Chapter 1994: I don’t allow

General Xiao and Xiao Ye left Song Jinning's apartment, but the noisy room was quiet suddenly.

Lu Jin quietly glanced at Gu Nian, thinking that this was a pass.

Last night he did not show any mercy, he made Huo Guanchen and Principal Chen, and Xiao Ye in fact ... both hurt him badly!

Gu Nianzhi looked at Lu Jin's expression and said with a smile, "Dad, do you really have a regret medicine?"

"... for example," Lu Jinyi said, looking flatly at Gu Nianzhi: "Can we go to donuts?"

Hungry all morning, Lu Jin felt that he could eat all the donuts made by Lu Yuan by himself.

Gu Nianzhi let go of Lu Jin's arm and said with a smile: "You go eat first, and I will take a bath in the room."

Lu nodded, "I'll keep it for you."

He turned and walked over to the restaurant.

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded to Gu Nianzhi, sat down in the living room, and didn't go to the restaurant.

Huo Shaoheng then came out of the hallway from the dining room to the living room.

Lu Jin saw her head to head and said strangely, "Well? You were here just now? Why didn't you go out?"

Huo Shaoheng said calmly: "I just called General Huo, what happened? What about General Xiao and Xiao Ye? Both are gone?"

Gu Nianzhi did not see Huo Shaoheng and turned back to the bedroom.

Lu Jin said "Oh" and didn't take it seriously, and went to breakfast alone.

Huo Shaoheng walked a few steps, caught up with Gu Nianzhi, and stopped her before she closed the bedroom door.

"What are you doing?" Gu Nianzhi frowned.

Huo Shaoheng pulled the door and squeezed in, then closed the door, and said calmly, "Let's talk."

"Is there anything to talk about?" Gu Nianzhi lowered her face. She knew that this incident could not blame Huo Shaoheng, and knew that Huo Shaoheng could not come out just now, but it was the best choice.

"... so generous? Really don't care if I'm taken away?" Huo Shaoheng said with a smile, raising his hand and touching her head.

Gu Nianzhi tilted his head and didn't let him touch it, shook his fist in annoyance and said, "... No wonder! Do you dare to hook up with others in the three and four dynasties Qin Muchu, do you think I will let you run with others completely? ———— You have to break your legs if you want to, so that you really become garbage and throw it out! "

Huo Shaoheng smiled and shook his head, "What's up in the brain all day?"

After speaking, she smiled again, looked at Gu Nianzhi calmly, and wrapped her neck with her hands.

Gu Nianzhi's neck was straight, preventing him from getting closer.

Huo Shaoheng had to use a little force, forcing Gu Nianzhi to hold his head, and slowly lowered himself, rubbing her forehead with her forehead, said slowly: "... still want to draw a line with me?"

Gu Nian's ears were melting, her legs were a little soft, and Huo Shaoheng was holding him against his chest, but she still said intermittently: "It was like this ... you want to run, can I stop you?"

"You do n’t stop, how do you know you ca n’t stop it? Or do you want to run and set me up?" Huo Shaoheng's voice was a bit low, "You and me are no longer independent. You are attached to me. , I am attached to you. "

"Don't say that again, I don't allow it.-Huh?" Huo Shaoheng kissed her forehead.

The skin is smooth and delicate, with the freshness and warmth of the morning. Huo Shaoheng originally only wanted to touch the water with a dragonfly, but he couldn't take it away.

It slipped naturally, kissed her straight nose bridge, pink pink Feifei's cheeks, and then went to her delicate jaw, kissed her around her water chest lips, and finally stopped on her plump water chest lips, heavy Sucked.

Gu Nianzhi felt that he was taking his breath away.


After Lu Jin had breakfast, he left Gu Nianzhi with two donuts and returned to his room to start studying Xiao Ye's injury and medical history.

Xiao Ye and General Xiao returned home. General Xiao said, "I'll talk to your mother first. Don't come in."

In front of her daughter, she has to save her face.

Xiao Ye nodded. "You say it first, I'll say it later."

General Xiao asked the rehabilitation nurse to push her back to the room and went to see President Chen himself.

Principal Chen was also having breakfast in the restaurant at this time.

For more than a year, it was the family of three who ate breakfast together, but today she is alone.

Seeing this scene, General Xiao sighed in his heart, came over to sit beside her, and said, "... Siaoye and I went to Professor Lu's house to apologize."

"Old Chen!" General Xiao was also angry, clapping at the table and roaring: "When are you going to make trouble ?! In your heart, is it really your own face that is more important than your daughter's injury?"

