlds are derived from an invisible avenue tree.

in a world at the top.

It is not a big world, but it is above all world planes. There is no strong person who can discover and spy on this world.

Chu Xuan opened his mouth and ate the spiritual fruit that Su Xian'er brought into his mouth, and he felt very comfortable.

This is life.

The civet cat was lying at his feet.

Jinpeng is flying on a certain mountain in the world.

The Devouring Flower is in full bloom, with purple and thousands of red, brilliance and beauty.

Pets, maids, complete.

Have a comfortable day.

"You stayed at home, lived for 100 million years, opened up the heavens and the world, and rewarded the endless creation + endless realm + system."

"Your will is the rules of the system, and you can change the rules of the system."

Chu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he was completely convinced by the system?

Finally broke through the Endless Realm, this is the Endless Realm, Chu Xuan does not know when he can cultivate to the end.

Even at the end, you can continue to deduce a new realm.

But since it is an endless state, it means that there may be steps, there may be uphill roads, but there will be no end.

He is already the pinnacle of the cultivation path, the strongest, no one can catch up, and he can't even see his back.

Chu Xuan looked at the heavens and the world below.

Once boasted, he created it himself.

This is the universe!

in the realm of nothingness.

A mountain peak flew to the heavens and the world.

On the mountain, everyone was stunned.

"That is?"

With their cultivation base, they can see how many planes and worlds there are, layer by layer, countless.

The big world has surpassed the earth star world.

Moreover, the upper limit of cultivation here seems to be higher.

Mountain peaks, into a huge world.

This world is almost one of the top worlds.

Chu Luo and Xuanqiu discovered that the strongest person in this world had only completed the creation of the Dao.

However, the rules and upper limits of cultivation in this world are higher than those in the Earth Star World.

Why are cultivators so weak?

Everyone realizes that these countless worlds are a huge treasure trove.

A voice suddenly appeared in everyone's mind. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Welcome to the heavens and the world!"



That figure appeared in everyone's mind.

The mountain was uncontrolled and flew into a small world.

A majestic Dapeng flew over.

They all saw the young man sitting leisurely in the chair.

Chu Xuan looked at the group of people and smiled.

In a single thought, outside the earth and star world, planes and worlds were born one after another, and the heavens and the worlds were opened up in an instant.

The Primordial Avenue continues to expand in the Realm of Nothingness.

The way of heaven began to spread to the heavens and the world, and it became the transcendental rule of the heavens and the world!

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