Chapter 572: Tame on the spot! Immortal boss strikes [2 more]

Chapter 572 Tame on the spot! Immortal boss strikes [2 more]

She said this, which attracted more people's attention.

There are still many people in ancient medical circles who have never seen Ying Zijin.

But a few days ago, her portrait had been passed to the hands of major families.

The face value is too high, and very recognizable, other people will recognize it immediately.

"Sorry, Miss Ying, the tone was a bit more intense just now." Meng Qingxue coughed a few times and frowned. "This horse has had a lot of accidents. Three people fell paralyzed, and one died. Died."

"This horse is good-looking, but it is better for you to change to a gentle one."

"Thank you for reminding, I know." Ying Ziying didn't look back, her fingers were on the reins, "This is a good horse."

Meng Qingxue moved her lips: "Miss Ying——"

Before she finished her words, she saw the horse gradually stop neighing.

Its head slowly lowered, rubbing against the girl's palm, and even leaned down to let her go up.

People who came by were very surprised.

Because they also know the name of this horse, it is not easy to mess with.

But because it is really beautiful, I have been **** on the racecourse.

"My God, can Miss Cheng Zijin still train a horse?"

"No, it's not tamed at all, so I suspect that this horse looks at its face."

"Fuck you, what can the horse see?"

嬴子衿 was able to tame the horse, proving that there was no danger, and Meng Qingxue did not speak any more.

She looked at the girl riding on the horse, startled, her fingers squeezed tightly.

"Qingxue?" Meng Jingyu walked over, "What are you looking at?"

Meng Qingxue covered her lips with a handkerchief, lowered her head, and muttered: "If I had a healthy body, it would be great."

She only has a healthy body, so she can't dispute many things.

Mengjing Yu squinted her eyes and looked up.

He soon remembered that he had snatched a medicinal plant from Ying Zijin at an auction in Shanghai.

He originally wanted to buy this medicinal material for Meng Qingxue, but finally he found another one from O Zhou.

But Yingzijin, he remembers what the daughter of the Ying family in Shanghai, how did she become a distant relative of the Gu Wu Ye family?

But Meng Jingyu didn't bother to take care of these things. If he hadn't bought medicine last time, he wouldn't have left the ancient medical world.

"I heard from the Patriarch that you have a heart disease because of Fu Yunshen. You can't let the family trouble him. It's okay, but I really don't know. Why do you like him?" Meng Jingyu said indifferently, "Fu Yunshen The strength is high or not, but the young master of the Martial Arts Alliance is definitely not bad, right? You have treated the young master of the Martial Arts Alliance for so long and haven't been able to empathize with you?"

Meng Qingxue smiled reluctantly: "How can this kind of thing change?"

"Yes." Meng Jingyu said, "It's better to move as soon as possible. He has a grudge on his back and the methods are so fierce. Who knows what crazy things will be done. He is not the same with you and can't protect you."

Meng Family and the others are very jealous of Fu Yunshen.

Beat a family member into a vegetative in front of everyone.

That scene was so shocking that no one really dared to forget it.

Meng Jingyu frowned.

If you knew that Fu Yunshen had such a strong talent in Guwu, at the very beginning, the ancient medical profession should not be treated.


Each house has guards, and there are also ancient warriors who enter the family. The prey does not need to worry about the ancient doctors.

Today is just the beginning, and it is not yet time for the official hunting.

嬴子衿 bolted the black horse to the railing next to the wooden house and walked into the house.

This room is different from the rest places of other families. It has a TV, computer and a complete range of electronic products.

嬴子衿 sat on the sofa, drinking Coke and watching TV.

With a beep from the phone, a box popped up on WeChat.

This is a small group of three people.

In , besides Ying Zijin, there are also the tea saint and the little medicine boy by her side.

[Tea Po]: Girl, you have a bonfire banquet at night, right? Just leave me a grilled fish, and I will go there when I finish sorting out the herbs.

【Small bald head】: Wow, mother-in-law, it's no wonder that the elder brother owed you so much at the time, and you still kept him giving him medicine because he was good at cooking.

[Tea Po]: At a young age, what do you know, shut up. [beat]

[Small bald head]: [grief]

嬴子衿 knocked on the table and raised his head: "Mind if you have two more people for dinner in a while?"

The old lady is also a miracle, and planting medicine is a good hand.

What kind of medicinal materials can be judged by smelling it. Even if it is an extinct medicinal material, as long as there are seeds, the old lady can plant it.