Principal Chen's eyes circled red immediately, "Lao Xiao! How can you say such a word without conscience ?! My daughter is so hurt, I feel more painful than you!"

"If you feel heartache, don't stick to your face anymore." General Xiao pointed at the door. "Hurry up! Go and apologize to Professor Lu in person! Professor Lu ..."

He originally wanted to say that Xiao Ye would heal Xiao Ye when he apologized, but when he thought of Lu Yuan, the words behind him could not be said.

In fact, he and President Chen had similar thoughts before.

The difference is that he realized his mistake and corrected it in time.

Principal Chen has not realized it yet.

Гнев на лице генерала Сяо внезапно исчез.

Он сдержал слезы, президент Чэнь сел и серьезно сказал: «Лао Чен, в этом году я знаю, что у тебя плохое сердце, и я чувствую себя хорошо?»

— Но тебе нужно подумать.

«Сиу Е ранена, это ее задача. Ты не можешь никого винить, еще более неправильно быть злым и беспечным».

«Они не могут быть благодарными, но вчера они пришли лично. Если ты не ценишь это, просто скажи эти слова. Ты думаешь, это то, что нам следует сделать?»

«Директор Чен, которого я знаю, не такой человек».

Если генерал Сяо продолжит ссориться с президентом Ченом и, как и раньше, похлопывать по столу и скамейке, президент Чэнь определенно не будет его слушать, почувствует себя обиженным и не захочет извиняться.

Но он сидел рядом с ней вот так, высокомерно излагая факты и доводы, и президент Чэнь смягчился.

Она вытерла лицо салфеткой и поперхнулась и сказала: "...я знаю, что пользуюсь своими счетами, но я еще и за дочку... думаешь, все на всю оставшуюся жизнь, мы родители, нет Должна ли она сделать все возможное, чтобы помочь ей получить лучшее лечение?»

«...Хотя я был ранен во время миссии, я не могу винить других, но в конце концов это была невеста Хо Шао. Они протянули руку помощи, и нас защитили ночью...»

"И не видно мыслей моей дочери за прошедший год, я это вижу... если есть проблеск надежды помочь дочери исполнить ее желание, мне все равно, какое это лицо.. Президент Чэнь больше ничего не мог сказать.

Генерал Сяо вздохнул. «У тебя есть дочь и отец. Это все для твоих детей. Забудь об этом, Лао Чен. Это то, что мы теряем, прежде чем уйти, и ты сначала извинишься».

Директор Чен редко видела, чтобы ее муж разговаривал с ней так тихо, и непроизвольно кивнула: «Хорошо ~ ~ Я пойду завтра».

«Подожди завтра, иди сегодня!» Голос генерала Сяо стал громче. «Вчера они сказали, что могут помочь Сяо Е исцелиться, ты не торопишься?»

"Ты серьезно?" Директор Чен странно посмотрел на генерала Сяо. — Ты веришь моему племяннику?

Действительно сказал Цао Цао, Цао Цао прибыл.

В это время экспонат пришел в дом Сяо, чтобы регулярно проверять Сяо Е.

Не увидев никого в гостиной, он крикнул: «Директор Чэнь? Сяо Е?»

Сяо Е был в инвалидной коляске, и его вытолкнула реабилитационная медсестра. «Покажи, ты здесь».

В доме президент Чэнь услышал шум выставки и быстро вытащил генерала Сяо, сказав: «Выставка, вы здесь как раз. Вы знаете профессора Лу?»

«Профессор Лу? Я знаю больше людей, как вы думаете, кого?» Дисплей чесал голову.

«Это отец Гу Няньчжи», — сказал Сяо Е, глядя вверх. «Ее новый отец».

«О! Профессор Лу Цзинь?!» На дисплее сразу же лихорадочно засветился: «Это настоящий гений! Нет, это не гений, это богочеловек!»

Директор Чен на мгновение застыл: «...лучше, чем ты?»

"Мне?" Чжан указал на себя и взволнованно сказал: «Директор Чен, как вы можете сравнивать меня с профессором Лу?! Это оскорбление профессора Лу!»

«Я даже не подхожу под туфли профессора Лу! Величайший идеал моей жизни — помочь профессору Лу! К сожалению, людям не нужно…»


Это второе изменение за сегодня: Глава 1994 года «Я этого не позволяю».

Еще двое сегодня.

Мама, папа, маленькие ангелочки ~~~

* (* ° ▽ ° *) ╯


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