Chapter 1711: 3.157 scores are all zero …

Chapter 1711: 3.157 Scores Are Zero ...

Qi Xuanxuan couldn't help raising her hand to cover her face, and whispered to Qiao Mu, "Every time I see a fat man fighting with someone, I always feel that there is a ball in front of me, flying around."

Qiao Mu squinted his lips and looked at the two on the battlefield.

The fat man is certainly not the opponent of this brother who has broken through the spiritual realm.

It's just obvious that the opponent hasn't exhausted all his strength, so the fat man can still support a few more moves under his hand.

As time goes by.

At noon on the day, high above everyone's heads.

The scorching temperatures on the lava mountains not only made them sweat more than the two in the test.

Even the people standing on the sidelines felt that the forehead was faintly sweaty, and the body was hot.

As soon as Qiao Mu's hand was raised, a formed ice ball was put into a glass-covered gold jade box and held in her arms.

When even feel small hands cool a lot.

Qi Xuanxuan froze, turned her head to look at her, his eyes lighted, "Ice box?"



Qiao Mu casually made Qi Xuan Xuan and held her in her arms.

Before I got an ice ball exposed to the air, it was burned by the heat on the mountain within minutes.

At this time, putting the ice hockey in the jade box can naturally keep it cool for a certain period of time.

Qiao Mu put an ice box on each of the four corners of her earthen room to cool down at least two nights, otherwise it was too hot to sleep.

Xiaoshu has invited her to Taoyuan Xing to sleep many times.

The days of water shortages and food shortages, and muddy monkeys all over, are now so hot and bitter. Is it really unbearable? Naturally do not want to go to Taoyuan Star.

Besides, she has promised her teammates that they will suffer together and be blessed together. Of course, they ca n’t be so out of touch!

Qi Xuanxuan held the ice box and stared at the match field. "Well, it seems that we have to draw again today."

Speaking of which, she and the fat man's realm are normal, but Qiao Qiao is obviously not normal.

A fifteenth level master can challenge a second level spiritual master alone, and she can see that she has not used her full strength.

Such an actual combat ability is simply not the strength that a normal Xuanshi should have.

The four games, from day to evening, were finally over.

Arbor did not feel much, but the fat man was hungry and hung on his chest and back, and the sound of drumming in his stomach was heard by everyone present.

The little tutor stepped forward with a wry smile, and smiled at the trees, "Children, hungry."

The fat man shivered for no apparent reason.

"My supervisor, I regret to tell you that after three days of testing, the scores of one group and the second group are zero."

Do you have that expression, is it a pity? This is simply an under pumped expression!

Qi Xuanxuan yelled at her heart.

Of course, at this moment, Qi Xuanxuan is definitely not alone. In fact, everyone is hungry and tired, and physically tired. They all want to go back to their room to rest. Where can I stay here and continue listening to the little teacher's nonsense? !!

"You don't behave like this!" The little tutor shook his head and grinned, "After our Wuling tutor, they agreed to decide."

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the bad news to come!

"Take you to a big meal!"


(End of this chapter)

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