Chapter 1207: High-end technology

Chapter 1207 High-end technology

has the same high enthusiasm as the upcoming fashion conference of Xiuyi. It is the news that the Camellia Company will also hold a clothing conference, and the global design of Camellia this time will be done by Zou Man.

In the Jiang’s villa, Zou Manzheng and Liu Tanyu are sitting opposite each other, and neither of them pays attention to each other.

Father Jiang returned to the villa from the company. When he entered the door, it was this scene that made him a headache. Father Jiang looked at Jiang Kui and said, "Come with me."

Jiang Kui let go of his son’s hand, and then followed Jiang’s father into the study.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang's father threw the file in his hand on Jiang Kui, "You will enjoy it, and two women have come. How do you let outsiders think of our Jiang family?!"

"Father," Jiang Kui was also a little embarrassed, "but Zou Man is my Ming media who is getting married, and Liu Tanyu is Xiaoyu's mother. Look at this..."

Father Jiang was hurt by the irritating mind of all the things at home, "I don't care about you, you quickly solve it for me, do you still want to raise a concubine?"

"No," Jiang Kui said with a dry smile, "Father, you are laughing."

"Go out, you guys one by one, don’t worry me at all." Father Jiang waved his hand, as if he didn’t want to see Jiang Kui.

Jiang Kui exited, Liu Tanyu came over with the fruit plate, "A Kui, I have washed the fruit, you can taste it."

Jiang Kui tasted a cherry, "Well, it's very sweet."

Liu Tanyu smiled softly, "You just want to eat."

Not far away, Zou Man raised his head and glanced, his eyes flashed with disdain, "Jiang Kui, Camellia's clothing conference, the person in charge over there asked me to ask you some questions."

As soon as he heard this, Jiang Kui was excited, and he walked towards Zou Man, "Go, let's go upstairs and say."

"Yeah." Zou Man put down the thing in his hand and handed it to Jiang Kui, who took her away with him.

After walking a few steps, Zou Man looked back at Liu Tanyu, with a mocking smile on his face.

Looking at the back of them leaving, Liu Tanyu’s face was full of unwillingness,

Xiaoyu shook Liu Tanyu's sleeve, "Mom, why doesn't Dad accompany us?"

Liu Tanyu crushed a silver tooth, "I will accompany us, Xiaoyu, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Liu Tanyu knelt down and touched Xiaoyu’s head, thinking that Jiang's father just called Jiang Kui in, she guessed that Jiang's father definitely wanted Jiang Kui to make a decision.

So, there is only one person left between her and Zou Man.

Thinking of the clothing conference that Zou Man just said, Liu Tanyu thought of a person, Xia Wanyuan,

Zou Man and Xia Banyuan have always had frictions. If Xia Banyuan can help, then the position of the mistress of the Jiang family must be hers.


The temperature has risen day by day, and the entire imperial capital has become blooming.

The entire manor is arranged as a sea of flowers,

Today, An Lao and Bo Xiao came to the manor, with the little doll that had been growing for a few days. Bo Xiao looked through the dictionary at home for several days, and finally decided to name the little doll Bo Qingli.

When Xiao Bao leaned over to look at the child, his shocked eyes widened.

"Mommy, is your brother white?" Xiao Bao gently poked Xiao Qingli's hand with his little finger, and the more he looked at his younger brother's face, the more adorable he felt.

"Well, children will become beautiful as they grow longer." Xia Wanyuan placed a golden lock in front of Xiao Qingli.

Xiaobao blinked his eyes, "Isn’t my younger brother going to look as cute and beautiful as me in two days?"

Jun Shiling suddenly came next to him, "It’s better than you."

Xiaobao turned around angrily, "Dad, you are talking nonsense!! I am the cutest!!!"

Jun Shiling snorted softly, ignoring Xiaobao,

Xiaobao was so wronged, he looked at Xia Wanyuan pitifully, "Mommy,"

Xia Wanyuan gave Jun Shiling amusedly, "What are you talking about."

Jun Shiling held Xia Wanyuan’s hand with his backhand,

This kid is narcissistic enough now. If he doesn't hold it down, Xiaobao's tail will be up to the sky.

Little Treasure turned around with a puffed cheek, his younger brother is cute, dad or something, huh!

An Lao is now able to act normally. She took Xia Wanyuan’s arm and said, "Sister, I heard that you are going to hold a clothing conference. Can I be your model??"

"Of course." Xia Wanyuan nodded.

"Really? Then I have to choose my clothes!!"

"Okay." As he said, Xia Wanyuan took An Lao upstairs, and the two of them were choosing designs of various clothes in the study.

Downstairs, Xiao Bao has become Xiao Qingli’s full-time nanny, who is still very careful.

Jun Shiling and Bo Xiao sitting by the window drinking tea,

"The question I asked you last time, have you considered it?" Jun Shiling looked at Bo Xiao,

"Hmm." Bo Xiao nodded, "I still stick to the answer at the time."

Bo Xiao seemed to dare not look back at Jun Shiling's gaze. He looked at the garden outside the window with a trace of deep color on his face.

"Well, since you don't want to come back, then I won't force it." Jun Shiling nodded, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Bo Xiao turned her head to look at Jun Shiling, “I don’t know yet. Let’s accompany An Lao and the children at home. I only know now that it turns out that being a father feels so wonderful.”

