Chapter 570: Arrogant, support [2 more]

Chapter 570 Arrogance, support [2 more]

Evil doctors are all communicative and form a self-contained line.

The ancient medical profession also believes that they are organized and have leaders.

But because there are too few traces, it is really impossible to tell who is the evil doctor.

Patriarch Meng estimates that even Mengjia must have an evil doctor.

As long as you can find a wicked doctor, you can unearth a group.

It is a pity that Shi Fengyi, the traitor who came back from the Fu family, died too soon and did not get any useful information.

also because of her death, made other evil doctors more cautious.

In more than a year, no evil doctor has emerged.

This is even more terrifying.

No one knows if these evil doctors are planning something.

"Qingxue, this matter has nothing to do with you, you go back and have a good rest." Meng Pai said, "I asked the housekeeper to push anyone who asked you to see the doctor. You can go to the doctor again after the new year."

Meng Qingxue gently pursed her lips: "Yes, father."


When this happened, although it has not been finalized yet, Dan League also went to Ye's family to find someone.

It's just that Yingzijin is not there.

She took Fu Xi to go shopping in the imperial capital.

Fushen has a 2g mobile phone, but it is also the first time for him to come outside and he is very curious.

The most important thing is that he is wearing a straight-breasted gown, with long hair and good looks. He is regarded as an actor by passers-by, and he has to take a group photo.

Fu Shen finally got rid of a group of passers-by, trotting forward: "I finally understand why you and Shizu have to disguise."

Speaking, he sighed deeply and looked compassionate: "This person is too good-looking, it's a sin."

He also likes his face.

Fu Yunshen played with jade and raised his eyebrows slightly: "No, because it is too famous and can be seen everywhere. Real people are easy to cause trouble."

Fucked his hands and said, "Ancestor, you are wrong. Just kidding, you should also make a draft."

If is famous again, can it be seen everywhere?

Fu Shen turned his head and faced the big advertising screen across the road.

There is sound and picture.

is equipped with Fu Yunshen's only formal suit picture.

The face is handsome and the facial features are profound.

Wide shoulders and narrow waist, slender legs.

"Let’s introduce this young honorable man. He is the president of Venus Group Asia Pacific. He is 24 years old this year..."

Fu Shen: "..."

Is this TM really everywhere? !

Fu Shen wiped his sweat: "Where is the master?"

"Huh? She." Fu Yun's eyes were soft and he let out a low laugh, "Everything is everywhere."

"Full of eyes? No, I see—" Fu Chen stopped before he finished speaking.

Because of his vision beyond ordinary people, he saw several students who had just passed by him, and the screensavers of his mobile phones were all Yingzijin.


The outside world is a bit scary.

Fu Shen couldn't help but wrap his gown tightly: "Then what, ancestor, what are the extraordinary identities of you and Shizu in the secular world?"

"I'm a young man, your master--" Fu Yunshen went to buy milk tea next to him, "She claims to be a **** stick, or an ordinary person."

Fu Shen: "???"


Ling Zijin hadn't planned to return to the ancient martial world so early, but the Dan League surrounded Ye's family to prevent people from entering or leaving.

Danmeng was only investigating matters and was not as fierce as the ancient warriors, so it never forced the Ye family.

After Ying Ziying came back, Patriarch Ye immediately stepped forward and lowered his voice: "Miss Ying, why did you come back? You shouldn't be back."

"They actually said that you are a wicked doctor and want to take you back for interrogation. Isn't this funny?"

If they were evil doctors, would their Ye family still survive?

Which evil doctor, just give someone a few shots to make a person promoted to Master Guwu?

Is there an evil doctor?

The two captains of the guards also knew Ying Zijin. They looked at each other: "Miss Ying, we have nothing to do with orders."

After all, the harm of evil doctors is so great that no doubts can be let go.

Ying Ziying shook his head slightly towards Patriarch Ye: "Don't worry."

The medicine she refines is not toxic at all.

It was really checked, but nothing was found.

Ying Ziying lightly: "Let's go."

The guards glanced at each other, but did not really push the girl up and followed.

The meeting of Danmeng is still in progress.

嬴子衿 sat down in the only empty seat with a calm expression: "Come and play."

Hall Master Li: "?"

Patriarch Meng glanced at the girl, with a scrutiny gaze.

This is the first time he has seen Ying Zijin.

It is undeniable that no matter if it is the ancient medical world or the ancient martial arts world, any woman will be eclipsed in front of her.

This kind of beauty should not exist.

