Chapter 993:

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the alien kitchen chef!

Huantai has been quite dissatisfied since the last time Jade warned. But when I thought of Shi Yu as a kind of character who would do it herself, I didn't dare to shake it. When she was thinking about how to implement her plan, she didn't want to suddenly appear two people from the side and arrested her.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was tied and dropped on the ground. The floor was dark, with dark stains on it, and a strong **** smell permeated the air.

Su Chu, who had always been favored, suddenly came to this environment, and couldn't help but feel vomiting for a while. When I looked up, I saw ten steps away. Two people were standing and looking at themselves.

She knew both of them, standing with Changqin, and sitting with the man who had been with Shiyu all the time.

However, Changqin was only standing, and his identity would be ready to come out.

That cheap magpie had such good luck.

Huantai thought of it for the first time, and he jealously gritted his teeth, but his face only showed sorrow, as if he did not know why he was arrested. But she only spit out the words "you ..." and was interrupted.

"Who made you come?" Wen Yan's eyes on the high seat were indifferent, and Yan Taichu met his eyes at that moment, as if she had been seen through, leaving her with nothing.

"I don't understand what you mean ..." At the beginning of Huantai's heartbeat thundered, the whole man wanted to pretend to be calm, but his body shivered for some reason.

Wen Ying didn't give her a chance, and directly caused her to take down her storage bag. Although the storage bag recognized the owner, but the owner was weak, the mark was quickly erased, and the contents of the storage bag were all thrown out.

You can't tell, although the strength of Huantai was not enough at the beginning, it has a lot of treasures. Changqin glanced at some familiar things, and sneered, it seemed that this person was not searching for things around Chu Shuang.

Huantai first looked at her all without mercy and fell to the ground with red eyes. These are all made by her with great care to get closer.

However, among so many things, Wen Ye saw an inconspicuous white jade bottle at a glance, and he instructed people to take the bottle.

When Huantai first saw that the jade bottle was taken away, she panicked, and hung her head down.

All the things in her storage bag were given by the man, and the Necromancer saw it at a glance.

No, he probably wouldn't know the cause and effect, she couldn't help herself.

When she thought about it, Wen Ye had poured out the contents of the bottle, which was a panacea.

"Take Shedan?"

The surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

Changqin is also quite surprised. He has only heard of Shedan, or no one can make it now. It is said that after taking this elixir, even if he died, he could go to a weak soul to be reborn without any bad influence, and it always belongs to the existence of magic medicine.

At the beginning of the ring, there would be a robber of Shedan. He didn't believe it was her luck.

"Would you like to take Shiyu's house?" Wen Yan collected the elixir and looked at Yantai Chu as if he was watching a pool of dead meat.

At the beginning of Huantai's panic, she knew that no matter how hard she might be, Chu Shuang hadn't come over yet, just because she couldn't come to save her. She immediately decided to surrender immediately: "Don't you want to know who the person behind me is, I said. As long as you don't kill me, I say everything."

In front of her life, these things are nothing at all, as long as she can live.

Wen Ye didn't want to listen anymore. Only one person was able to take Shedan out.

"Lock her up." With a faint command, he put away Shedan, and left.

Upon hearing the word "Mrs.", everyone was refreshed. "Observe!"


Heaven to heaven.

Lin Fan they have fled for almost two months. Who knows that Qing Chen entered the mysterious mansion and the entire tomb suddenly closed. Coupled with the besiege of the surrounding monsters, all of them were scattered.

Today, he and Feng Luo and Su Fanyin still rely on the sound bird in Feng Luo's hands to avoid the siege of the road again and again.

It's been almost two months of fleeing. They have been exhausted, but in this crisis-ridden environment, the three did not dare to relax at all.

"You take a break first, I'll watch the night." Lin Fan inserted the **** sword in his hand into the ground, and did not dare to light a bonfire in such a place, and only allowed Feng Luo and Su Fanyin to rest in the dense leaves of the tree. He came to look around.

"No need. Change me tonight. You haven't closed your eyes for four days and four nights. Now we have to rely on you. You can't go on a business trip." Feng Luo shook his head and sat on the root of the tree instead of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was indeed very tired, and several wounds on his body did not heal, exuding Yin red blood.

Su Fanyin quickly took medicine and bandaged him. Who knew that just after bandaging, the edge of the woods was fighting again.

"I'll go and see." Lin Fan let them both stay in place.

As soon as he came over, he saw three monsters besieging a woman.

He knew the woman, Bei Gong Hong Zhu.

Although not particularly fond of this woman, they are both human, and he has no reason to die.

Calling Feng Luo and Su Fanyin, the four solved the three monsters as quickly as possible. After destroying the traces, the four quickly returned to the dense forest.

In the dense forest, I held my breath for about a quarter of an hour, and saw that there was no chasing, and then I was relieved.

"Are you okay?" Su Fanyin, the same woman, saw that Beigong Hongzhu was hurt, even if she had some mustard in her heart, she couldn't care less.

Bei Gonghong Zhu looked at them, and there was a tiny scar on his delicate face. She had tears in her eyes and a sad expression, "Shao Chen is dead."


Su Fanyin hesitated for a moment before reflecting on who she was talking about.

Cheng Shaochen, the eldest son of the Cheng family.

I went to the residence of His Holiness Nanming with them before. Although there were always some high points along the way, I was taught by Lin Fan several times and then I was settled down.

Now suddenly he heard him die, Su Fanyin's heart suffocated, and an indescribable grief melted in his heart.

"He died for me." Bei Gong Hongzhu never expected that Cheng Shaochen would die so suddenly.

She always thought he liked him, but because she had a good skin.

But when he arrived unstoppably to stop her from chasing her, her heart was shocked and hard to add. Now when she calmed down, she recalled that scene, her heart was full of pain.

"I'm sorry for him."

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