This was the first experience in his life, but it made him extremely obsessed with this feeling. Whenever he saw that group of small creatures, Bo Xiao felt that a warm current emerged from his heart.

Such a small milk doll is the crystallization of his love with An Lao.

Bo Xiao insisted on retiring, the two changed the subject, trying to avoid talking about it.

Xia Wanyuan came out to breathe, standing in the corridor and looking down,

The spring is just right. In this world, there is hope for new life, there are flowers everywhere, there are loved ones, and there are also relatives and friends.

A slight warm light appeared in Xia Wanyuan’s eyes,

She thought, if only time could stop at this moment.


In the Imperial Hotel, Xia Yu invited her roommates to dinner.

Since today’s roommates have already started internships, everyone gathered after dinner and left. Xia Yu left last.

Just as he was about to go out, he met Jiang Yun who walked in surrounded by everyone.

Jiang Yun is still the same as before, a white suit and neat short hair. He will not be a big year next year, but there is already a majesty far beyond his peers in his eyebrows.

The assistant next to "Mr. Jiang, the turnover of this hotel this year" was introducing Jiang Yun in detail, and then Jiang Yun stopped.

She looked at Xia Yu in front of her,

It is said that the best place to hone a man is the battlefield,

Today’s Xia Yu seems to be very different from the Xia Yu she had in mind.

The apricot eyes are still clear, but they seem to be firmer. The original slender body has become tall and long after being tempered in the life of the barracks. The immature shoulders seem to be fast and steady.

Jiang Yun pursed his lips, looked away and prepared to leave,

"Wait a minute," Xia Yu spoke first, "Mr. Jiang, would you mind saying a few words?"

Jiang Yun originally wanted to refuse, but when she touched Xia Yu’s bright eyes, she couldn’t help but nodded.

The two walked to a quiet lounge next to them,

Jiang Yun turned around, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that Mr. Jiang is getting married, right?" Xia Yu looked at Jiang Yun, her beautiful apricot eyes made people feel hairy.

Jiang Yun subconsciously looked away, "You are still young, you don't understand."

"Hey," Xia Yu chuckled, "You don't seem to be older than me, right?"

Jiang Yun sighed slightly in his heart, "It's different."

Her physical age is similar to Xia Yu, but in terms of her psychological age, Jiang Yun is much older than Xia Yu.

When Xia Yu was still in elementary school, Jiang Yun was already learning to master all kinds of business in the unaccompanied country of magnesium.

When Xia Yu was still in various simple relationships, Jiang Yun had already been able to do well in the circle of power and nobility in the magnesium country. He had seen countless filth and ugliness, and his calculations were thoroughly popular.

Later, Jiang Yun calmed down and thought about it, she was attracted to Xia Yu, but it was because Xia Yu had what she lacked the most.

And she didn’t want to wipe out the bright temperament of Xia Yu because of herself.

After all, the struggle between families is far more capable of devouring everything than a black hole.

Xia Yu gritted her teeth, "You always think of me as a child? Is it in your heart that I will never grow up?"

"No," Jiang Yun tried to speak calmly to Xia Yu, "I know you've been growing, but how should I say, we are not suitable."

"If I go to your wedding site, will you go with me?" After a long silence, Xia Yu finally asked such a sentence.

Jiang Yun glanced at Xia Yu Qingjun’s profile, then smiled and shook his head, "No."

Father Jiang didn’t want her to be with Xia Yu, and he had a lot of extreme practices, but there was one sentence from Father Jiang that was actually right. Even if she and Xia Yu are together, they will eventually separate.

They are people from two worlds.

"I see," Xia Yu gritted her teeth, then turned and left, as if she didn't have a trace of nostalgia.

Behind, Jiang Yun pinched his palms tightly, his eyes were reddish,

If she is not the daughter of the Jiang family, she would actually gamble with Xia Yu, but it is a pity.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath, gently wiped the crystal from the corner of his eyes, then turned and walked towards the subordinates who had been waiting for a long time.

"Continue to report."


Generally, big-name clothing conferences are held in Faguo. After all, there is a fashion capital with a long history, and fashion people from all walks of life gather there.

Even many shows in Huaguo are sometimes held in Faguo.

At the beginning, Xia Wanyuan participated in the World Design Competition in Faguo. At this time, everyone thought that Xia Wanyuan would strike while the iron was hot and go to Faguo to showcase new summer products and further expand the international market.

But no one thought that Xia Wanyuan had no plans to hold a physical show this time.

Instead, it is preparing to release this big show in the form of an online show.

After the official announcement of Xiuyi’s official announcement, it immediately aroused controversy among all parties.

【Innovation is not so innovative, right? . . . Isn’t clothes worn on people? I don’t understand what the internet show means. 】

【I don't care, I support Xia Banyuan unconditionally and it's over. Anyway, I think Xia Banyuan never disappoints me. 】

When there was a lot of controversy on the Internet, in the suburbs of the imperial capital, a large-scale runway between landscapes, based on real scenes, combined with digital painting and visual special effects synthesis technology, was in full preparation.

In order to meet the requirements of ten different background pictures, almost the entire scenic spot here has been packaged by Xiafeng Group, and a steady stream of various materials are airlifted here from all over the country every day.

In addition to class, Xia Wanyuan would come to guide the completion of various sets whenever he had time. In just one week, he lost about five catties.

Jun Shiling was angry and distressed.

There will be updates in the afternoon and evening,

(End of this chapter)

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