But on the mobile phone, Ying Ziying has been teaching for a long time, and now the old lady only sends WeChat and can't make voice calls.

Fu Yunshen turned around: "Who?"

"The tea saint you often talk about." Ying Zijin said, "she wants to eat fish, so let's keep a chicken and a lamb."

Fu Yun gave a deep expression: "Tea Saint?"

Ying Ziying turned his head: "How?"

Fu Yun's deep lips bend, and he clenched his fist to his lips and coughed, "It's nothing."

Fu Yunshen is an ancient martial master, with good eyesight. Five meters away, he also saw the chat records in the group at a glance.

The nickname of Little Bald Head, you can know who it is without thinking about it.

Fu Yun's deep peachy eyes narrowed slightly: "His phone is gone."

Ying Ziyan raised his eyebrows: "Sir, I believe it now, your reputation is quite strong."

is so well-known in the ancient medical world, in addition to dying too many times, he also likes to tease children.

'S shameless reputation spread far and wide.

It seems that when we first met, in Fu Yunshen's eyes, she was still a child and could be amusing.

"Huh?" Fu Yun raised his peachy eyes, "call again?"


"No, it's the last sentence."


Brother is not enough, but he needs to be a big one.


Who is used to it.

Liao Zijin glanced at him, but was still not willing to kick him out of the wooden house, put on his coat and went for a walk outside.

The guards have prepared all the materials for the bonfire party, and they have also set up tables and chairs.

The sun is sinking in the west, and the sky is slightly blue.

Some stars have quietly climbed up, and the crescent moon faintly appeared.

The cool breeze blows, and the leaves rustle.

嬴子衿 quietly regretted.

If there are too many secrets in the ancient medical world and the ancient martial arts world, just exposing one can affect the lives of ordinary people and cannot be opened to the outside world.

Otherwise, she really wants to transform it into a tourist attraction and holiday resort.

In the future, you don’t need to set up a background when shooting costumes, just come here to view the scene.

is still pure and natural, there is no need to buckle the picture.

嬴子衿 took out his phone and took a few photos, and sent them to the female secretary.

She walked slowly, and there were many eyes chasing her.

"Master——" Fu Chen saw it, he ran over and changed his title in time, "Miss Ying, I will sit with you later, right?"

raised the fan in his hand again: "Don't worry, I will do it. I used to live in the wild every day. Whether it is hunting or barbecue, I have a lot of experience."

Facts have proved that he should hold Shizu's thigh tightly all the time.

Following the ancestors, he couldn’t sleep if he wanted to practice.

But following the master, the two of them can merge.

嬴子衿 looked at him, thinking that this tool can be used to roast meat, so he nodded: "Okay."

Fu Shen was very happy and followed the girl.

Beside the bonfire, many people had already sat down and surrounded them in twos and threes.

In addition to Fu Jia and Meng Jia, another top family of ancient doctors is An Jia.

Only because the genius of the Anjia generation was overwhelmed by Fu Chen and Meng Qingxue, Anjia’s power was much lower than before.

Fu thought that Ying Zijin would definitely not know her, so he introduced her to her by the way: "Miss Ying, that's An Ling. Sometimes I sleep lazily, so I can throw the work of refining medicine to him."


An Ling also saw Fu Shen and immediately greeted him, very happy: "Brother Fu, good news."

Fu Fu Shen for a moment: "What good news."

"I just got the news from the ancient martial arts world, and the tea saint may be—" He suddenly saw Fu Shen followed by Ying Zizhen, and An Ling immediately shut up.

Fu Shen naturally also heard the key words, very keenly: "What's wrong with Tea Saint?"

Tea saint.

The big fairy who even Fu Xi praised.

"Nothing." An Ling changed the subject, "I just thought of Senior Tea Sage, I don't know when she will officially come out."

Of course he also knows Ying Zijin.

Ling Zijin's time to become famous in the ancient medical world was very short, only two months.

But it was not because she had developed some earth-shattering magical medicine, or cured some intractable diseases.

No one can compare this.

Ke tea saint, indeed, not everyone can be qualified to see it.

The elders of various families and Danmeng may not be able to see.

If there is nothing but sluggishness, he will speak.

can be too heavy and still carry Yingzijin.

The current Yingzijin is not even a fifth-level member of the Dan League, and he is indeed not qualified to know the news.

wrote that the school building suddenly went out of power_(:з」∠)_

The most annoying thing about King Ying, come on period (?

(End of this chapter)

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