Patriarch Xu’s autopsy was carried out nearby.

The ancient doctors were used to seeing corpses, and they didn't feel much.

Not long after, the ancient doctor in charge of the autopsy handed over the document: "Deputy leader, the autopsy result is out."

As a result, the deputy leader took a look, and his complexion suddenly sank.

He raised his hand, threw the file on the table, and said faintly: "You guys have a look too."

Дело было быстро передано на раунд и, наконец, возвращено в руки заместителя руководителя.

Результаты вскрытия показали, что глава семьи Сюй действительно был убит из-за лекарства, которое усовершенствовал Инцзицзинь.

В это время Мастер Зала Ли не знал, как говорить, и немного волновался.

Он считает, что Инцзицзинь не злой доктор.

Но она не использовала медицину для спасения людей, а вместо этого убивала людей, что действительно нарушало табу древних медицинских кругов.

был, естественно, неряшливым, незамеченным, но теперь он почти продвинулся до такой степени, что все в древнем медицинском кругу хорошо известны.

Делать плохие вещи.

Даже если Ин Цзычжэнь не злой врач, такие вещи станут мишенью для всех в древнем медицинском мире.

"It's really an evil doctor!" The fourth elder stood up suddenly, "Deputy leader, must be arrested immediately!"

The deputy leader waved his hand and looked at the girl: "What else do you want to say?"

"Yeah." Ying Ziying slowly said, "You made a mistake, I am not poisonous."

"What are you quibbling about? Is the autopsy result false?" Hearing this, the four elders were furious, "Tell your master and fellow students, you can still survive."

If it were not a wicked doctor, his son's family of four would not have died so tragically.

The evil doctor is too insidious and must be eradicated.

It was obviously the third trial, and the atmosphere was calm. The girl leaned on the chair, still calm.

She tilted her head and seemed to smile, very flat.

Four elders frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

Ling Zijin slowly pressed her temples, faintly: "It's nothing, I think you are indeed old, and medical skills can no longer be developed. Now even the corpse can only be tested on the surface."

If the future of the ancient medical world is only supported by Fu Shen and waiting for a few geniuses, it will perish sooner or later.

But the ancient medical world will not perish, and it has nothing to do with her.

It's just that half of the ancient medical world is dedicated to Fu Xi, and she will help if she is still there.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent.

The four elders sneered: "You are young and arrogant, but you look at other famous geniuses of your generation. Who was so arrogant at your age?"

Except thank you.

Xie Nian is no longer just arrogant, but lawless.

But that was an ancient warrior, with a very high force value, and was guarded by the ancestors of the Xie family.

The ancient medicine is weak, can it be compared?

Where does the arrogance come from?

"You take the silver needle and pierce it at the acupuncture points I mentioned." Ying Zijin didn't look at the fourth elder, tapped his finger on the table, said seven acupuncture points, and nodded, "Look at how he died. "

Hearing this, the ancient doctor in charge of the autopsy was taken aback.

He frowned and thought deeply, his eyes suddenly lit up.

These seven acupuncture points...

"Enough!" The four elders were furious, "You not only quibble, but also want to destroy the corpse, deputy leader, what else are you going to try now?"

«Поскольку она не говорит о силах, стоящих за ней и другими злыми врачами, ее следует арестовать и подвергнуть пыткам!»

Заместитель командира сказал: «Тогда…»

Прежде чем он успел закончить свои слова, древний врач, ответственный за вскрытие, внезапно сказал: «Заместитель руководителя, несколько старейшин, я только что проколол серебряной иглой точки акупунктуры, упомянутые мисс Ин. Несколько новых открытий».

— Какое новое открытие? Четвертые старейшины даже не хотели слушать. «Я обнаружил, что этот человек не умер из-за приема лекарств?»

Древний врач сказал: «Это не так, но это…»

"Нет никаких но!" Четверо старейшин хлопнули по столу: «Его больше нельзя тащить. Еще одна секунда принесет больше бедствий».

"Meng Patriarch and you all should understand this truth."

Meng Patriarch nodded faintly: “Yes, it’s better to take it into custody first than to put it outside.”

The representatives of several other ancient medical families talked to each other, and they all agreed.

The deputy leader twisted his eyebrows: "Then—"

"Why don't you ask me for such a big thing as an evil doctor?" A voice sounded, faintly touching, "Or, I won't come out for a long time, this ancient medical world, I have no right to speak?"

Outside, Fu Chen helped Fu Xi walk in.

Well, the time in the book is early 2022

(End of this chapter)

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